Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1250 Intervention in the Ancient Battlefield

Just now, hundreds of saints suppressed their own strength, so Stella and the others did not notice the divine aura of the saints, thinking that they were just ordinary masters! But after they released their momentum all at once, even those around Stella

The gods were frightened, not to mention the other angels!

Stella was stunned. They never expected that Aolong would have so many gods around him, because everyone knew Aolong's previous strength. When Aolong was in the lower realm, he was just an eighteenth-level master. , and my subordinates have never heard of a god-level person.

Other masters exist! But now, in the God Realm for just over a hundred years, Aolong has continuously become one of the gods, and has recruited nearly two hundred gods under his command, and there are dozens of intermediate gods among them! Now Stella has to re-evaluate Ao

In the eyes of Stella and the others, Aolong and the others were just a group of ants. Without the blessing of the gods, they could only rely on selling puppets to please the dragon clan in order to seek their blessing! But now it seems that they have the right to survive in the God Realm, although they are only

They are some middle and low-level gods, but who knows whether they bring all the strength. In Stella's eyes, Aolong is a guy who is very good at hiding. There may be high-level or top-level gods under him. Otherwise, they would not dare to rely solely on these gods

Minglai will fight head-on with the powerful angel clan!

But now it is no longer time for Stella and the others to think slowly. The troops who received the order from Aolong immediately rushed towards the Angel Clan's troops, leaving only the two underworld warriors Dikuixing and Dishaxing behind. The dragon protects the proud dragon, and all other gods

The troops rushed forward! Stella immediately said to one of her eighteenth-level subordinates: "Hurry up and take some of your subordinates to rush out to seek reinforcements from other angelic planes. Now that our temple has been destroyed, we cannot directly contact the gods, so we can only Can rely on other angels

We have received reinforcements from the plane of our clan, and now we can only rely on human sea tactics to win. After all, our current strength is no match for those guys on the other side. There are too many gods among them, and we simply cannot resist it. ! "

After listening to Stella's words, the 18th-level angel immediately took twelve 17th-level angels and 24 16th-level angels and escaped secretly. If there were too many, it would probably attract the enemy. Attention, and now the strength and pride of the Angel Clan troops

The strength of the dragon troops is very different. If a large number of troops are taken away, the combat effectiveness of the angel tribe will be reduced even more!

Looking at the dozens of angels who thought they had escaped Aolong's eyes and slowly left the plane, Aolong smiled coldly. In this face, Aolong had sent five million underworld angels to let him go. They all spread out and hid to observe the entire plane, so

The movements of those angels are clear to Aolong! Aolong let those angels leave not because he was afraid of those angels, but because he wanted those angels to attract more angels to them, so that they could wait for work!

After looking at the dozens of angels who had left this plane, Aolong sneered and said to his subordinates: "Okay, we can get serious now. Those angels have left, and we want them to bring reinforcements." Kill everything in front of you before coming back

These angels! All the Underworld Angel troops set off 1. With the order of Aolong, the five million Underworld Angel troops finally rushed to the battlefield. Since the Underworld Angels were created, all the people who have seen them have either surrendered or been removed by Aolong, so when they arrive God Realm Until Now

No protoss knows that Aolong has such a killer army!

As soon as the Underworld Angel joined the battlefield, the balance of victory once again fell to the side of the proud dragon. The Underworld Angel relied on his outstanding invisibility ability to quietly sneak into the side of the angel clan masters. With a scythe, those angels would lose their ability to fight even if they did not die! Because of those Hades angels

The order they received was to capture him alive, so they would never kill him if they had no other choice! Regardless of whether the attack was successful or not, those underworld angels immediately became invisible again and disappeared on the battlefield until they found the target again!

Looking at the elusive underworld angels, Stella and the others saw that although they looked the same as the angels but had different colors, they did have the undead aura that the angels hated most! Watching his men die one by one from those underworld

After doing so, Stella immediately shouted: "What race are these guys? Why can't we see any trace of them?"

Aolong saw Stella's angry expression and smiled happily: "Haha, this is another big gift I prepared for your angel clan. These are the underworld angels we made. The underworld angels are made from the corpses of your angel clan. Yes! I'll open it when I'm in the lower world.

We started to create these underworld angels. When you angels were sent to deal with our troops, now they have all become underworld angels. After saying this, Aolong immediately laughed crazily!

After hearing what Aolong said, Stella immediately shouted angrily: "How dare you use the corpses of our angel clan to create these guys! It's unforgivable, and our angel clan will definitely not forgive you!"

After hearing Stella's words, Aolong sneered and said: "You angels have wanted to kill us for a long time, but I am not still alive and well now, and the forces under my command have developed and become stronger than before. Humph, you think I’m still okay?

Are you guys allowed to be killed at will? "After speaking, Aolong shouted to his subordinates: "End the battle quickly. After taking care of those angels, how about we still have to welcome the angel troops who are constantly coming to support us? "

With Aolong's order, all the warriors used all their strength, and the saints and gods and beasts no longer concealed their secrets, and each one also used their own special skills to attack the opponent. Angel Troops!

The fifteen gods of the angel clan were captured by the fifteen silver saints under Aolong. The other saints and gods and beasts also gave up fighting with those angels, and instead led a group of elite troops to attack directly. The opponent’s angel army! Hundreds of gods use the

With his own unique skills, he was like chopping vegetables when he entered the opponent's Angel Clan camp. Even level 18 masters couldn't defeat them in one round! With the gods taking the lead and the underworld angel's assistance, this army was like a sharp sword that penetrated the angel clan's camp!

The troops led by this god were rampaging through the angelic army. No one could withstand their attack. If you want to deal with the gods, you must take action. Otherwise, there will be no miracles. Those gods who have not become gods

The troops can't resist them at all! The troops led by this god charged back and forth in the Angel Clan's camp for several times, breaking up all the Angel Clan's formations!

Aolong looked at the development on the battlefield and smiled and nodded with satisfaction. If the situation continues like this, it won't take long for the battle to end. On his side, because the number of masters is far more than that of the angels, the normal battle is very difficult. It's easy and the loss is not too big


This has always been a battle of revenge, and it is also a training and running-in for the troops under Aolong. There are many troops under Aolong, and there are also many elite troops. However, because they rarely participate in battles, they have gradually lost their original strength. Continuously on the mainland

The power of a tiger and a wolf during training! Aolong will use this battle to continue to let the protoss know that he is not easy to bully, and the other is to train and run in the troops well! Aolong can also rely on this army to develop his power in the God Realm and make himself more powerful in the God Realm.

Occupy a little territory for development! But it seems that this battle was worth fighting. Although this battle made me and the angel clan completely break up, the two clans will either die or I will forget! However, this battle gave Aolong's troops a lot of training. Now Aolong's various tribes

The troops have gradually begun to work together, no longer fighting independently like at the beginning!

The gods of the angel clan couldn't help but be distracted by the screams of their own clansmen being killed by those hateful aliens one by one and looked at the situation on the battlefield! There is no room for the slightest distraction in a battle between levels of gods! Those angelic gods are distracted by the Silver Saints

With their rich experience and strong strength, they immediately seized the opportunity and began to prepare to capture the gods of the angel clan in one fell swoop!

The gods of the Angel Tribe were never the opponents of the Silver Saints. Now that they are distracted and the Silver Saints are using all their strength, the gods of the Angel Tribe are even more in danger! At this time, Aishiro, who had been hiding beside the angel gods,

, Jessica, and Butters finally took action! These three gods of Hades immediately hid their figures as soon as they entered the battlefield, only to now reveal themselves!

Due to the elusive existence of the Underworld Angel, the gods of the angel tribe have to be more distracted to deal with the sudden attack of the Underworld Angel! Under the harassment of the Underworld Angel, the angel gods finally couldn't hold on any longer, and were captured alive by the Silver Saints one by one! or

Those angelic gods who want to be captured alive have already been taken care of by the Silver Saints!

Seeing that the omnipotent gods in their eyes were defeated by those aliens, the angels were immediately frightened and some of them already wanted to run away! Stella watched as her god was captured alive, and her troops were unable to resist the enemy at all.

Human attack! Stella knew that the situation was over now, so Stella decisively ordered a retreat! As long as Qingshan is left, there is no need to worry about running out of firewood, and as long as he and other troops from the angelic plane join forces, report the situation here to the gods, and ask them to send them to support him.

I can fight against the proud dragon again!

Those angels had wanted to escape for a long time, but now with Stella's order, those angels were trying to escape one by one as if they were in a race, fearing that they would be caught by the proud dragon's troops!

These angels will become their own subordinates to expand their own strength. Of course, those free subordinates, the Aolong, will not just let it go! All the troops rushed out to capture the prisoners! Because of the Hades hiding in the entire plane, how could those angels escape?

Woolen cloth? Moreover, many of Aolong's troops are known for their speed, so they quickly caught up with those Angel Clan troops!

Stella, who was hiding in the angel tribe's troops and escaping, was quickly found and captured by Ashiro. When Stella was captured, those angels saw that there was no chance to escape. All the angel tribe's troops were finally helpless. Choose to surrender! And those who hide to avoid

How could the angels who had suffered a calamity escape the eyes of the Underworld Angel? They were quickly caught!

Although Aolong lost nearly 10 million troops in this battle, the harvest was still very rich. It was worth it to capture fifteen angel gods alive, plus nearly 200 million angel captives, and thousands more Thousands of angel clan corpses, so the battle of Aolong is absolutely

made money!

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