Dongwu Demon Lord looked at Erzu, but he did not compromise like before, but suddenly attacked at this moment.

This Dongwu Demon Lord attacked with a punch in the air, and the next moment the entire surrounding space quickly shattered.

Erzu was also prepared early, and he began to counterattack the moment Dongwu Demon Lord started to attack.

His figure flashed, and he quickly dodged Dongwu Demon Lord's attack. At the same time, he summoned a trident in his hand and threw it directly at Dongwu Demon Lord.

Just as Dongwu Demon Lord was preparing to counterattack, Erzu spoke plausibly, counting the thunder and lightning, just like a rope to tie up Dongwu Demon Lord's limbs.

Faced with such an attack, Dongwu Demon Lord quickly took two steps back, but even so, he still couldn't buy himself enough time.

Just when everyone thought that Erzu's move could hurt Dongwu Demon Lord, they saw a mirror suddenly appear in front of Dongwu Demon Lord and instantly covered the trident.

Erzu's attack was originally quite accurate, and it was completely enough to make the modern Dongwu Demon Lord lose his ability to resist. However, because Dongwu Demon Lord suddenly threw out this treasure, he successfully reversed the situation.

However, at this time, Dongwu Demon Lord did not think about continuing to fight. He had seen the methods of these people from the previous battle.

"As expected of the last protector, the strength you have shown here is really admirable."

"But since the connection channel between the upper and lower realms has been opened, there will be more similar situations in the future. I really want to see if you can defend the lower realm like before."

Dongwu Demon Lord looked at Erzu and said with gritted teeth. After all, this was originally a matter in his plan, but now it has completely failed because of Erzu.

He didn't know what would happen next, but he also knew in his heart that there was no other choice for him now.

"Other things naturally have corresponding ways for us to deal with, so don't bother your Excellency to worry."

"Demon Lord, go slowly."

Although Erzu looked like he had nothing to be afraid of. But in fact, after the previous battle, he was also injured, but he didn't show it easily.

Lin Yun saw all this, so he admired Erzu from the bottom of his heart. After all, if it were someone else, they wouldn't have such ability.

Dong Wu Mo Jun just snorted coldly and turned away.

He now understood that under such circumstances, he no longer had any qualifications to reverse the situation.

Otherwise, the situation of the war would likely become very serious, and this was not something he could bear the responsibility for.

Therefore, of course, this matter could only be considered in the long run after returning to the base camp of the demon clan.

"The Heaven Court and the Demon Court are also not so easy to deal with. You poor mortals will soon know what you are facing."

Dong Wu Mo Jun left in a hurry after saying the harsh words, and Lin Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Dong Wu Mo Jun leave.

But what shocked Lin Yun was that at the moment when Dong Wu Mo Jun was about to leave, the Sky Surveying Machine actually took the initiative to rush into the sky and fell into the territory of the demon clan.

During the whole process, Erzu just watched silently and did not think of stopping anything.

For him, this was reasonable.

"This guy has always longed for a stronger power. For him, this is the pursuit of this life, so his choice now is also very normal."

"But many of us always have to pay the price for our past choices, and the same is true now."

Erzu glanced at Lin Yun, and then handed the small tower to him.

"You should understand that although we successfully repelled Dong Wu Mo Jun this time, this guy will come back again one day."

"What's more, what Dong Wu Mo Jun said just now was not a joke. With the opening of this entrance, there will be many places like this next."

"The previous Jue Tian Di Tong has long become an impossible thing."

Erzu looked at Lin Yun at this time with an unprecedented look. It can be seen carefully that after these things, Erzu has begun to worry about everything that will happen next.

"At this point, we are powerless to resist and can only minimize the losses as much as possible."

"Now we can only hope that we can learn from the previous war."

Lin Yun can no longer think of things as simply as before.

After all, the connection between the upper world and the lower world has been opened, and it won't be long before more powerful people will come here.

This is a challenge for them, and no one knows what the result will be after this.

"I just didn't expect you to be a protector. When I saw you, I thought you were in the same group as those ancient survivors."

Ezu just smiled faintly.

"The identity of the protector is not picky. As long as you are strong enough and really want to make such a contribution, you can become a protector."

"It's just that my idea was completely different from that of the protector, which is why I made different choices on this matter."

When talking about this matter, Erzu couldn't help but sigh.

If they could choose, they would not let this happen easily.

At this time, Wan Daoyi also came forward timidly.

"Senior, now that the connection between the upper world and the lower world has been opened, do we have any other way to completely cut off all this?"

Erzu thought for a while: "If it was before, it might really be possible to do this, but if it is now, I advise you to give up this idea."

"Since the connection between the upper world and the lower world has been opened, no matter what means you use next, there is no way to seal it again."

"The only thing we can do now is to face everything that has happened head-on and find a way to survive in this chaotic era."

Lin Yun heard a strong pessimism from Erzu's words. Perhaps in his opinion, it is difficult for him to survive such a war, and no one knows what the final result will be.

When thinking of this, Lin Yun couldn't help but sigh. It seems that as he thought before, many people at this time have no way to change their fate.

"Even if the connection between the upper world and the lower world has been opened, it does not mean that we will be defeated."

"They are indeed strong, but they also have weaknesses."

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