Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1238: A fight to the death

The darkness and cruelty gradually dissipated, and bright light with far less evil aura than the previous realm shone on the body. Even if it was mixed with strong evil aura, it made the envoy from the different universe feel much more comfortable than the previous environment. He finally left. Ye Tian, ​​who was breathing the Youzhou air freely, had a strange feeling when the miserable prison was exposed to the light again. Even if his true intention does not change, he cannot deny that the oppression and horror of Youzhou Prison can only be regarded as a little boring to him, but what about ordinary gods? It is an endless suffocation and suppression that even the Mysterious Gods cannot bear. They will feel the terrible persecution that makes all laws collapse and fear them! It is indeed the arrangement of the Nether Poison Demon King. This is really a terrifying atmosphere. If the Nether Poison Demon King personally executes the execution, perhaps the legend about driving the saint crazy is not true.

Now that he has left the prison, he has left many soldiers of the Divine Army and even his friend Blood Heavenly Lord behind. Is this a kind of abandonment? What he wants to do is real rescue, of course not abandonment, but there is still that kind of momentum approaching him.

Ye Tian's eyes flashed with light. At this moment, he turned around and said to the three servants of the Holy Envoy: "You can act freely in Youzhou, and I will go to pay a visit to the Lord of this place, the Nightmare Demon King."

Meng Dange, Xiao Rushen, and Dixie Yuqing looked at each other, and then they all nodded. Meng Dange said: "This matter all depends on you. The Nightmare Demon King is so powerful that it shocks the universe, but I believe you can Fearless.”

As a human general, he is not even afraid of the Poisonous Demon King, but he also rationally understands how terrifying the Demon King is! But he has this kind of confidence in Ye Tian, ​​leading the gods to win the final decisive battle, and in this demon universe, Youzhou Prison is shaking with rage. This is the momentum of the Tongtian War Saint. He recognizes this junior and believes in the human race The rising stars are enough to create brilliance!

Ye Tian nodded. He was happy to obey the general's warning, but in this demon universe, he was a holy envoy of the God Realm, so he did not say thank you.

In just one step, the holy shadow is gone. He has not wandered around the land of Youzhou to untie the hero. Naturally, he has to be the fastest!

The three attendants of the Holy Envoy also watched Ye Tian disappear. The Saint was about to leave but would not leave even a trace, but they still felt something and did not leave immediately at this time. Especially Order Yuqing, at this time she felt that her world destiny was shaking. She had seen too much in Youzhou Prison. Compared with the shock of the prison itself, how could the firm will of the gods not shake her? Surprised? The Gods are born with powerful power and realm, wisdom and morality, but as a world-class genius, she still feels that there is too much to learn. Now, suddenly a flash of inspiration occurs, and it is time to master it!

Xiaoru Shen and Meng Dange also have their own thoughts. They also have their own tasks as servants of the Holy Envoy. Observing the customs and customs of this Youzhou is very precious information. Returning to the sacred universe can be written into a book, similar to the Tongtian War Review Book. It is of great value, so they cannot waste time and must move quickly.

But in Youzhou Prison, Long Cheng leisurely stepped over the spikes, swallowed the poisonous fog and smiled and continued to tell the story to the gods, but what he breathed out was the clanging iron horse, the clanging smile, the spine straight but extremely proud, painful. Yusha couldn't make him surrender, and his jade heart was shining brightly.

"The Holy Envoy of the God Realm wishes to meet the Nightmare Demon King." Standing in front of the heavily guarded Demon King's mansion, Ye Tian spoke solemnly in the most formal description, causing a guard with the power of a mysterious demon to flicker his eyes. At this time, he stood with his head held high, not wavering due to the arrival of the messenger who caused an uproar in the demon universe.

Ye Tian also stared at the leader of these guards coldly, needing to get an answer. He did not ask for a meeting. As an envoy of the God Realm, he did not have to talk to the Demon King in a low position.

But he is worthy of the appearance of a demon king. The leader of the guards is a handsome young man with a short beard wearing purple armor, and his strength is that of a prehistoric saint! He looked at Ye Tian and showed some respect, but said: "It's a bad time for the envoy to come. My king has important matters to deal with at this time and we can't meet him."

"Then I will wait here until the Nightmare Demon King's affairs are over." Ye Tian did not waver at all after hearing this. He just stood here with his hands on his chest and closed his eyes in front of the residence of the Nightmare Demon King. Thinking, waiting quietly for the Nightmare Demon King to greet you.

Although he has doubts, the desire to see the Holy Envoy from the God Realm is a really important matter. In comparison, the Nightmare Demon King's government affairs and even his understanding need to be compromised, so what matters does he need to put on top of it? But doubts were useless at this time. He simply waited here, without even radiating his holy thoughts. It could be said that he was just wasting his time in this demon universe, which made the leader of the guards a little stunned when he saw it. .

As the leader of the bodyguards of the Nightmare Demon King, he is naturally his most loyal confidant, so he hates Ye Tian extremely, and naturally does not show any pretense, but Ye Tian actually dares to take the initiative to see the Nightmare Demon King? The previous meeting with the Nightmare Demon King was under the order of the Demon Emperor, which was the most public in the entire demon universe and gave him enough face. However, he still dared to come to see the Nightmare Demon King. This was unlike him in the demon universe. Dai Tian's most terrifying enemy? Although he had a grudge, the leader of the guards had to admire the young man with his eyes closed. Even a saint would hardly have such courage, especially when he had faced the power of the Nightmare Demon King and even vowed to kill him.

At this time, Ye Tian was standing here waiting for him but could not drive him away, and the gazes of all the guards were ignored. This Tongtian War Saint is really a freak. Could it be that he started to realize himself in front of the Nightmare Demon King's Mansion? The looming destiny of the world shocked the three saints among the guards, but they simply ignored it and continued to guard this place, even if the Nightmare Demon King's Mansion could not encounter any attack challenge at all.

"The Holy Envoy of the God Realm, the king is free, you can come in, but please be prepared." The leader of the guards finally spoke, Ye Tian opened his eyes, the dark golden light seemed to be more dazzling than before, I don’t know what experience he has experienced that can actually transform him, who has defeated Lujiao Demon Marquis and Pancang Demon Marquis?

"It's not for visiting." Ye Tian just said lightly, but he was thinking.

be prepared? What to prepare? Is it possible that there is someone who needs more vigilance than the Nightmare Demon King?

Even if such doubts arose, Ye Tian did not hesitate to push the door in. The mansion of one of the most terrifying existences in the universe finally revealed its true appearance. This was a courtyard planted with many strange plants, and there were many decorations inside. The hall, this mansion looks huge from the outside, but it is even more vast inside, perhaps as big as millions of billions of universes? However, Ye Tian could see that in the innermost part of this palace-like hall was a pure black throne with green tattoos. The aura was too ancient and thick to be possessed by a demon king. At this time, the throne was vacant. Yes, but Ye Tian could see that there was a holy shadow sitting on both sides of the throne under the throne. The two holy shadows faced each other, both releasing incredible energy, but Ye Tian was completely unable to see these two holy shadows clearly. true appearance.

This kind of weirdness shocked Ye Tian even more. For him, space is naturally impossible to be an obstacle. These two holy shadows made him unable to see clearly. They are obviously much stronger than him. Now what he wants to see when he enters this house is Nightmare Demon King, then Nightmare Demon King is one of the two holy shadows, and who is the other holy shadow, who can actually sit on an equal footing with Nightmare Demon King? In the entire demon universe, how many saints can be so qualified?

Just the thought of this is enough to make one shudder.

"Welcome the Holy Envoy of the God Realm." A faint voice came, and the evil and power contained in it was extremely terrifying. Ye Tian knew that it was the Nightmare Demon King. He did not bother to say more, even the word "welcome" was not used. After all, he has already vowed to kill, so how can there be any possibility of cordial conversation? And when he opened his mouth like this, his figure was no longer hazy in Ye Tian's eyes. Ye Tian saw that the Nightmare Demon King was on his left. According to the direction of the throne in the hall, it was on the right, and he could vaguely feel the palace. The rule is that the right side is uppermost. He is the master, so he is naturally more noble.

Who is the other one? Although it looked extremely hazy, Ye Tian felt vaguely familiar. It was difficult for a saint's intuition to lie. This was someone he had dealt with before!

There are already some speculations in my mind, but it is too early to draw a conclusion directly. The existence opposite the Nightmare Demon King has not spoken, but it is faintly creating a pressure with the Nightmare Demon King that is so strong that it is suffocating. The area spreads throughout the entire hall, making it difficult for outsiders to approach. A casual thought of such a method can further prove its nobility and power.

"Is this to intimidate, or is it for consideration?" Ye Tian looked at this terrifying field and said directly without hesitation. In this field, there is the Holy Evil of the Nightmare Demon King and another equally terrifying, but hazy and mysterious. The two-phase interaction of breath and Tao seems to be extinguished. It is too difficult for an ancient saint to enter it!

It can almost be thought that the other holy figure has given an order to expel guests, but how can Ye Tian leave so easily? At this moment, looking at the terrifying field of light and dimming, he walked forward with confidence. With every step he took, the aura of killing and fighting power he exuded became stronger and turned into a violent storm. After destroying all the plants in the courtyard, he obviously had no intention of giving face to the Nightmare Demon King. After all, the relationship between the two parties had already been undying, so why should they maintain it at this time? Although far less powerful than his opponent, his power was so surging and flamboyant. Waves of Tao power surrounded him, and the robes of the Ten Thousand Gods Dao Yu seemed to be transformed into battle robes. He moved forward, his momentum rising to its peak. Step into the hall where the two holy shadows face each other side by side!

Unimaginable pressure suddenly came over, as if the entire universe was coming to crush Ye Tian's holy body to pieces, but in fact not a drop of blood spilled from Ye Tian's body, and all the holy bones were intact, even the Demon King was inconvenienced. Injure the Holy Envoy of the God Realm here. But the feeling of oppression is real. If the Nightmare Demon King wants to take action, he can directly open a hole in the universe. Is it a joke to jointly create a field with a being of the same level now? Even the Saint of Xuanxu will feel the pressure when he steps into it. Ye Tian's holy soul is suffering at this time. The stars are clearly unscathed but still feel the pain of being crushed and collapsed. However, Ye Tian's holy power is all over his body. With the movement in full swing, he moved forward, stepping on the ground of this hall step by step. Although he could not crack the ground, it actually produced a trembling sound that resounded throughout the mansion. Even the guards outside the mansion felt it, and were frightened at this moment. .

"Could it be that the King took action against the Tongtian War Saint?" They had too many guesses. Who would dare to risk the disapproval of the world and take action against the Holy Envoy of the God Realm? The Nightmare Demon King may really dare, or he may use other methods.

However, at this moment, Ye Tian burst out with invincible fighting power and moved forward as if he was going to trap the entire Youzhou. He ignored the many precious treasures in this mansion and even the sacred treasures of the avenue. Every step seemed to cross the sky. There were many steps, but he finally reached the end.

He stood still, looking at the Nightmare Demon King, and then at the hazy holy shadow. At this time, the haziness was finally thrown away, and Ye Tian finally saw the familiar true appearance.

"Sure enough, it's you!" A raging light also shone in Ye Tian's eyes, as if a raging fire was about to burn him out!

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