Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1190: That's all you can do

At this time, Taigu also looked at his companions, and the fate of these people was not much better.

It can be said that confronting Lin Yun now is a very serious problem.

And with the methods they currently have at their disposal, defeating Lin Yun is simply a dream.

Maybe they know this in their hearts, but they don't have any good solutions at all.

Compared with Lin Yun, Qin Xiyan is also not bad at all.

Qin Xiyan did not choose to kill anyone now, but forcibly restrained them where they could not move.

Lin Yun suppressed Taigu while killing Taigu's companions one after another.

As time passed, even Taigu had figured out their purpose, and Lin Yun was not prepared to waste time on this matter.

After all, they may send reinforcements at any time.

If Lin Yun wants to stay out of the matter.

The best way is to kill all the so-called opponents in front of you in the shortest possible time.

When he saw that there were fewer and fewer companions around him who could continue to fight, even Taigu finally realized at this time that he could no longer stop anything.

"You guys don't look as powerful as I thought, but you are quite tough. Now, what are you going to do?"

Lin Yun looked at Taigu with a smile.

Having so many companions die and not being able to complete the mission also made Taigu feel heavy.

They came here to take away the Boundary Breaking Pearl from Lin Yun's hand.

But now the result is obviously very different from what they thought before.

"If we continue like this, all our previous efforts will really be wasted."

"The kid's methods in front of me are really weird. I have no choice but to fight him."

Taigu applauded for the first time in his heart, and then looked at Lin Yun.

"To be able to be valued so highly by that person, you are indeed a difficult opponent."

When Taigu spoke, the energy in his body began to fluctuate strangely.

Seeing that this guy was ready to fight him desperately, Lin Yun laughed softly at this moment.

"Because I can't just leave this rift."

"So no matter who stops in front of me today, there is a result."


When Lin Yun killed several of Taigu's companions, he unexpectedly discovered that these people did not leave any corpses behind after they died.

Their bodies seemed to be burned by a ball of flames and instantly dissipated, leaving only a blue bead.

This made Lin Yun couldn't help but think of a way to pass here before.

That is to kill all the weird creatures that are close to the void rift.

Now Lin Yun finally understood.

Another way to close the Void Rift is to continuously kill the Void Tribe here, seize the core from the Void Tribe, and then close the Void Rift.

After thinking about this clearly, Lin Yun naturally wouldn't say anything more. Every enemy here must be killed.

Taigu thought that after using his own strength to explode, he should still be able to compete with Lin Yun.

But what Taigu didn't expect was that the moment this thought crossed his mind, Lin Yun's cold laughter came to his ears.

"The field unfolds."

The next moment, Taigu felt that his movements became extremely slow.

He could clearly feel that his movements had been restrained by Lin Yun, but unfortunately, he could not find any means of resistance now.

Throughout the entire battle, Lin Yun had always been in control, but now all Taigu could do was to struggle to the death.

Even though he had thought of more possibilities before this, when it actually happened, Taigu still felt extremely desperate in his heart.

"I said this battle was not as easy as you thought from the beginning, and it is naturally the same now."

Lin Yun looked at Taigu coldly and said calmly.

In this state, he knew more clearly what he could do.

While talking, Lin Yun had already arrived at Taigu's side, and then gently patted his shoulder.

"Those people behind you don't seem to be that powerful."

"It's only a matter of time before we can deal with you."

Taigu's eyes widened. At this moment, he was really frightened by Lin Yun, because at that moment, he didn't realize how Lin Yun came to him at all.

This man just disappeared without a trace.

Even though Taigu was already thinking about it at this time, it was still meaningless.

On the other hand, Lin Yun had a faint smile on his lips, and looking at the serious look on his face, he actually looked particularly calm.

However, Lin Yun did not give Taigu more time to react.

A ray of extreme consciousness sank directly into Taigu's head.

There is no need to dwell on anything at this time. Anyway, their respective positions still dictate that it is naturally impossible for Lin Yun to reconcile with these guys.

And they came here to protect the Boundary Breaking Pearl in Lin Yun's hand, so it was natural for Lin Yun to get rid of these guys first.

Taigu probably never thought that he would leave so hastily until his death.

This battle didn't last long, and Taigu just left with hatred.

After doing all this, Lin Yun turned his attention to several other people.

Of course, their fate was the same as Taigu's, they were killed one by one by Lin Yun instantly.

After dealing with these people, Lin Yun was relieved.

"I probably know how to solve the problem of cracks, but this also means that we need to start a big battle here."

When Lin Yun spoke, he had already started to lay out the formation, although there were still many uncertainties in this battle for him.

But since it has come to this point today, it is no longer related to other things.

From the very beginning, Lin Yun had made the fastest plan, so even if he knew that this battle might be a little different from what he thought.

But Lin Yun would never admit his mistakes.

"It doesn't matter, since this is the only way, let's see what these guys can do."

Qin Xiyan was not afraid of the upcoming challenge, and she also understood that when she stood here, she had no choice.

Fortunately, Lin Yun had other people to help him, otherwise it would be difficult for him alone to deal with it.

With the help of Fang Xiuji and Chong Qingniao.

Things soon took a turn for the better.

The speed of the formation arrangement was far beyond their expectations.

It can be said that everything was much faster than they thought.

After completing this series of things, Lin Yun slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, it depends on how many enemies they have.

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