Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1219: Completely Unfathomable

During this battle, Lin Yun has been paying attention to the changes in the panel.

He also understands who will be the last laugh in this battle.

The key to the problem is how they view the various events that happened in this battle.

If it were before, Lin Yun might really not understand whether he could do these things.

But now he is quite clear about what limit he can do.

But with the bonus of the panel, many things are not so complicated in his eyes.

It is precisely for this reason that he can be invincible in this battle.

Facing these guys in front of him, he did not show any fear at all. This is Lin Yun’s current strength.

And in this battle, he can also perfectly show his advantages.

If there were still some concerns about these things before, then at this moment, it is completely terrified.

"This guy has some special means. If we let him continue to grow like this, all our plans will fail. So today, no matter how much it costs, we must kill him here."

Secretly looking at Lin Yun, his voice trembling.

For him, he was already standing on the cusp of the storm, and no matter what the final result was, he could not allow himself to fail.

No one knew who would have the last laugh in the battle with Lin Yun, but at least they could not retreat at this time.

After all, this was about the future of all entropy beasts.

And at this time, Lin Yun also saw the entropy beasts coming from a distance.

There were many of these entropy beasts, but they could not cause any danger to Lin Yun at all.

The initiative of this battle was originally completely in the hands of Lin Yun.

And after facing the siege, Lin Yun also reacted instantly.

"Just relying on you guys to deal with me, it's a bit too simple to think about things."

"If it was before, there might be this possibility, but now there is no such opportunity."

Lin Yun did not think about it and directly summoned his Panlong Ding.

The battle has reached this point today, and the next thing to do is to completely destroy all the hopes of these guys. Lin Yun also knew that it was impossible to defeat them by his own strength.

But Lin Yun's hope was very slim, but now he had to try it after all.

As long as enough opponents can be eliminated on this battlefield, it will be a huge help for the front battlefield.

So no matter what aspect is considered, Lin Yun will never give up hope at this time.

Not to mention the previous performance of these entropy beasts, which also let Lin Yun see the possibility of continuing to fight.

As long as he does not admit defeat, Lin Yun does not believe that these entropy beasts can really deal with him.

The entropy beasts never thought that this human would be so difficult.

They would never think that they had fought hard for so long, but still had no way to deal with Lin Yun.

And Lin Yun is also relying on his complete control of the initiative at this moment, and he is merciless to these guys.

Qin Xiyan is about to be surrounded by a large number of monsters.

But Chongqingniao led the puppets and Xiaobai to appear suddenly at the critical moment.

"If this kid makes any decision, he must have his own ideas. Isn't it clear when you see it?"

If it were someone else, he might not realize what the situation is at this time.

But Chongqingniao has been with Lin Yun for so long, and he is no longer surprised by any means shown by this man.

It seems difficult to achieve something in the eyes of others, but for Lin Yun, there is always a solution.

Qin Xiyan didn't know what to say at this time to describe her mood clearly.

Indeed, for them, this battle is really precious.

"Although we have the upper hand now, it doesn't mean that we can sit back and relax next time."

However, Qin Xiyan did not show much optimism, although Lin Yun's fighting power is indeed strong, which has brought them great shock.

But now their enemies are also rushing up from all directions, no matter how good their previous performance was.

At this time, facing such a large number of enemies, they should always show a little fear.

Qin Xiyan is right, the battle has just begun.

How to solve this battle next is an unknown for many people.

However, Chong Qingniao is still willing to believe in his previous thoughts. Lin Yun is actually ready to fight here.

Then there must be other ways to make these guys in front of them unable to eat their bags.

"Then let's wait and see what tricks this kid has yet to use."

"When that time comes, you will understand that those so-called opponents may seem strong, but when it comes to fighting, they are just paper tigers."

The knowledgeable Zhong Qingniao did not think that there would be any other unexpected situations later. For him, since Lin Yun had already arrived at this battlefield.

That meant that this battle was basically unlikely to have any abnormal situation.

Qin Xiyan did not say anything else, but just tried to persist in this battle.

On the other side, the armies of the four major sects gradually gathered at this time.

They did not have much advantage in the tug-of-war with the entropy beast, just because they attacked very suddenly.

So the entropy beast did not react in time, after all, the number of elements they transformed was not large.

But after the two sides were deadlocked for a while, the speed of the entropy beast's control slowly increased.

And from this point of view, they seemed to have full confidence in the upcoming war, which was a trouble for the four major sects.

Guan Yuanming has been paying attention to the situation on the entire battlefield, and also paying attention to the rear.

He did not forget that although he was now involved in this massive war.

But the Ten Thousand Races Alliance has been eyeing it covetously, even if Lin Yun had said before that these guys would not easily take action in a short time.

But now Guan Yuanming still has to be careful and guard against accidents that may occur at any time.

I hope these people will not attack us at this critical juncture, otherwise they will really be a trouble.

Guan Yuanming thought secretly in his heart.

All we can hope is that these guys will abide by what they agreed to before.

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