Xuntianji's face was also very ugly at this time. The plan failed, which was obviously not expected.

Originally, he thought that there was only one opponent, Lin Yun, but he didn't expect that after the real battle, there would be so many troubles.

Now, many problems are quite embarrassing even for Xuntianji to deal with himself.

Someone asked: "Xuntianji, it's already this time, don't you think you should explain to us? You just said that you are 100% sure."

The companions around Xuntianji were also full of black lines at this moment. They were also troubled by being dragged down to this point.


He coughed twice: "Although the domain has been broken, we haven't been killed yet, right?"

"That Lin Yun has no fighting power anymore. Next, we will attack together. It's just Wan Daoyi. Even if his cultivation is very strong, can he fight against a hundred people?"

This is also reasonable. No matter how powerful Wan Daoyi is, it is impossible for him to restrict them by himself.

So at this time, Xuntianji still thinks he has a good chance.

Wan Daoyi also laughed loudly: "Really? Although Alliance Leader Lin can't do anything, I am in a very good condition now because of his help."

"Do you really think you can do it?"

Wan Daoyi said, and raised one hand to the sky: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and now it's time to teach you a lesson."

Accompanied by a deafening roar, a red light burst out from Wan Daoyi's palm and went straight into the sky.

In an instant, thunder roared, as if the whole sky was about to be torn apart directly. Several people saw this scene and widened their eyes. It was a bit unbelievable.

On Wan Daoyi's left hand, a jade seal appeared.

"Broken Dao Seal."

Xun Tianji's voice was trembling. He didn't expect that such an imperial weapon would fall into Wan Daoyi's hands.

The most terrifying thing about the Broken Dao Seal is that it can break the most powerful rules between heaven and earth!

Of course, although it is only limited to a range, its effect is already quite powerful.

At this moment, the moment Wan Daoyi's voice fell, the surroundings lost light and fell into darkness.

"Although I can't strengthen the seal of the ancient battlefield, those ancient beasts that are sealed up are not uncontrollable."

"Xun Tianji, have you forgotten what I was best at?"

Wan Daoyi asked with a smile, and Xun Tianji was completely silent at this time.

Indeed, if Wan Daoyi hadn't reminded him, he really didn't know.

And Lin Yun next to him just knew about this matter. The guy in front of him was actually a very rare beastmaster.

However, Wan Daoyi's methods are more ancient.

It is completely different from the Beast Taming Sect, but it is precisely because of this reason that his methods are more terrifying.

Chong Qingniao was next to Lin Yun at this time: "This time, we really encountered some big troubles. If this guy really learned the ancient way of beast taming, then we are finished."

In ancient times, there were many battles between the myriad races for many years.

The reason why the human race was able to survive was, of course, not only because they learned how to survive by their own insidiousness and cunning, but also because they could also rely on the power of others.

It is said that in ancient times, there was a group of people who learned how to control ancient beasts.

These people's abilities are special. After they mastered this method, they claimed to be invincible.

It was because of this group of people that the human race was able to remain invincible in many subsequent wars.

To this day, there are still some legends about ancient beast masters circulating in the entire cultivation world.

However, with the disappearance of these ancient beasts, even the ancient beast masters no longer have the opportunity to show their previous powerful style.

Xun Tianji looked at Wan Daoyi: "Even if you really have talent in this area, what if you have your people here now? Don't you think you can change anything with your own thoughts?"

When Wan Daoyi said this, Xun Tianji was indeed a little worried. What if Wan Daoyi really took control of the situation.

At that time, he had no way to change this result.

But think about it carefully. Although the formation was broken at the beginning, Xun Tianji can still control the situation now.

After all, it is useless if Wan Daoyi can't leave here.

"Now I understand what Wan Daoyi wants to do. It's not easy to come here."

"It also requires a lot of skills to snatch food from Xun Tianji's mouth."

Lin Yun looked at Wan Daoyi and Xun Tianji. They were still pale and injured, but they had already started thinking about other problems.

Qin Xiyan stepped forward: "According to what they said, once they control the ancient beast, doesn't that mean they are really invincible?"

She is still a little worried about this battle. Although she has suppressed the opponent as much as possible before.

But it is obvious that facing the monster in front of them, they don't seem to have any special advantages at all.

Lin Yun also knew what Qin Xiyan was thinking, and at this time he just smiled: "It doesn't matter, things haven't reached the point where they can't be controlled yet."

"People from the Shitian League, first find a way to find the location of the ancient beast, and then stop others from unlocking the seal."

"As for me, don't worry."

Lin Yun used his spiritual sense to tell Qin Xiyan how to arrange such a battle next.

It can be said that under the current situation, many people don't know what will happen next, while Lin Yun's ideas are still clear.

The opponent is indeed strong, and the abilities he has shown in various aspects before are really a headache.

But unfortunately, just this situation can't make Lin Yun feel a little worried.

On the contrary, with his current state, he can easily turn all these things around.

Qin Xiyan was really relieved to see Lin Yun like this. What she was most worried about before was just Lin Yun's own safety.

But now it seems that there is no need for this. This guy is much calmer than she thought.

"I know, I'll take care of the things later, don't worry."

Qin Xiyan said in a low voice.

Even though I don’t know what will happen next, but from Qin Xiyan’s current perspective, there is really nothing to worry about.

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