It's a pity that these entropy beasts didn't have time to react.

When this thought flashed through their minds, they unexpectedly found that Lin Yun had disappeared from their sight, and when he reappeared, the sword in his hand had already fallen on the neck of one of the entropy beasts.

"Thank you for your hard work. You have persisted for so long, just wanting to defeat me in various ways."

"But unfortunately, your ability is not enough to threaten me, and I have full lethality to you."

The previous battle was not a waste of time. In the process of fighting with these entropy beasts, Lin Yun seemed to be suppressed.

But in fact, he also grasped the flaws of these guys' attacks little by little.

As long as he grasped the timing of these flaws in the subsequent battles, Lin Yun could easily turn the situation around.

And in fact, it was true. The moment he took control of the situation, everything was different.

"Maybe this guy has been pretending before."

Several entropy beasts were stunned. How could they have thought that a battle would become so difficult.

They would never have thought that they had no ability to resist in front of Lin Yun.

Before, they saw that Arnock had no particularly good way to deal with Lin Yun, and they still felt a little funny in their hearts.

Just a human race, do they really need to be so cautious?

But now after seeing this scene, they finally understood what was ridiculous. The previous idea was simply too naive for them.

The sudden change on the battlefield also made Arnock notice it at the first time, but when he saw the direction of Lin Yun, he couldn't help but frowned.

It stands to reason that the combat power displayed by Lin Yun now is indeed not weak.

But it is definitely not so difficult for them.

It's just that Arnock has no time to care about Lin Yun's life or death. The moment Qin Xiyan released the signal just now, he knew what he should do.

But Lin Yun's action was so fast that it was obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

The moment he had the killing intention, the power of the murderous field increased by more than a hundred times.

It also includes Lin Yun's speed and the power of his sword.

Chongqingniao and Xiaobai were responsible for isolating all the idle people around, so that they could not get close to Lin Yun, so that Lin Yun could end the battle as quickly as possible.

Several entropy beasts thought they were qualified to fight this human.

But they didn't expect that they were already beheaded after only a few minutes.

With the size of the panel and the strength of their own strength.

All means have completely surpassed the limits of what these guys can recognize.

In this case, it is conceivable what they are about to face.

After dealing with these guys, Lin Yun just laughed casually.

"Maybe you are really strong, but unfortunately you are facing me, which also determines your fate."

If these entropy beasts were to be dealt with by ordinary practitioners, they might really feel a headache.

But for Lin Yun at the moment, he didn't need to take it to heart at all. With these guys, he couldn't pose any threat to him.

Lin Yun was able to play his advantage well in this battle.

After dealing with these guys, Lin Yun also rushed to the location where Qin Xiyan released the signal just now.

As for the other battles, it was now in chaos. After Lin Yun killed several entropy beasts, these monsters had lost their restraints.

And in this state, the monsters will attack in various ways.

They can't even distinguish between enemies and friends, and will spare no effort to kill all the living beings around them.

So this chaotic scene is also imaginable.

Lin Yun will act after calculating all this.

No one thought.

The entropy beast actually left its most precious thing here.

Lin Yun successfully killed Qishou.

This also greatly reduced the combat effectiveness of the entropy beast, and they also understood it.

If you want to counterattack one day, you must create a new Qishou.

What Lin Yun didn't know at the time was that Qishou was dead.

But his will was indestructible, and the core he left behind was not scattered.

So the entropy beast gathered all these things and used the power of pollution to revive them.

The original plan would take a long time, but they didn't expect Lin Yun to seal the entire wilderness directly.

And they also knew that Lin Yun and his people would definitely try every means to eliminate them, so they finally made a more risky decision.

While attacking humans, they tried every means to revive Qishou.

This idea seems simple, but when it comes to actual operation, the difficulty is unimaginable.

Lin Yun also doesn't understand where these guys got the courage to be so crazy about this issue.

However, at this point, he can no longer treat everything as if it had never happened as before.

"Just relying on you to want to stop my plan is simply wishful thinking."

Lin Yun said that people had already arrived at Qin Xiyan's side, and Anok had just arrived at this time.

However, Anok's attack failed to pose any threat to Qin Xiyan.

After seeing Lin Yun, Qin Xiyan breathed a sigh of relief and gasped.

"Although I don't know exactly what this is, I can feel that this thing should be very important to the entropy beast."

When Qin Xiyan said this, she pointed behind herself.

There is a huge statue there.

At this moment, a large amount of polluted land was released from the center of the statue.

These powers of pollution will resurrect the nearby monsters that have fallen into coma and transform them into life forms contaminated with the power of pollution.

After these monsters are killed, their pollution power will re-gather into the statue at an extremely fast speed.

Anoke stared at Lin Yunske with an ugly expression. He didn't expect that Lin Yun would discover what he tried so hard to hide.

"It's too late to save it now. When I stand here, it means that your plan has been fully exposed, and I will solve the problem in my own way."

When he saw this statue, Lin Yun knew what he should do. No matter what, it was impossible for the entropy beast to summon this troublesome guy again.

Lin Yun had already paid a heavy price in order to eliminate Qi Shou.

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