After the auction, Manager Zhang came to Mu Tianyi with two wooden boxes, one large and one small, and opened them in front of him, revealing a box full of medium-grade spirit stones and the dragon scale.

Manager Zhang smiled and said, "The spotted snake fangs sold for 600 medium-grade spirit stones, and the golden soul pill sold for 40,000 medium-grade spirit stones. Our auction house takes a 5% commission from VIPs, so you should get 38,570 yuan. You also bought the dragon scale, and there are 38,370 yuan left. Just click, they are all here."

Mu Tianyi smiled and thanked him, then took Wu Cheng and his sister out of the auction house, followed Wu Cheng and his sister, and ran directly to Xuanpin Business. Everything seemed to be going very smoothly. After buying the fire-proof beads and armor, Mu Tianyi said goodbye to Wu Cheng and his sister and stepped onto the teleportation array to Leishan Town alone.

The teleportation array of Leishan Town is at the foot of a mountain 800 miles outside Chuling City. To reach the teleportation array, you need to pass through a secret forest. This secret forest is not safe, and it is already dusk. The secret forest looks terrifyingly quiet, as if a few masked men will jump out at any time.

Not long after Mu Tianyi entered the secret forest, he suddenly stopped and shouted to the darkness: "Come out, you have been following for a long time. This secret forest is a good place. It's boring to hide your head and show your tail."

As soon as he left the auction house, he felt that someone was following him. After leaving the city, this feeling became stronger.

However, he could not find the trace of the person following him, which shows that he is a master with a higher cultivation level than him.

In the darkness, a gray figure appeared. He wore a bamboo hat and a gray robe. He lowered his head and could not see his appearance clearly, but Mu Tianyi recognized this person at a glance, "It's you!"

This person was the mysterious man who blinded Zhao San and left one eye in the inn.

"It's me!"

"What do you want to do with me?" Mu Tianyi frowned. He felt a strong killing intent from the mysterious man. This person came with bad intentions.

"Kill you." The mysterious man's tone was calm, but the killing intent in it was like substance.

"We don't seem to know each other, and there is no grudge between us." Mu Tianyi thought to himself, did this person recognize the wrong person?

"I didn't know him before, but now I do." Although the mysterious man lowered his head, his eyes were fixed on Mu Tianyi, and the sword in his hand could be unsheathed at any time.

"Even if you want to kill me, you must let me know where I have offended you." Mu Tianyi was puzzled. When did he get into such trouble? This mysterious man's cultivation should have reached the True Spirit Realm. Judging from the strong hostility he exuded, he must be a guy who has killed countless people.

"Two points, first, you killed the dog of the Tang family, and second, it was because the fierce sword in your hand was originally mine." The mysterious man had already spoken, and Mu Tianyi understood the reason in an instant.

"Are you from the Tang family?" Mu Tianyi was certain that this person must be from the Tang family, and he was even more certain that this person had close contacts with the Twelve Owls, and might even be from the Twelve Owls, because he recognized the evil sword in his hand.

"You can go to hell." As soon as the words fell, the mysterious man attacked instantly. The long sword in his hand flashed with silver light, and he struck at Mu Tianyi. The attack was not gorgeous, and it was even just a simple straight stab, but it could be seen that this person was definitely not an ordinary True Spirit Realm master. His moves were fatal and he did it without any hesitation.

A trace of horror flashed across Mu Tianyi's eyes. He did not expect that the mysterious man's fighting consciousness was so strong that he did not give him a chance to breathe. He could not help but smile bitterly and thought to himself: I didn't expect that the evil sword would expose me. This mysterious man obviously found out that I used the evil sword and then he wanted to kill me, knowing that I killed the four disciples of the Twelve Owls.

As soon as Mu Tianyi flashed out, the mysterious man noticed it. His eyes turned cold and a sword light followed.

Mu Tianyi just kept dodging the attack of the mysterious man, and used the Nether Sparrow Step to the extreme. So far, this mysterious man has not used the black fog-filled skills used by the Twelve Owls, so Mu Tianyi is waiting for him to use the evil skills of the Twelve Owls.

Seeing that Mu Tianyi easily avoided his fatal attack, the murderous intent in the mysterious man's eyes became stronger, and the long sword in his hand made a sound. Although the murderous aura was soaring, it was not a vicious sword. There seemed to be a trace of unruly in the sword.

At the same time, Mu Tianyi jumped into the air, and the two of them flashed out almost at the same time. The vast five elements of spiritual power gushed out from Mu Tianyi's body, causing this secret forest to emit waves like wind blowing leaves.

"Swish! Bang, bang!" The two figures intertwined in an instant, but the next moment they retreated at the same time. The mysterious man retreated several steps, while Mu Tianyi retreated more than ten steps before stopping.

Facing the fierce attack of the mysterious man, Mu Tianyi's face darkened, and the spiritual power in his body burst out without reservation at this moment, and then he moved and rushed towards the mysterious man again.

Seeing that Mu Tianyi did not retreat but advanced, and attacked him without hesitation, the mysterious man's face also changed slightly. He did not expect that with his cultivation in the early stage of the True Spirit Realm, he only forced him back, but did not hurt Mu Tianyi at all.

"Show all your strength, otherwise you will die." The mysterious man was suddenly a little surprised. With Mu Tianyi's cultivation, it should be impossible to kill four True Spirit Realm masters at the same time. Didn't he kill those people?

Hearing this, Mu Tianyi smiled bitterly in his heart. One of the reasons why he was able to kill four people at the same time last time was that they underestimated the enemy. Secondly, he swallowed the blood refining fruit, but now he has no blood refining fruit to swallow. However, he did not want to hide in the dark of the secret forest to attack this time. He wanted to fight openly.

Feeling Mu Tianyi's strong fighting spirit, the mysterious man sighed in his heart, and then he rubbed his body and rushed forward, and his spiritual power surged out instantly.

In the secret forest, two figures sometimes intertwined and entangled, sometimes flew and ran, and sometimes jumped up from the ground, raising an overwhelming wind and rocks, and the trees were shaken to the east and west, and the leaves fluttered like snowflakes.

Just when Mu Tianyi and the mysterious man were fighting, Mu Tianyi's face suddenly changed drastically, because from the mysterious man's clothes behind him, two chains condensed from the black mist suddenly shot out fiercely, and then a crisp sound of metal hitting each other resounded in the sky. "Bang!"

Caught off guard, although Mu Tianyi used earth-type spiritual power to instantly protect his heart meridian, he was entangled by the black mist chain and had no way to break free.

He raised his head with a gloomy face, but saw a trace of fear in the mysterious man's eyes, and that fear came from his own black mist chain. However, that fear was fleeting, and the mysterious man did not retract the black mist chain, but pulled the chain tighter.

"Go to hell," the mysterious man glanced at Mu Tianyi and said coldly, while swinging the long sword in his hand.

As his voice fell, the mysterious man, who thought Mu Tianyi was dead, was startled. He only heard a slight muffled sound, and his figure appeared in front of the mysterious man like lightning, and the black mist chain that trapped Mu Tianyi mysteriously disappeared from Mu Tianyi's body. In fact, it was absorbed by the fragments of the Eternal Heart in his body.

Looking at this weird scene, the mysterious man's face changed slightly, and he did not dare to be negligent, and hurriedly met with all his strength. "Bang!"

Mu Tianyi's hand instantly showed the fierce sword, but the mysterious man was indeed a master of the True Spirit Realm who had experienced many battles. He forced Mu Tianyi to have no power to fight back. After a while, he was injured by the mysterious man's golden sword energy. Although it was not fatal, it made his speed slower and slower.

"We can't let him continue to take the initiative..." This thought flashed through his mind. Mu Tianyi stepped on the Netherworld Sparrow Step to the extreme, flashed at a strange angle, and flashed directly behind the mysterious man. At the same time, the powerful golden spiritual power burst out and quickly gathered on his arms.

"Qinglong out of the sea!!" Mu Tianyi hit violently, and a swift fist instantly swung towards the back of the mysterious man.

The mysterious man's eyes were obviously stunned. It seemed that he didn't expect that Mu Tianyi had such a strange body movement that could dodge behind him in an instant. Then a solemn look appeared on his face.

The mysterious man suddenly held the sword vertically, and streams of spiritual power spread from the sword to the surroundings, like waves spreading around.

"What kind of move is this?" Mu Tianyi felt an unprecedented danger, and he kept retreating, trying to avoid the seemingly ordinary water waves.

"Death Swamp!" The mysterious man shouted and stomped his feet hard. The water waves seemed to have received an order, and the speed was several times faster than before. All the places covered by the water waves sank instantly.

Mu Tianyi was unable to dodge, and the whole person seemed to be pulled by some huge force and sank with it.

"I didn't want to use this move, but you are so difficult to deal with, and your body movements are extremely strange. It's really hard to kill you without using this move." The mysterious man walked towards Mu Tianyi, and at this moment Mu Tianyi's body had sunk nearly halfway.

Mu Tianyi's eyes suddenly turned red, and he shouted "Break", and he actually jumped directly from the death swamp.

Seeing Mu Tianyi break free from the death swamp, the mysterious man was stunned. He put his hands together, his body shook slightly, and after a few breaths, a series of terrifying water swords swept out from the water ripples.

Feeling the violent murderous aura in the water ripples, Mu Tianyi retreated dozens of steps in an instant. After the raging water ripples lasted for a long time, they finally gradually dissipated. At this time, the ground of the secret forest was riddled with holes, as if it had experienced a terrible wash.

"I didn't expect you to escape my death swamp." The mysterious man was also surprised, "But you shouldn't have the strength to kill all four of them at the same time!" Obviously he was referring to the four people of the Twelve Owls.

Mu Tianyi said calmly: "Whether I have the strength to kill those four people or not, you can't kill me. If you continue, you will die."

It must be admitted that this mysterious man is indeed very powerful, but Mu Tianyi at this moment is no longer the Mu Tianyi in the early stage of the spiritual realm at that time, and he still has a killer mace "Soul Devouring Art" that he has not used.

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