Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1196 Give up this world

Under the current situation, no one thinks that Lin Yun can escape from here.

After all, the enemy he faces is much stronger than he thought.

And Lin Yun seems to have forced himself into a dead end.

Even Lin Yun himself has had this idea.

But even at this time, he still hasn't thought about leaving here, after all, Lin Yun has experienced too much along the way.

Even if Qin Xiyan said before that Lin Yun didn't know if he would die here.

But for Lin Yun, even if he wants to escape now, he has no chance.

Just looking at the scale of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance and the Void Clan, you can tell that they have made up their minds to trap Lin Yun to death here.

The Wanxiang Sword Formation can still hold on for a while now, but if it continues like this, no one knows what will be waiting for them later.

At this time, Lin Yun had an idea in his mind.

He still has the Eight Realms Tower in his hand.

And the leader of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance here is a young man.

Lin Yun took a look.

The real age is probably over a hundred years old.

However, his cultivation talent is excellent. He can reach the level of Saint Venerable in less than 300 years. For ordinary practitioners, this is already the top stream.

No wonder this guy came here so swaggeringly.

After all, for him, his own realm has indeed reached a peak.

So he wanted to challenge Lin Yun.

Originally thought that things could always be solved smoothly, but unexpectedly, Lin Yun standing here was not so easy to deal with.

At this moment, Lin Yun's mind also flashed thousands of thoughts.

Facing such a powerful opponent, how should he solve it?

"I advise you to give up. When I stand here, it means that all your hopes have been cut off, and you should know what the final result will be."

Yu Yuanzhou looked at Lin Yun and snorted disdainfully.

In his opinion, he has now mastered all the initiative, and it is only a matter of time to kill Lin Yun.

Facing Yu Yuanzhou's provocation, Lin Yun still maintained absolute rationality at this time.

He also understood that if his emotions fluctuated too much, he would most likely lose the initiative in this battle.

So no matter what, he had to control his emotions.

On the contrary, Qin Xiyan, who was beside Lin Yun, was quite angry when she heard this guy's arrogant answer.

"You guys keep saying that you are doing this for the benefit of the people of the world, but at the critical moment, you are the first to stand up and make trouble."

"We are about to close this void rift, but you are now trying to interfere."

"After we leave here, we will make your faces public. By then, everyone will know what the Ten Thousand Races Alliance has done. I really want to see how much benefit you can squeeze out of others."

Qin Xiyan looked at Yu Yuanzhou and said loudly.

But unfortunately, Yu Yuanzhou and others didn't care if they were really afraid of this happening.

They had already started to change their situation long before this.

But there was still no movement until now, which could only mean that they had never taken this matter to heart.

Lin Yun looked at the people in front of him coldly.

"There is indeed no room for easing the conflict between me and the Void Clan, but we are all human beings after all, so there is no need for you to kill us all."

"If you must fight today, I don't know who will have the last laugh."

When Lin Yun said this, his attitude was actually quite sharp.

His words were sharp.

Long before this, he had given these guys a lot of room for choice.

But these people didn't take Lin Yun's words to heart at all, so they created the current result.

But Lin Yun still has his own ideas, and of course he can't easily follow their arrangements.

Bogul glanced coldly at Yu Yuanzhou in the distance.

"This kid's strength is only at the Saint Venerable level, so you can't take action."

"Leave him to me, I will slowly trample him to death."

For Lin Yun, Bogul can be said to hate him to the bone, after all, Lin Yun had thwarted many of his plans before.

It's just that due to the situation at the time, Bogul couldn't do it well.

But now it is different. All parties thought that Lin Yun could completely seal this void rift, and his move at this time was just perfect.

Unfortunately, after Bogul finished speaking, he was rejected by Yu Yuanzhou.

"Please give me some face, I came here this time to challenge this guy."

"People say that he is a very rare and peerless strong man among the human race, but I don't think so, so today I want to see if this so-called human race strong man is really as powerful as he said."

Bogul sneered at Lin Yun and could hear it from his tone.

He still cares about the halo achievements that Lin Yun had obtained before, and now he just wants to break all the myths of Lin Yun.

He wants everyone to know.

Lin Yun was not as powerful as he said, but in fact he was just an ordinary practitioner.

"It seems that you are still unhappy about what I did in the past."

"It's a pity that you can't be satisfied in this way. So what if you can defeat me today?"

"So many void creatures were besieging me before. How do you know that I am going all out now?"

After knowing what Yu Yuanzhou was thinking, Lin Yun immediately changed his strategic policy. He was not trying to make a quick decision now, but was trying to delay as much time as possible.

He didn't believe that such a big movement from the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races and the Void Clan could really be ignored by the ancient survivors.

As long as these guys have the slightest idea, they will help at this critical moment.

But what Lin Yun didn't know was that he was currently in the camp of the ancient survivors.

Dong Xuantian looked at the group of people in front of him: "We have just received news that the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races has sent additional manpower to put pressure on us. Those who were originally sent to rescue Lin Yun had no choice but to withdraw."

"Now everything can only be relied on by Lin Yun himself. If he can survive, there will be a solution to the problem, but if it fails, we must be prepared to completely abandon the Shenhua Realm."

Before the outcome of this battle was decided, the ancient survivors had already made their choice.

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