Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1328: A Showdown Between the Strong

On the other hand, Lin Yun had no idea what would happen next.

At this moment, he was immersed in the ocean of sword intent, and he could feel that his strength was growing at a very fast speed.

For such a long time, it became quite difficult for Lin Yun to make further progress in seeing the intention, and even Lin Yun was about to give up.

But he didn't expect that one day he would be able to see this hope again.

Now Lin Yun has made further progress in both strength and cultivation.

At this moment, his understanding of the sword is naturally completely different from before.

So it is a great benefit for Lin Yun to encounter such a situation at this time.

Lin Yun was immersed in the process of seeing the ocean, and suddenly he also felt different fluctuations around him.

And this happened to be when Xu Changqing and Qiu Tianchen rushed here with the white-clothed sword cultivator.

Originally, the white-clothed sword cultivator would not easily leave his own domain, but he didn't expect that these guys in front of him actually took away the treasure he was guarding.

Although I have to admit that these guys are indeed smarter than I thought.

But this treasure is very important to the white-clothed sword cultivator, and it must not fall into the hands of others in any case.

So the white-clothed swordsman could only catch up with the two.

Unexpectedly, the two came to the outskirts of the sect.

"You two don't think about how to pass the test, but now you have this crooked way."

"Today, I will destroy you here."

The white-clothed swordsman said and then slashed with a sword.

On the other side, Xu Changqing looked at Lin Yun in the distance and threw the treasure in his hand towards Lin Yun without thinking.

"Lin Yun."

"This is a good thing, take him away from here quickly."

When the treasure was thrown towards him, Lin Yun certainly knew what it was and what these guys meant.

If it were before, Lin Yun might not have said anything, but now he was not angry, but laughed.

Just like Lin Yun said, these guys thought things were too simple.

So they must pay a painful price for something of their own.

The treasure in front of them is naturally important to them, but the two people want to transfer the hatred of the white-clothed swordsman to Lin Yun.

So at this moment, they are willing to hand this treasure to Lin Yun.

And in their eyes, Lin Yun now has no way to take this treasure.

At this time, the white-clothed sword cultivator also discovered Lin Yun who was watching the battle in the distance.

At that moment, Lin Yun clearly felt that the fighting spirit of the white-clothed sword cultivator became more excited.

Indeed, for the white-clothed sword cultivator, this battle is the real beginning.

"Those little guys looked much weaker before, but I didn't expect that I would actually meet an interesting guy."

The white-clothed sword cultivator looked at Lin Yun coldly.

Qiu Tianchen looked at Xu Changqing beside him.

"It seems that our plan has succeeded. This white-clothed sword cultivator is obviously going to kill this kid."

The two people were not very sure before, but now they can finally breathe a sigh of relief after witnessing this scene with their own eyes.

The whole plan is not much different from what they had guessed before, so there is no need to worry about the follow-up situation.

At this time, Nanshan Wentian also discovered Lin Yun.

What surprised Xu Changqing and Qiu Tianchen was that Nanshan Wentian did not choose to escape, but took the initiative to stand beside Lin Yun at this time.

"I've known for a long time that these guys have no good intentions, but don't worry, I've come with you this time, and I will definitely not let you fight alone."

Not to mention Xu Changqing and Qiu Tianchen, even Lin Yun was a little surprised.

"The white-clothed swordsman in front of me looks very powerful. Since he can become the guardian here, he must have extraordinary qualities."

"If you get involved in this battle now, I'm afraid you will get into big trouble."

Lin Yun is speaking from the bottom of his heart. Since he knows that this is a trouble, he certainly doesn't want to involve others for no reason, but Nanshan Wentian is obviously not ready to leave at this time.

"Of course I know this guy is very powerful, otherwise I wouldn't have come with him."

"But to be honest, I've heard that the swordsman is very powerful, but I haven't had the honor to see him. Today, I can see it well."

Nanshan Wentian was not afraid, but showed a very strong interest at this time.

He looked at the white-clothed swordsman in the distance with a crazy look on his face.

When the white-clothed swordsman saw Nanshan Wentian, his expression also became disdainful.

"You are not qualified to participate in this battle."

Nanshan Wentian wanted to deny it, but the moment he opened his mouth, he found that the white-clothed swordsman had already rushed over.

The speed was completely beyond their imagination.

At this speed, Lin Yun could not resist this move at all.

But just when they thought of this, they found that Lin Yun beside them had already grasped the Chaoyang Sword in his hand to block the sword of the white-clothed swordsman.

Qiu Tianchen and Xu Changqing both widened their eyes, unable to believe the truth they saw at this time.

"How is it possible? With this kid's strength, it is impossible to block the opponent's attack so easily."

Although the two had seen many storms, when did they think that things would turn out like this?

Looking at Lin Yun's current state, they could imagine how much stronger this young man was than they had imagined.

At this moment, Lin Yun did not have any emotional fluctuations. For him, all this was reasonable.

"It's really interesting."

"Those guys couldn't even take a single move from me, but now you can fight me to this extent."

After successfully blocking this sword, even the white-clothed sword cultivator couldn't help but sigh.

He knew how fast he was just now, and that was no longer something that an ordinary cultivator could withstand.

But Lin Yun was able to resist such an attack without making a sound, which was enough to prove that the boy in front of him should have other means left.

"But they are just some small means that are not worth mentioning."

Lin Yun still had to thank Xu Changqing and Qiu Tianchen. After all, he had just comprehended the sword meaning on those murals, and now was the time to show it perfectly.

At the moment, being able to have such a strong man to fight against him would help Lin Yun better integrate this power into his own.

The next moment, the aura of the white-clothed swordsman and Lin Yun burst out instantly, just like the collision of two different energies, and all the people around were blown away by this wave of air.

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