Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1221 The Bull That Never Gets Tired

"Right now we don't know much about the thoughts of these entropy beasts, we just found a possibility."

"But maybe the goal of these guys is not just to convert the owner, but even a longer-term idea."

Guan Yuanming had already begun to arrange his troops on the map.

"But no matter what, we cannot ignore it."

"The logistical fights from the major families have arrived. Now several armies are immediately dispatched to assist them and at the same time reduce the scope of the entropy beast's activities as much as possible."

"But in order to ensure that guys like the Entropy Beast can directly attack us, we need to strengthen our defense."

Guan Yuanming just glanced at the map and immediately found what he should do next.

There are indeed many possibilities in this situation, but Guan Yuanming has already made a complete plan.

He knows better than anyone else what he should do now to stand out from this series of problems.

Seeing Guan Yuanming looking so serious, Li Shuang next to him finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The same entropy beast suddenly underwent such abnormal changes, and many people noticed it.

Originally, they all wanted to use this opportunity to eliminate all these entropy beasts.

But who would have thought that at this critical moment, these entropy beasts that were impossible to retreat would suddenly retreat. Likewise, the four major sects had no idea what the situation was.

"It stands to reason that these guys should fight with us until the end. Even if they live or die, they must use their pollution power to pollute us."

"But now these guys are actively retreating. Are they really afraid of losing this war?"

Even Kong Liansheng couldn't understand what these entropy beasts were thinking at this time. He had been fighting with these entropy beasts for so many years.

But this was the first time he saw the entropy beast in this situation.

At this time, a man next to him whispered.

"I think the reason why they arranged this is just because they found some clues about Lin Yun, so they couldn't wait to move in all at this time."

"The purpose is to completely solve Lin Yun, so on this issue, I think we should deal with it more carefully. These things are not so easy to settle."

Indeed, this matter is not as simple as they say, and the subsequent situation will only be more complicated than they thought.

And how they can stand out next depends on their own abilities.

Nearly two days have passed in the blink of an eye.

During these two days, Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan also fully demonstrated their full power.

At this moment, there were countless corpses piled up around Lin Yun. Each of these guys did not believe in evil and thought they could take the opportunity to sneak attack Lin Yun.

The actual situation is that the moment they have this idea, they will be captured by Lin Yun's murderous field.

And Lin Yun could find the best way to crack these guys with just one look.

What's more, Lin Yun still has Bai in his hands.

Lin Yun, who possesses the Flame of Chaos, is even more terrifying in battle. It is difficult to find anyone who can be his opponent.

Therefore, in this battle, Lin Yun is equivalent to having a radar that allows him to detect enemies who want to attack him in the shortest possible time.

It didn't matter in a short time, but as time went by, no matter how crazy these monsters were, they realized that it was impossible to kill this human being.

As for the entropy beasts, they don't want to get involved in this troublesome matter.

"What should we do now? Our mission is to kill this human being, but now we still haven't been able to take any useful measures."

The two entropy beasts looked at each other, neither of them expected that the situation of this war would turn into what it is now.

Their original plan has completely failed, and the subsequent situation may undergo even greater changes.

"No matter what this human being wants to do, his current plan has been successful. Our situation is not much better, but we absolutely cannot continue like this."

Anok looked at Lin Yun coldly and could feel the murderous aura released from his body.

It was because he had seen Lin Yun's strength that he decided to kill this human being right now.

Only in this way can we ensure that our plans will not change in the next period of time.

Lin Yun slowly raised the Chaoyang Sword in his hand.

"Is this all you have in terms of strength?"

"If there is a more powerful method, then you should show it to me at this time. There are really not enough people for me to fight now."

Things have come to an end, and at this time, Lin Yun is still full of confidence in what may happen next.

And he doesn't think these guys can pose any kind of threat to him.

As mentioned before, these opponents are indeed powerful.

But the power that Lin Yun can control is definitely not something that people like them can control.

Anok glanced at it, and Lin Yun also frowned at this time.

Indeed, under this current situation, who can guarantee that the next situation will be as usual?

Originally, Anok thought that he had completely grasped the initiative in this battle.

As for what the final outcome will be, there is no need to worry too much.

Who would have thought that the battle was like a completely unequal force from the very beginning.

The ability displayed by Lin Yun was too powerful, which made them retreat step by step.

However, after fighting for such a long time, even if Lin Yun was really a donkey in the production team, he could not bear such pressure at all. At this moment, his breathing began to become unstable.

"It seems that you are not as powerful as you think. Now you are also in a slump in this battle."

Arnock came to Lin Yun little by little, smiling at the human in front of him.

And Lin Yun just glanced at Arnock coldly.

"So, in your opinion, can you beat me with your current appearance?"

Facing Arnock's ridicule, Lin Yun did not give any face and directly retorted.

Hearing Lin Yun's question, Arnock really didn't know what he should say, because he had to admit that Lin Yun was indeed more powerful than he thought.

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