Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1263 Are you thinking too much?

Lin Yun looked coldly at the people who were struggling in the distance.

When Lin Yun appeared here, the expressions on the faces of the people in the Xuntianji changed immediately.

"How could it be possible that your strength is not enough to come here so quickly? It will take a few days of fighting anyway."

Xuntianji, who had already calculated everything, thought he could rest easy.

After all, he could be said to have successfully solved all the problems.

But what Xuntianji didn't expect was that Lin Yun had arrived here so quickly.

And judging from his current appearance, he should have made all the preparations long ago.

"You think you can hold me back with these means, but it's just your wishful thinking."

"I came here today to prepare for this mentally early, and I'm afraid you can't deal with the subsequent situation at all."

Lin Yun looked at the Xuntianji in front of him coldly.

He said this with a hint of disdain.

Xuntianji was too confident in himself, so things became what they are now. If he had been a little more cautious or made more preparations, it wouldn't have become what it is now.

Xuntianji looked at Lin Yun and was angry, but he could do nothing.

He had reached a very critical point, so he could not act easily. He could only watch Lin Yun take control of the situation little by little.

Lin Yun snorted at this time.

"Now your situation has become like this. With the strength of you guys, I really want to know how much chance do you think you have of getting rid of me?"

Lin Yun looked at the people present and said this with contempt. He knew that Xuntianji gathered so many people just to successfully deal with the follow-up situation.

"I'm really curious why you must stop me. I just want to pursue a longer-term path."

Xuntianji looked at Lin Yun until now, and he really didn't understand, although there were indeed some conflicts between them before.

But with the truce between the Ten Thousand Races Alliance and the Shitian Alliance, there should be no other conflicts between the two sides.

But Lin Yun just didn't plan to let him go at this time.

"Of course it doesn't matter if I stop you. Whether you want to ascend to the upper realm or not is not a problem for me."

"It's just that you use all means to achieve your goal, and now the whole world has fallen into greater danger, so I must stop you."

Lin Yun also had a look of contempt when he said this.

It was because Xun Tianji was too crazy that he became like this, and Lin Yun had to attack him.

Xun Tianji looked at Lin Yun with a ferocious face.

"You are a cultivator after all, of course you understand that the so-called cultivation is actually the law of the jungle, and the weak should be eaten by the strong. Now you have to stand up for those weak people. Don't you think you are a joke?"

He would never have thought that the reason why Lin Yun came out to stop him now was just because of such a ridiculous joke.

Those so-called weak people are nothing to him.

And Lin Yun just smiled indifferently at this time.

"So the gap between us is like this. In your opinion, the law of the jungle is natural."

"But it's not the case for me. Everything those people do is to make their future life better."

"And your appearance directly disrupted their plans, and even made their life's hard work go to waste."

"So no matter what the consideration is, I can't just watch, but try my best to stop you."

Lin Yun looked at Xun Tianji coldly in front of him.

This is what several people next to him said.

"Xun Tianji, what's the point of talking nonsense with this guy?"

"Since you're already here, it has nothing to do with him next. Find a way to deal with this kid first."

Xun Tianji's face was also quite ugly at the moment. He had some reservations about this matter, but he didn't expect it to turn out like this.

"You guys, you really don't plan to let me go today."

"In that case, let me see your skills."

Xun Tianji stood up and looked at Lin Yun. This was the first time the two of them had a head-on confrontation.

Lin Yun felt even more amused when he saw the panel of the Sky-Exploring Machine at this time.

As he had guessed, the Sky-Exploring Machine had already made great efforts to achieve this goal, and was now quite weak.

But after seeing Lin Yun, the Sky-Exploring Machine could only choose to forcefully fight with Lin Yun until the last moment.

This guy didn't realize that he was not enough to change the result at all with his current ability.

But unfortunately, the Sky-Exploring Machine had never thought about these things.

After completing this series of things, Lin Yun was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Just as he had guessed before, the strength of these guys in front of him was indeed strong.

But unfortunately, with their current abilities, they were not enough to pose any threat to Lin Yun.

"Today is a fateful battle between you and me. All the grievances between the Shitian League and the Ten Thousand Races Alliance can finally be put to an end now."

"If such a huge organization as yours continues to exist in the entire Shenhua Realm, all the practitioners in the entire Shenhua Realm will be in trouble."

"So now, no matter what the consideration is, we must stop you now."

Lin Yun looked at the Xuntianji in front of him coldly. He certainly knew that Xuntianji was very dissatisfied with this situation now.

But with Xuntianji's current means, it is not enough to pose any threat to Lin Yun. As for the final result, it depends on the situation of both of them.

Xuntianji looked at Lin Yun at this moment and finally understood the young man's thoughts in front of him.

Now he has no choice. No matter what the final result is, he can only go all out.

"There was room for discussion between you and me, but you insisted on doing this. In this case, I don't think there is any need to talk about it today."

"Everyone, we can't do our job now, so let's deal with them as soon as possible."

After seeing how terrifying Lin Yun's strength was, Xun Tianji completely gave up his previous idea.

Just as they said, it was impossible to solve the problem with Lin Yun's current state.

So unless Lin Yun was killed, the conflict between the Ten Thousand Races Alliance and the Shi Tian Alliance would never be resolved.

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