Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1224 The disappearance of Qin Xiyan

"Hehe, we haven't fought like this for a long time, and now we finally found a suitable opportunity."

Chong Qingniao looked at these guys in front of him, and there was no trace of fear in his eyes at this moment.

For Chongqingniao, the outcome of this battle was already determined from the beginning, regardless of how exhausted Lin Yun was now.

However, this guy is not easily defeated.

On the contrary, because of the power of authority in his hands, coupled with the stars in his dantian, these all gave Lin Yun the possibility to continue fighting.

The opponent is indeed strong, there is no doubt about it.

But when these people are standing here, not everyone can defeat them, so they want to kill these guys in front of them?

It still lacks some heat.

"Don't be so happy too early. It's just the beginning now. How can we win this battle next?"

"That still depends on how well we perform in this battle."

Lin Yun sneered, holding the Chaoyang Sword tightly with one hand.

If I was still a little worried before, I am completely relieved now.

Although it is still unclear what this matter will look like later, I am indeed relaxed a lot at this time.

After all, they already know what these guys in front of them are doing.

Now there is no need to worry so much in this case.

All problems will be under your control.

Xiaobai also roared at this time, slapped his chest with both hands, held a stick in his hand, and then rushed into the enemy camp at an extremely fast speed.

I saw Xiao Bai waving the stick in his hand, and all the monsters in front of him were blown away one after another.

Although Anok knew that Xiao Bai was very powerful before, who would have thought that this little guy's power seemed to be much stronger than before.

From the looks of it, there should be no need to worry about any other changes in the future.

"Looking at it like this, the specific situation shouldn't be much worse than I thought, although there are still many questions."

"But these guys can't wait for support, but here I can completely grasp their every move."

Lin Yun murmured in a low voice, and Chong Qingniao was also covering Lin Yun's head at this time.

"I said, don't be nagging here at this time. You should hurry up and kill all these stinky fish and shrimps. I thought they were so powerful."

There were too many monsters, hundreds of thousands of them. Even if it had been two days, it was still difficult to kill them all with Lin Yun's strength.

Not to mention that there was a steady stream of monsters coming to support him, which would only delay Lin Yun in this battle.

But it's different now, because I already know what the situation is.

Now Lin Yun definitely doesn't have to hold back, even if there is no way to kill all his opponents instantly.

But as long as they can be delayed and then destroy everything they want to protect, there will be no problem in the next situation.

"When are we going to take action? This kid keeps taking action."

Although it won't take long for these low-level monsters to be transformed, their situation is already like this now.

Lin Yun has endured so much pollution, does he really not feel any pain?

Not to mention, there are three modified bodies that are constantly attacking Lin Yun.

Even if this guy had shown himself to be very powerful before, he must be in a very difficult situation no matter how you think about it.

But looking at Lin Yun's current state, there is no such possibility.

Even the moment this thought flashed through their minds, several sword energy exploded directly, and those monster beasts disappeared before they could take action.

And those monsters that are relatively close together will explode instantly because Lin Yun throws a ball of white flame directly from his hand.

If this continues, no matter how large the number of monsters is, it should be difficult to have any impact on this battle.

"Don't worry yet. Even if you attack this kind of person at the critical moment, it will be of no use."

Anok squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Yun. If he was still worried about this matter before, he felt differently now.

It was obvious that something was wrong with Lin Yun's current situation, but what really worried Anoke was the missing Qin Xiyan.

There is suddenly one person missing at this juncture, no matter who it is, it will be very strange.

Of course Anok thought so too, and there must be other clues in this matter.

But no one can explain what happened now.

"You can just keep an eye on this guy's every move. If you really want to make a move, you can easily deal with it."

They have all become like this. It seems that neither Lin Yun nor Xiao Bai actually have much fighting power.

They are not worth mentioning at all now, but the only thing they must take seriously now is the disappeared Qin Xiyan.

"We know, this guy's power shouldn't be fully utilized now, right? In this way, we can also deal with them through subsequent battles."

Several entropy beasts were also full of confidence at this time, and they did not think that Lin Yun could pose any threat to them at this time.

If we follow what Arnock said just now, there is no way to improve Lin Yun's combat power now.

In this case, we can quickly deal with these troubles next.

"What about you? This kid is like this now, aren't you going to take action to solve it?"

At this time, several entropy beasts next to him looked at Arnock curiously and asked curiously.

And these people also shook their heads casually.

Arnock smiled and said:

"Look carefully, this guy is not a threat at all, but the real headache for us is the missing Qin Xiyan."

"Don't forget what our main purpose of staying here this time is."

"In this situation, don't you understand how you should solve it next?"

After Arnock finished speaking, he began to observe the surroundings. He didn't believe that Qin Xiyan could really disappear so easily?

In this area, could Qin Xiyan still escape so easily?

Several entropy beasts also looked around blankly at this time.

After Arnock said this, they realized that the situation was a little bit wrong.

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