The spiritual weapon, the Black Mist Spirit Sword. The weapon spirit is made from the mist spirit, a heaven-level spirit, and cast from the black mist stone, an earth-level spirit, and a variety of materials. It comes with three combat skills.

One of the attached combat skills: Black Mist: During combat, black mist is released to confuse the enemy's sight, and the sword blade can be hidden in the black mist.

Comes with the second combat skill: Mist addiction: Absorb black mist to enhance the power of the sword. Can be improved up to three times.

It comes with the third combat skill: Mist Spirit Explosion; the power of the sword explodes, greatly increasing the power of the spiritual sword. This technique can be used up to three times. After three times, the sword blade will break into pieces.

Integrate a drop of blood into the body of the black long sword and complete the recognition of the owner. The above-mentioned piece of information suddenly appeared in Chen Yi's mind.

An artifact above the level of a heaven-level weapon will have a combat skill attached to it. Spiritual weapons often come with two or more combat skills. Of course, the premise must be the type of weapon, such as swords, guns, swords, halberds, etc. The previous fuzzy statues and desert spiritual diamonds do not belong to this category, but their abilities are actually equivalent to combat skills, but they are relatively simple.

"What a sword!"

Chen Yi waved the black long sword twice, and a layer of black mist suddenly swept away, making the corners of his mouth curl up.

This sword can be used as his main weapon.

As a top-level spiritual weapon, this sword can still be used even when he returns to the peak of his previous life as a sage. But at that time, it is necessary to retreat from the main weapon to the secondary weapon. After all, the Blood God Sword will be almost fully upgraded by then.

"Ding! Congratulations on ranking first in the overall standings and getting a top spiritual weapon!"

"Ding! Congratulations on being second in the overall standings and getting a top-notch spiritual weapon!"

"Ding! Congratulations on being third in the overall standings and getting an ordinary spiritual weapon!"

At this time, ten prompts sounded again in my ears.

Except for the first and second, from the third to the tenth, they are all ordinary spiritual weapons.

Top spiritual weapons, top quality spiritual weapons, ordinary spiritual weapons...

When they heard about these rewards, countless monks went crazy for them again!

Because even the most common spiritual weapon is extremely precious. Not to mention the best spiritual weapons and the top spiritual weapons.

"MD, I must be on the list!!"

"No one can compete with me. My name will definitely be among the top ten in the standings in two months' time!!"

The monk who had given up the idea once again ignited a raging fire.

One is the temptation of the spiritual weapon, and the other is that they discovered something.

Since two months have passed, the ranking points have been recalculated.

According to the rules, the four rankings are calculated every two months. So as soon as two months passed, everyone was back on the same starting line.

This means that they will not have to catch up with the terrifying million points, or even six million points!

Of course, previous points will still be retained in the overall standings. However, this total points will not be included in the points for the next two months. It will only be counted until the Mysterious Realm of All Realms is closed, which will be within the six-month total points.

In short, points will be recalculated for the next two months.

Chen Yi's 6.09 million points were directly wiped out.

If you want to be on the list again in the next two months, you can only gain points again.

But he wasn't too stressed about it.

After all, in his memory of his previous life, there were still places like Shazu Holy Palace that he had not visited!

After getting the list reward, Chen Yi left the hidden cave and headed straight in one direction.

Time flies, and half a month passes in the blink of an eye.


With an explosion, a fifth-level realm beast in front of him exploded, and a palm-sized realm crystal fell out.

"Ding, your ranking has changed!"

Chen Yi put it away, and the energy token reminder sounded in his ears.

After taking a look at the rankings, he is currently ranked 150th in the lower division and 2602nd in the overall standings.

"It's only risen so many..."

He couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

After learning about the rewards half a month ago, many monks began to exert their efforts, so that the ranking competition became particularly fierce.

During the past half month, he had gained nearly 150,000 points, including killing the fifth-level beast in front of him. Two months ago, this was enough points to definitely get into the top 20 or 30, but now it can't even get into the top 100. You can imagine how fierce the competition is now.

But he was not in a hurry, because he would catch up soon.

"The Stone Elephant Palace should be right in front."

Whispering in his mouth, Chen Yi continued to move forward towards the huge forest in front of him.


But after walking a certain distance forward, his brows couldn't help but frown.

Because he had walked a long way forward, he actually returned to the position where he had just killed the fifth-level spirit beast. There are some traces of the battle he just left next to it, so it's very clear.

"A maze of formations..."

As he murmured to himself, the Holy Blood Pearl in Chen Yi's dantian bloomed with light, and a pair of pupils gave up a little purple.

Purple pupils.

"As expected!"

Under the purple in front of him, Chen Yi saw everything in front of him clearly.

His current location was close to the center of this huge forest. It's just that in the central area, which is dozens of miles in radius, there is a confusing circle of miasma.

Previously, he was obviously confused by the miasma of the maze, which made him walk around the edge of the maze. Only then will the scene of returning to the previous position appear.

If it weren't for the purple pupil, he would probably have been confused here all the time.

But with the purple pupil, everything in front of him became clear.

He stepped forward.

He soon arrived at the miasma location.


Feeling the miasma, his eyebrows immediately raised.

Originally, he thought that the miasma was naturally formed, but now that he felt it personally, he could be sure that it was man-made.

Setting up a maze in this area...

"Not good! The Stone Elephant Palace must have been discovered!!"

As if realizing something, Chen Yi's expression changed.

He did not dare to neglect it and quickly accelerated towards the center.

He spent half a month coming here from the wasteland near the Shazu Saint Palace, just for a Stone Elephant Palace in the center of this place. There is also a legacy of an ancient strongman in it.

"Damn it, shouldn't it be discovered in more than a month?"

As he moved forward, he couldn't help cursing.

He didn't rush all the way here, thinking that this place would be discovered in more than a month in his previous life. Unexpectedly, it was ahead of schedule!

"Is it the butterfly effect again?"

Thinking of this, Chen Yi couldn't help but pursed his lips.


Before he could think more, he heard a sharp sound of breaking wind.


His eyes condensed, and he braked suddenly.

He saw a sharp arrow shot horizontally, almost brushing past him, and with a "bang" it directly pierced a palm-sized hole in the trunk of a tree next to it. Then it passed until it was in front of a boulder, and it broke a circle of stone chips on it before it stopped on the top.

The power was amazing!

His eyes immediately looked at the place where the sharp arrow came from.

But there was no one there!


Before he could think more, another sharp sound of breaking wind sounded in his ears.

He quickly jumped to avoid it.

"Thunder and fire destruction ball!"

At the same time, he raised his hand and a thunder and fire energy ball gathered and shot in that direction.


The fireball directly destroyed a big tree, but the person on it had disappeared long ago.


Then, there was a sound of breaking wind from the other side.

"Fast shadow splits!"

This time he went straight to face it. Just at the moment of contact, his whole body split into four, and four shadows swept forward at the same time.

The person who shot the arrow was obviously on the trunk of a big tree in front.


But after just one look, he saw the other party's body flash and disappear again.


But Chen Yi had already caught his flashing trajectory, the wind spirit body, the "Fast Shadow" under his feet was at full speed. The four split shadows gathered together in an instant, and with a "whoosh" flash, they instantly chased to the trunk of another big tree.

The person who shot the arrow was a minute slower than him before he flashed to the trunk.


Seeing Chen Yi appear in front of him, the person who shot the arrow was shocked and wanted to jump back.

But how could Chen Yi do as he wished?

The three-color lightning fire boiled on his arm, and a punch broke through the air and hit the other party.


The man who shot the arrow flew out with his bow and body, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

He fell heavily in front of a huge rock dozens of meters away, and his body hit it and spit out another mouthful of blood.

But he didn't dare to stop at all, and hurriedly got up and wanted to move.


However, a hand full of terrifying power had already landed on his shoulder and pressed it directly on the boulder. With a "crack", his shoulder bone was directly cracked.


He let out a scream.

Chen Yi didn't care whether the other party screamed or not, he just pressed the other party to death, and then he saw the appearance of the man who shot the arrow.

A man wrapped in a black robe, with a silver number '72' on the black robe.

"Qingyun Empire!!"

The moment he saw the other party's appearance, Chen Yi let out a low cry.


Hearing this, the black-robed man with the number '72' on his clothes and hat didn't care about the pain, and looked up at him with a face full of astonishment.

Chen Yi ignored the other party's surprise, because he was also a little surprised at this moment.

Qingyun Empire, I didn't expect that he would meet someone from Qingyun Empire here...

This Qingyun Empire is a very large top force. However, this force is different from ordinary top forces. Their entire force is used to walking in the dark. To be precise, they are a top killer force!

The entire force is full of first-class killers!

As long as you can afford it, they can even assassinate the emperor!

In his previous life, Chen Yi was once targeted by the Qingyun Empire, so he knew them a little bit. The outfit in front of him is exclusive to the Qingyun Empire.

I didn't expect to meet him here in this life.

In this way, the Stone Elephant Palace was also discovered by the other party...

Chen Yi's eyes were solemn.


At the same time, he suddenly stretched out his hand and hit the other party's arm hidden in his sleeves.


The black-robed man felt pain, and a token suddenly fell out of his sleeves.

The token was engraved with the word "Qingyun" in large letters, and also had a number "72" on it, the same as the other party's clothes.

This number represented the other party's elite sequence.

Only the elites or elite seeds of the Qingyun Empire had a sequence number. In each generation of the Qingyun Empire, one hundred elite seeds, referred to as elite candidates, would be selected.

The man in black robe in front of me is obviously one of them.


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