"You don't have to think about this matter so complicatedly."

"It's just that you happen to be here, and it's just that you happened to be chosen."

The King of Lies looked at Lin Yun, and remained as calm as ever: "Let's stop talking now. I don't know how long this remnant of my soul can last."

"But you have two choices before you."

"First, if you give up the idea of ​​moving on, then the world can survive."

"Second, you keep going, but the world will be destroyed for you."

Looking directly at Lin Yun like this, perhaps for the current King of Lies, all decisions are made by Lin Yun.

But Lin Yun never thought that the Emperor of Lies would decide the outcome of this matter in this way.

"How do you choose this matter? It depends on you. Should you continue to act according to your ideas, or should you give up at this moment?"

As the King of Lies finished speaking, Lin Yun finally saw what kind of scene was going on in this big tree.

It was a completely different concept than what he imagined. There was only one huge city here.

"where is this place?"

Lin Yun couldn't help but asked curiously.

And the answer made Lin Yun feel even colder.

"This is the City of Forgetfulness, but it is the City of Forgetfulness that is embodied in the spiritual world."

"These people died a long time ago, and now they are just some embodied souls. It's just that they paid a lot for that war."

"So keeping them here can be considered as compensation for their efforts."

It was obvious that the decision on this matter was now entirely in Lin Yun's hands.

Whether these people live or die depends on how Lin Yun arranges it.

"So now if I want to move on, I have to destroy everything here."

Lin Yun had a feeling of suffocation. Of course he knew that he would undergo many tests this time, but he never imagined that what was in front of him would be such a thing.

Looking at what the King of Lies said just now, it can be heard from his tone that he doesn't seem to care about these souls.

"Don't you want to gain my inheritance and become stronger?"

"Then you have to make this choice now. This is also the only opportunity before you."

The King of Lies looked at Lin Yun and was quietly waiting for Lin Yun's decision.

He obviously knows better than anyone else what Lin Yun is thinking now.

But even so, the King of Lies will not be swayed by this.

Lin Yun's mood also became very solemn at this moment.

Is it worth destroying everything in front of you for the sake of inheritance?

Lin Yun didn't know.

Since these people were considered to be heroes at the beginning, it is natural for them to enjoy it here after death.

"Is there any other way I can do it?"

Lin Yun also wanted to try to use the panel to find a solution to the problem at this time.

But unfortunately, even if the panel is adjusted, nothing can be changed.

"As long as you want to gain my inheritance, this is the only choice you need to make."

"You can't escape this level, and others won't have such difficulties waiting for him."

The Emperor of Lies looked directly at Lin Yun. It was obvious that all this was tailor-made for Lin Yun.

"If I choose to give up, doesn't it mean that your inheritance has nothing to do with me."

The King of Lies nodded.

"You are right. This is a choice you must make. If you want to get my inheritance, you must be ruthless."

"If at this time, you are still mumbling about finding the best of both worlds, you are simply daydreaming."

The King of Lies was very calm about Lin Yun's performance. He didn't care what Lin Yun was thinking at the moment.

But as long as Lin Yun wants to win the test and gain inheritance, he must act according to his ideas at this time.

But Lin Yun now looked at the city in front of him, and he knew what these people had done.

But I never thought that one day I would destroy it all with my own hands.

Time passed bit by bit, and there seemed to be no concept of time passing here, so the King of Lies had no intention of stopping him in a hurry.

And countless thoughts flashed through Lin Yun's mind instantly.

Although for Lin Yun, he did not want to make this choice, nor did he want to destroy everything in front of him.

But now Lin Yun is responsible for the safety of the entire Shenhua Realm.

If Lin Yun doesn't take action at this moment, what will the Shenhua world look like in the future? I'm afraid this is something Lin Yun can't describe now.

Therefore, at this moment, Lin Yun fell into silence for a long time.

"You have been waiting for a long time. I know this is a difficult decision for you, but at this time I still hope you will come up with a result as soon as possible."

"Whether you are willing or refuse at this moment, it all depends on your thoughts."

The Emperor of Lies urged.

Lin Yun slowly raised his head.

"Behind me are hundreds of millions of people in the entire Shenhua world, but even so, my subjective will still tells me that I cannot make such a decision."

"I am standing here just to find a shortcut, but if I give up everything and use various means in the process of finding a shortcut, it will go against my original decision."

When he looked at the King of Lies, his eyes became extremely firm at this moment.

At this time, Lin Yun already knew what he wanted and what he should do.

The King of Lies also looked at Lin Yun with complicated eyes. He originally thought that Lin Yun would use any means in the process of seeking power.

After he tells all the truth, he will go all out, even at the expense of all the souls in this city.

But what the King of Lies didn't expect was that Lin Yun could hold back all this at this moment.

"You have thought about it."

"Once you make a decision, you can't go back on it, and I'm not kidding you. If you reject me, it means you can no longer obtain my inheritance."

The King of Lies looked at Lin Yun and his tone was extremely firm at this moment.

Lin Yun nodded.

"I generally know what the seniors said, but as I said, I came here to take shortcuts. That's because the Shenhua world outside is facing greater dangers."

"But if in order to follow this path, I need to lose my essence, then I will still refuse righteously."

Seeing Lin Yun's eyes still not wavering at all, the King of Lies seemed to understand the true thoughts in his heart.

Maybe this kid is really ready for all this disaster.

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