Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1333: The Myriad Sword Formation, rise!


"I'm afraid Xu Changqing and Qiu Tianchen will never let Fellow Daoist Lin go so easily."

The housekeeper on the other side looked at Nanshan beside him and asked.

Although they have lost the trace of Lin Yun and the white-clothed swordsman now.

But according to the housekeeper's idea, Xu Changqing and Qiu Tianchen will not let Lin Yun go at this time, and other emperors may have the same idea.

The treasures that were snatched from the sect before are in Lin Yun's hands.

And even if Lin Yun can defeat the white-clothed swordsman, in their eyes, he must be seriously injured.

After all, the strength of the white-clothed swordsman is so strong that no matter how powerful Lin Yun is, he can't easily defeat the opponent.

If Lin Yun can really defeat the white-clothed swordsman without getting hurt, it will definitely be enough to kill everyone present.

"You are right, these guys must be making some calculations again, but now we don't know where Lin Yun has gone."

Nanshan Wentian naturally wanted to help.

But the problem now is that they can't determine Lin Yun's location.

This means that they don't know how to help Lin Yun at all, and they don't know how Xu Changqing and Qiu Tianchen will arrange it.

"Leave this matter to the old servant."

"This fellow Taoist's strength is indeed special. If our Nanshan family can make friends with such a strong man, it will definitely be a good thing for the future of the entire family."

If it were the previous housekeeper, he might have completely disdained Lin Yun.

But Lin Yun brought them too many surprises.

Not long ago, he revealed his identity as a sword cultivator. This alone was enough for many ancient families in the Shenhua world to extend an olive branch to him.

And now he fought with a mysterious strong man like the white-clothed sword cultivator to such a degree with his own strength.

It can be seen that Lin Yun's attainments in seeing intentions are definitely not what ordinary people can imagine.

At this moment, everyone who survived here has their own different ideas.

For them, Lin Yun is no longer just a talented master, but also a huge treasure.

Think about it, such a powerful sword cultivator.

If he didn't have any powerful treasures, he would definitely die if he walked around the world like this.

On the other side, Lin Yun and the white-clothed swordsman had fought for hundreds of rounds, and the terrifying speed of the two people was fully exploded at this moment.

At the same time, two completely different fields were constantly colliding with Lin Yun's murderous field.

At this moment, the speed of the white-clothed swordsman was reduced.

Because of this, he was more or less able to keep up with the white-clothed swordsman.

And the terrifying field of the white-clothed swordsman also made Lin Yun's consumption increase exponentially to maintain this state.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a Dantian Star Sea in his body, I'm afraid that with such a terrifying consumption of Lin Yun, he would have been unable to hold on.

It was also for this reason that the white-clothed swordsman looked at Lin Yun with more and more incredible eyes. .

You know, it's been several hours now, and ordinary people can't bear such consumption at all.

But Lin Yun is not like this.

The white-clothed swordsman can see that the young man in front of him seems to have not reached his limit at all, and his strength is only a small part of it.

This was incredible to the white-clothed swordsman. He had seen so many strong men.

But it was the first time he had seen someone like Lin Yun.

"We have been fighting for such a long time. Even I can feel a little pressure. Something in my body seems to be drained very quickly?"

"But this kid can still fight with me so calmly in this state. Is this just a common thing for him?"

Although the white-clothed swordsman looked calm, he had already set off a storm in his heart.

This was obviously a completely different concept from many strong men he had met before, and he didn't know what kind of surprise Lin Yun could bring him next.

And looking at Lin Yun, he was still very relaxed as before, and he didn't mean to say anything more at this time.

In the process of the collision between the two sides, the Chaoyang Sword in Lin Yun's hand suddenly pointed to the sky.

Then the terrifying sword energy directly bombarded the sky. At that moment, the sword energy exploded instantly, and countless sparks fell around.

Just when the white-clothed swordsman was still wondering what Lin Yun was doing,

A monstrous murderous aura hit him like a huge wave, and even the white-clothed swordsman felt his head buzzing.

Then a huge dome fell in front of him.

"The Wanxiang Sword Formation, rise!"

Lin Yun snorted coldly, and then quickly pinched out a spell in his hand.

Countless flying swords formed by sword energy around Lin Yun rushed up, and soon they were arranged in the air, forming a large-scale sword formation formed by sword energy.

It was not until this time that the white-clothed swordsman finally understood what was wrong.

"Are you too anxious to show your trump card skills at this time? You know, I haven't shown my last resort."

The white-clothed swordsman looked at Lin Yun, and he knew that Lin Yun had already shown all his trump cards.

But this also means that Lin Yun is a little anxious.

The Wanxiang Sword Formation is indeed one of the strongest means that Lin Yun has comprehended in sword attainments.

And using it at this time is also a very important moment for Lin Yun. He can't continue to waste time in this battle, and he must fight quickly.

And if you want to end this battle, you have to make a corresponding challenge.

"I know that this consumption is quite huge for me, but it doesn't matter as long as I can end this battle quickly."

Lin Yun tried to stabilize his breathing. During the battle with the white-clothed sword cultivator, his own consumption was too huge.

This is very unfavorable for the next battle. If those guys really kill him, it will be troublesome.

But Lin Yun, now the whole person's panel is directly covered.

So Lin Yun can't see the next move of these guys.

In order to avoid unexpected troubles, at this time, he can only temporarily retain some strength for himself.

The white-clothed sword cultivator obviously didn't know this, but felt that Lin Yun had seen him more or less clearly.

"Well, let me see what's so special about your sword formation?"

The white-clothed swordsman raised his sword high in the air, and at the same time, a white light shone from his entire body.

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