Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1203 It's really over

Bogur fell into silence as he looked at the sword energy in front of him. He was originally quite worried about this matter, but he didn't expect that everything was just as he thought before.

Looking at Erzu again, the sword in his hand was already aimed at Bogur.

And what he said just now was definitely not a joke.

"Your Excellency is very powerful, and we are indeed not your opponents. In this case, we will just choose to leave."

"But your attitude now is still extremely determined to kill us. Isn't it a bit too underestimated that we are capable?"

As the saying goes, clay people have three points of anger, let alone Bogur now, who originally didn't have such complicated thoughts about this matter.

But he didn't expect that Erzu, who was standing in front of him at this time, had no intention of letting him leave here.

"The Void Clan and I are mortal enemies, so catching you here today means that you have no chance of leaving here again."

Erzu looked at Bogur and said.

At this time, Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan joined forces to suppress most of the enemies.

And the remaining guys in front of him naturally couldn't pose any threat to Erzu at all.

Because of this, their current situation will be a little different from before.

Bogur's face became ferocious.

"You are just a strong human being. Others are afraid of you, but it doesn't mean that I will be afraid of you as well."

"I have given you a chance just now, but you still want to do this. In this case, we can only fight to the death today."

Bogur knew that what Erzu said just now was not a joke. After this guy set his eyes on him, there was only one result.

Either kill Erzu in front of him, or be killed by Erzu in front of him.

But no matter what, the battle with Erzu in front of him is inevitable.

On the other side, Lin Yun saw Erzu and Bogur fighting, and he had already killed a large number of Void Clan.

Qin Xiyan stepped forward to hold back Yu Yuanzhou who wanted to escape.

At this moment, Yu Yuanzhou had been seriously injured after the previous battle with Erzu, and it was impossible for him to perform at his due level in this battle.

So after being targeted by Qin Xiyan, he was also quite troubled.

I wanted to stay out of it.

Since I knew that today's matter was difficult to solve, I could only choose to flee from here.

But he didn't expect Qin Xiyan to chase him and didn't intend to give him a chance to escape.

"I saw that you were a woman, so I didn't do anything ruthless, but if you continue to chase me like this, don't blame me for being rude."

At this point, Yu Yuanzhou was also angry.

But his words could not scare Qin Xiyan at all.

When Yu Yuanzhou was arrogant in front of Lin Yun just now, Qin Xiyan was already full of anger.

But she couldn't really take action under that situation, but the situation now is different.

But now that Qin Xiyan has been given this opportunity, she certainly can't forget everything that happened before.

Lin Yun can ignore this matter, but Qin Xiyan can't, so this time she has to help Lin Yun get back this place no matter what.

"Do you think you can compete with him just because of your status?"

"You can't even imagine the pain he endures, so you will never be on the same level."

Qin Xiyan sneered and said that the attacks continued to fall.

Yu Yuanzhou could only dodge in a panic.

He was as frustrated as he wanted now. If his strength could be stronger, he would not be unable to fight Qin Xiyan head-on.

But unfortunately, this was because of the previous injury, so he was completely unable to exert his peak combat power.

So when facing Qin Xiyan, he could only choose to retreat step by step.

And every time Qin Xiyan attacked, Yu Yuanzhou could only barely survive at the cost of injury.

At this rate, it might not take long for Yu Yuanzhou to be completely defeated, and Yu Yuanzhou himself knew it.

But now the entire battlefield is extremely chaotic, and no one can care about his life or death.

Lin Yun killed more and more opponents, and even those brought by Yu Yuanzhou were completely transformed by Fang Xiuji under his command.

Although these people could not exert their peak combat power in a short period of time, they could help Lin Yun stabilize the Void Clan.

It can be said that the situation on the entire battlefield is tilting towards Lin Yun little by little, not to mention that Erzu completely suppressed Fang Xiuji as soon as he made a move.

No matter how powerful this guy was before, in front of Erzu, all of Fang Xiuji's methods lost their effect.

The gap between the two was undoubtedly revealed at this moment, no matter how they viewed this issue before.

After nearly two hours, Lin Yun was even about to close the void rift again.

And Bogur wanted to leave several times.

But every time he wanted to act like this, Erzu would always interrupt him directly at the most critical moment, which almost made Bogur bleed.

On the other side, Qin Xiyan completely suppressed Yu Yuanzhou, and the guy's injuries became more and more.

But Qin Xiyan's offensive was much more fierce than he thought, so Yu Yuanzhou had no way to fight back.

At this rate, Yu Yuanzhou couldn't imagine how long he could hold on.

"Even if I have prepared myself mentally in advance, it is still incredible under such circumstances."

Yu Yuanzhou muttered in a low voice.

Even if I have prepared myself in advance, such a situation still makes people feel a little difficult to accept.

"From the moment you stand here, you should know that there will be such a day."

Qin Xiyan looked at Yu Yuanzhou coldly, and decided to completely wipe this guy out of this world.

The battle didn't last long in the end.

Half an hour later, Lin Yun successfully watched the void rift.

And Bogur was left here, so when the rift closed, he could feel that his strength was greatly weakened, and he became more fragile in an instant.

Originally, he was not Erzu's opponent, and now it is impossible for him to pose any threat to Erzu.

Yu Yuanzhou on the other side was not much better. He had completely lost the ability to resist under Qin Xiyan's attack.

Looking at his bloody appearance, it was obvious that he had suffered a lot in the previous battle.

After Lin Yun finished all this, he smiled and shook his head.

"Finally, I succeeded in improving this point, otherwise I really don't know what kind of big fuss they would make."

Before this, Lin Yun thought that his plan this time would fail.

Unexpectedly, he was able to turn the tide.

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