Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1253 Isn't this just a coincidence?

Lin Yun didn't know what the situation was at the survey machine at this moment.

But he knew that he didn't have time to wait any longer.

The enemy's strength was much stronger than he imagined.

And the subsequent situation will only be more complicated than Lin Yun thought.

So it's up to him to guess how to solve this problem.

Although the panel can also give Lin Yun a certain degree of prompts.

But it didn't allow him to quickly determine what the survey machine was going to do.

As the content of the panel continued to change, Lin Yun was also full of worries about the future, and could only move forward as quickly as possible with Qin Xiyan.

But when the two entered the ancient battlefield, there was a brief lag.

This feeling was very magical. Lin Yun could feel that his body seemed to be controlled by some kind of force, and he was unable to move at this moment.

Qin Xiyan also glanced at Lin Yun beside her at this moment.

"Senior Brother Lin, the murderous aura here is too strong. It is difficult for ordinary people to withstand it."

Although she already knew it when she was outside, it still made her feel unbelievable when they had real face-to-face contact.

Such strong murderous intent was like a monstrous wave, coming over one after another.

I believe that no matter how powerful a practitioner is, it will be unbearable.

Lin Yun nodded solemnly at this moment.

"The murderous intent here is indeed strong, so you will stand by my side and we will resist together."

Lin Yun glanced at Qin Xiyan beside him and said seriously. This was also a decision made after careful consideration.

Although it is true that ordinary people cannot resist the murderous aura in the formation, Lin Yun can still follow it with his strength.

Seeing Lin Yunzhen's serious look, Qin Xiyan also nodded her head.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun also quickly opened his murderous area.

I had some doubts about this situation before.

But the moment Lin Yun fully exploded his power and opened his murderous aura.

Only then can he feel as if he was born to fight here, and everything around him is so close to him.

Lin Yun could clearly feel that there seemed to be a steady flow of power in his body at this moment.

"I thought we would have countless troubles waiting for us when we got here."

“I didn’t expect this place to be so special.”

Lin Yun said with emotion with a smile.

Now we have a general understanding of the current situation.

It's no wonder why I didn't see any news that I would be finished due to the unfavorable terrain when I got here.

Lin Yun is like a fish in water here, and his own strength will also be greatly improved. It is precisely for this reason that he is so confident now.

But obviously, the next situation will only be more complicated than Lin Yun thought.

"This place is a naturally terrifying killing array for others."

"Anyone who comes here will probably be affected to varying degrees, but for me it is an extremely perfect battlefield."

No need for Lin Yun to say it, Qin Xiyan could naturally feel it.

Standing next to Lin Yun, all the surrounding forces seemed to have been forcibly dispersed, which was enough to show how powerful Lin Yun's methods were now.

But how long this situation can last is still unknown.

"Hopefully everything goes well from now on. These guys must think it's going to be easy for them to deal with us."

Qin Xiyan knew what the situation would be now without having to guess.

It's just that Lin Yun's strength has improved so much now that it probably won't be too difficult to deal with these people.

Lin Yun didn't say anything more.

He also knew that what he was seeing now was just the beginning. Whether he could successfully solve these problems would depend on how he performed in the future.

Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan soon arrived at a valley.

At this time, they had entered the ancient battlefield for nearly two hours.

But in these two hours, Lin Yun did not find any clues about the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, and these guys seemed to disappear out of thin air.

"Does the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races deliberately want to avoid us, or do they deliberately hide themselves and wait for a suitable time to take action against us?"

Lin Yun did have a lot of curiosity about this situation.

But no matter how much I think about it now, it seems difficult to come up with a decisive conclusion.

Although there was a panel to help him prompt many questions, Lin Yun still had too many things that were unclear about the situation in front of him.

The entire ancient battlefield was far more complicated than Lin Yun thought. He originally thought that this place had been a battlefield between humans and other powerful races.

But after actually getting involved here, I discovered that this place is like a huge melting pot, where all races have fought bloody battles.

In the entire ancient battlefield, there are hundreds or even thousands of battlefields, large and small.

Therefore, it was much more difficult for Lin Yun to find the area that the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races was looking for than to reach the sky. This was because Lin Yun was able to eliminate part of it using the panel.

"Time is running out, these guys must have taken this into account."

Lin Yun finally understood why the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races wanted to stop him in this way.

It turns out that this guy should also understand the current situation.

Knowing that even if Lin Yun, Qin Xiyan and others came to support here, they would not be able to be deployed to the battlefield in a short time.

That's why they used this method to solve the problem.

Lin Yun also had to admit that these guys were really smart.

"They knew that we would definitely spend a lot of time screening various battlefields, so naturally there was no way to keep up with their every move."

"As long as we can quickly complete our goals in a short time, everything we do next will be in vain."

The smart Qin Xiyan also realized what the current situation would be like in an instant.

It was not easy to chase here, and we could break the enemy's plan.

If we waste more time here, we don't know what will happen next.

"I said that Xuntianji is very cunning. If you don't have some skills, it will be very difficult to find him."

Although Lin Yun didn't say much about the actions of the Hall of Heroes before.

But now he still feels a little unhappy. After all, it's already this time today, and he really hasn't seen any actions related to the Hall of Heroes. These guys seem to have really disappeared from this world.

Wan Daoyi's words sounded nice at the time, and Lin Yun really thought he would go all out.

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