Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1245: Ways to break the impasse

After the ancient battlefield appeared, Xuntianji quickly controlled the whole place.

He was naturally worried that if the news here leaked out, it would be a huge trouble for him.

Fortunately, the strength of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance is here. If they want to cover up a fact, it is indeed difficult for anyone to do it in a short time.

But Xuntianji did not expect that this news would be spread by someone after being blocked for less than a week.

"Everyone, think about how we should deal with this situation next."

Xuntianji looked at the people in front of him and frowned inadvertently at this moment.

I thought everything was in my plan, but Xuntianji did not expect that the situation would develop step by step to this point today.

As for what will happen next, Xuntianji is not sure at all. He can only hope that he can save this disaster as much as possible before all this happens.

"The Great Zhou Divine Kingdom, the Three-Eyed Divine Clan and the Demon Clan have declared war on us at the same time."

At this time, another person in the hall looked at Xuntianji and whispered.

And Xuntianji's body was shaking.

"The Great Zhou Kingdom and the Three-Eyed God Clan are fine."

"But the conflict between us and the demon clan should not be that bad. How could they declare war on us directly across the Great Continent Kingdom? All this must be controlled by the Shitian League behind the scenes."

Xuntianji slammed the table in surprise. He probably didn't expect that he would have to face so many enemies in a short period of time.

"The Shitian League has now pulled a lot of people into its alliance, so its strength should not be underestimated."

The people present saw that Xuntianji was so anxious, and they all explained, and Xuntianji became more and more angry after hearing these answers.

It has come to this time, and they still can't find the best way to solve the problem.

"I don't care what method you use, but now we must ensure that the Central Region must not be lost."

"Once these guys break in, it will be a devastating blow to us, so use every means to stop my enemies."

When saying this, Xuntianji was also decisive.

At this moment, these people looked at each other in bewilderment. Now that things have come to this point, everyone wants to stay out of it. Who wants to get involved in these boring things?

But looking at the look of Xun Tianji, now that he doesn't care what they think in their hearts, as long as you are still standing here, you have to listen to his arrangements honestly.

If anyone wants to fight back, then be prepared for bad luck.

"The actions of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance are also quite fast. After getting our news, they immediately started to act. This shows that they have made the worst plan."

Qin Xiyan whispered beside Lin Yun.

Because the Shitian League has been paying attention to the actions of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, they are now very clear about the situation of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance.

"These guys naively think that they can turn the situation around with their own abilities."

"But I will soon let them know how ridiculous they are."

In other situations, Lin Yun may still say that he doesn't know, but in this situation, he is not worried at all.

Although the Ten Thousand Races Alliance is strong, it still has many fatal weaknesses.

Lin Yun only needs to seize these opportunities to easily control the entire situation.

"I think we can rest assured after building the surrounding defenses. In this case, let's change another way to break in directly."

Lin Yun's idea is also very simple. He knows that the combat effectiveness of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance must be quite strong now, and it is really difficult for ordinary people to deal with this situation.

Because of this, Lin Yun also has to seize the time to act. Of course, it is impossible to pretend that nothing has happened.

So before the Ten Thousand Races Alliance has not responded, what Lin Yun has to do is to break through their defense directly.

As long as he breaks into the interior, all the situations will be controlled by Lin Yun.

So this time Lin Yun did not bring too many people when he took action. He just cooperated with Qin Xiyan, and the combat effectiveness increased several times.

So Lin Yun is not worried that they will be discovered now. Anyway, since they are here, everything that comes next depends on their ability.

"There is no movement from the Ten Thousand Races Alliance. It seems that they don't know much about our current intelligence and dare not act rashly."

"In this case, we must hurry up and take action to see if we can get rid of these guys before they make any movement."

Although all parties have declared war on the Ten Thousand Races Alliance.

But the Ten Thousand Races Alliance only protects the territory they own, and has no other motives.

From this point, it can be seen that they are now at the cusp of the storm.

"After all, these guys are also worried that if they really start to fight, they may be involved in bigger troubles."

"So they use this safer way to ensure that everything they do next can still develop smoothly."

After receiving this news, Lin Yun was very calm.

Others may not know how these things will change.

But for Lin Yun, everything is still under his control, and there is no need to worry about whether there will be some unexpected changes in the future.

"Don't worry, it's not difficult to solve these problems with our current abilities."

Lin Yun is very confident in his own strength, and he also trusts Qin Xiyan beside him very much, which others may not be able to do.

But if they work together, there is nothing to worry about, even if there are more enemies in front of them, the result will be the same.

There are indeed a large number of Ten Thousand Races Alliance warriors guarding the edge of the Central Region.

They are responsible for the security here, and they can respond to any disturbances in the first time.

But in the end, these guys are still a little short of fire.

When Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan came here, they also saw the heavily guarded border.

"They have set up many formations here. If we rush in rashly, I'm afraid they will know it in advance."

When Qin Xiyan and Lin Yun came to the border of the formation, they had to stop.

If they continue to move forward, the two of them are likely to expose their positions.

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