Xu Changqing originally thought that it might take some time for Lin Yun to find a solution to this matter, but he didn't expect that it would happen so quickly.

"I didn't expect it."

"You have already investigated this matter so quickly, so what are you going to do next?"

Xu Changqing was also observing the surroundings at this time. He was sure that Lin Yun could find the enemy through his own means.

But so far, he didn't find any clues.

"The enemy we are facing now should be a guy called a crying demon ghost."

"These creatures have a special ability. They can only be seen when other people are close to them. After looking at them, they will be petrified immediately like those guys just now."

"This is a test left by the False Emperor for us. Anyone who looks at each other will die. There is no way to reverse this."

Lin Yun looked at the people present very seriously.

After hearing Lin Yun's words, everyone present frowned, with a hint of disbelief on their faces.

They originally thought that this matter should be solved smoothly and would not take too much time.

But I didn't expect that the test that the False Emperor left for them this time was actually the rules.

"That is to say, now all of us are under the constraints of a rule."

Xu Changqing finally understood why he had never discovered that creature.

It seems that the strength of the False Emperor is definitely not as simple as they thought. This guy should have a great improvement after this.

Otherwise, he would not be able to achieve this level, which makes everyone present so headache.

"So this is one of the reasons why I need everyone to work together. Only by working together can there be a glimmer of hope in this place."

Lin Yun looked at Xu Changqing. If he could act on his own, he would naturally be much more relaxed, but the problem now is that the situation is not as simple as he thought.

Lin Yun didn't know what these creatures were like, and he couldn't be sure whether he could skip classes by using his spiritual sense.

So the best choice at the moment is of course to cooperate with the people in front of him to see if he can crack the other party's means.

Xu Changqing had been waiting for Lin Yun's conclusion for a long time. After hearing this, he nodded after some thought.

"This matter sounds a bit mysterious, but we have to say that the situation is in front of us, and we can only choose to believe it."

"In that case, please arrange what we should do next."

Lin Yun looked at the people around him.

"I know that everyone present looks down on me and thinks that I am just a rookie with some tricks. It is true."

"This is my first time to come to the tomb of the great emperor, so I don't know much about the situation here, but this is not an ordinary tomb of the great emperor, but a small world that has been opened up independently."

"There are things here that many of us don't understand at all, so if you want to survive, you must ensure trust and cooperation with each other."

"If anyone thinks that I am not qualified to take you to survive, you can raise it now. I hope that in the process of cooperation in the future, you can all stick to your heart and never do anything weird again."

Lin Yun looked at everyone present very seriously. He didn't need to say these words.

But think about what unexpected situation will happen later, Lin Yun can't afford to cause this trouble.

At this time, he said that he needed everyone to abide by his own rules, and at the same time, his attention was all focused on Lu Zhengyi.

There are many people in this team who look down on Lin Yun, but the only one who is really willing to cause trouble for Lin Yun is probably Lu Zhengyi.

But now no one dares to take the initiative to stand up and say that they can trust Lin Yun.

Instead, Xu Changqing smiled and shook his head at this time.

"This matter must be very difficult for others, but it is not a problem for me."

"You can rest assured, I will help you with this matter."

Xu Changqing looked at Lin Yun and his tone was very serious at this moment: "I promise that everyone present will be obedient and they will never cause any trouble."

When saying this, Xu Changqing had already made the worst plan, and Lin Yun nodded and agreed after thinking about it in his mind.

"I hope the final situation will be the same as we think. After all, under such circumstances, no one knows what will happen next."

"If someone is doing bad things in secret, it will only cause more people to die here."

With Xu Changqing's guarantee, Lin Yun relaxed a lot next.

Their subsequent purpose is naturally quite simple, that is, to do everything possible to find the crying demon ghost and destroy it.

The most bizarre thing about the crying demons is that ordinary means simply cannot destroy them.

That is why when ordinary practitioners face these guys, they probably only have one choice: escape.

Let alone other people, even Lin Yun, if there is no system prompt, I am afraid there is no particularly good way.

"Everyone knows that the method of these crying demons is to petrify you by staring at you."

"This ability directly acts on the rules, so no matter how strong you are, you can't avoid it."

"But in normal conditions, the crying ghosts cover their eyes with their hands. The reason is that they can also petrify their own kind."

As soon as this was said, everyone present understood.

"That is to say, as long as we can make these crying ghosts look at each other, we can destroy them."

Xu Changqing couldn't get through it even if he knew how to crack it.

But at this time, he had to admit that this situation was much more difficult than they imagined.

After all, not everyone can make so many people trust each other.

After hearing Xu Changqing's answer, Lin Yun also nodded.

"So this is the difficulty of the problem. We must make them cooperate with each other and make the two crying ghosts look at each other at the same time."

"In this way, you can ensure your own safety, and at the same time, you can find a chance to leave here after destroying the crying ghosts."

It must be said that the method of the False Emperor is indeed very clever. Everyone is a competitor. Who would choose to trust each other at this time?

And now this is the test for them.

Lin Yun is also looking for a suitable target in the crowd.

If they really can't find one, Wei Quyan is a good choice.

At this time, Xu Changqing and others were silent.

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