People with different ideologies cannot work together. Wan Daoyi made a completely different decision from the beginning.

When Lin Yun was thinking about how to maintain a balance with the upper realm, Wan Daoyi was just thinking about hugging thighs and solving the problem as soon as possible.

From Wan Daoyi's perspective, he might not think that there was anything wrong with his decision. It was worth it even if it could ensure that more people survived.

But Lin Yun and he had completely different personalities. He would never allow himself to lose control of the situation.

He didn't want the whole situation to get completely out of control under the current situation.

Without the constraints of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, the Shitian League became even stronger.

In a short period of time, they had successfully united all the forces of the original Shenhua Realm.

Those who had some doubts about the Shitian League before have now given up their thoughts.

After all, the current Shitian League is so powerful that it has already turned upside down from what they thought.

Not only is there a young man with great potential like Lin Yun.

At the same time, there are also some powerful people at the level of the Creation Realm.

Such combat power is extremely explosive even if you look at the entire Shenhua Realm.

However, what made Lin Yun very happy was naturally the changes in the entire Shenhua Realm.

As the Shenhua Realm gradually improved towards the Yaoguang Ancient Domain, the spiritual energy here finally flourished again like before.

At the same time, everyone was finally able to explore a higher level.

Looking at the entire Shenhua Realm, it is quite rare to see a strong person in the Creation Realm, especially after the Jue Tiandi Tong, this situation is even more difficult to happen.

The spiritual energy of the Shenhua Realm is not enough to support the emergence of too many strong people in the Creation Realm.

Otherwise, when Dong Wu Mojun came to this world, he would probably be shocked by the large number of strong people in the Creation Realm.

But now it is different. If it is the Yaoguang Ancient Domain, it will naturally support them to step into a higher level, so now many people see something completely different.

They don’t know what they will face next, but they have already made the worst plan in their hearts.

On this day, Lin Yun, who was practicing on the Sky Island, met someone who surprised him.

Since the last time he fought head-on with Lin Yun, Old Man Xuanji has been suppressing this matter in his heart.

He originally thought that all the chaos was caused by Lin Yun.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yun was the one who upheld justice, and he himself was deceived by Xun Tianji.

Think about it, even in such a difficult situation, Lin Yun still did not kill him.

Old man Xuanji was also embarrassed.

He did have a good relationship with the Murong family, and it was because the Murong family had some favor for Lin Yun before.

But now in such a situation, they must have their own opinions.

"Why did the senior come here in person?"

Recently, Lin Yun did not deliberately take care of the affairs of the entire Shitian League, but handed all the matters over to Guan Yuanming.

With Guan Yuanming's ability, plus the original layout, they don't have to worry about any unexpected changes that may occur later.

But this time, Old Man Xuanji came here in person, which surprised Lin Yun a little.

"Alliance Master Lin has really been cultivating here. It seems that the spiritual energy has been enriched recently, and it has finally allowed Alliance Master Lin to see the threshold of entering the realm of the Great Emperor."

Looking at Lin Yun's ruddy face at this moment, how could Elder Xuanji not know what Lin Yun is doing now.

It's nothing more than wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to break through to a higher level.

If it were someone else, Elder Xuanji would definitely not believe it, but Lin Yun standing in front of him did have this ability.

After all, since before this, Lin Yun has brought them many surprises time and time again, and now even if it is outrageous, they will not feel very surprised.

"Before, when I was in the ancient battlefield, I did have some insights, but this kind of thing is simple to say, but it is not easy to do."

Lin Yun smiled. Even now, he has found some hope, plus the help of the system.

But this is far from enough. He originally wanted to intercept some of the luck of others, but found that the luck of ordinary people is of little help to him now.

In order to gain greater benefits, Lin Yun must find more powerful people, but for now, it is more appropriate for him to stay here honestly.

"The road to becoming an emperor is not so easy to walk on. Even if the spiritual energy is revived now, the Shenhua world has the opportunity to give birth to more powerful people."

"But it is not easy to stand out among so many people."

Elder Xuanji is very optimistic about Lin Yun. After all, the achievements of this young man are definitely not just what we see in front of us.

"All of you came here. If you want to apologize for the previous things, it is actually unnecessary. I didn't take the previous things to heart, or in my opinion, it was also a reasonable choice."

Looking at the current state of Elder Xuanji, Lin Yun just smiled indifferently.

Perhaps for others, they are more concerned about what changes this matter will bring.

But Lin Yun has never thought so much.

Hearing Lin Yun say this, Elder Xuanji became even more complicated.

"I didn't expect that I could be deceived by that guy from the sky survey machine, otherwise this wouldn't have happened."

When he said this, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"But I am here today for the future of the entire human race."

"I just found an ancient tomb not long ago. If my guess is correct, it should be the fallen Emperor of Lies."

The King of Lies?

Even Lin Yun has many memories of the Lie Emperor.

This person can be said to be the most powerful being in the entire Shenhua world. He was famous even in the Shenhua world at the beginning, but he didn't expect that his ancient tomb would be found now.

"Senior, do you want me to go with you and explore the inheritance in the ancient tomb?"

Lin Yun, you are also thinking seriously at this moment.

The King of Lies is indeed powerful. If you can get his inheritance, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

But the question is, can Lin Yun achieve this step with his current strength?

See the expression on Lin Yun's face.

Old Man Xuanji smiled and nodded: "This is indeed a rare opportunity, but whether you want to try it or not depends on your own choice."

This is an opportunity, but it also has the potential to become a risk.

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