Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1342 Follow the will and you will live, go against the will and you will die

Lin Yun knew that there would be many unexpected situations in the future, but now the overall situation has stabilized.

Although he paid a considerable price in this process, all the sacrifices he made before were worth it.

After overcoming the previous challenges, the entire mausoleum of the emperor no longer seemed to have very dangerous constraints like before.

And the next challenge in front of Lin Yun really fulfilled his words, and it could be easily wiped out.

After all, with Lin Yun's current strength, it is simply too easy to solve these things.

And after Lin Yun successfully did this, he was obviously not satisfied.

"This time, we successfully eliminated so many thorns, which can be regarded as stabilizing the situation we are facing now."

"Those guys before should not be blind and want to continue to challenge us at this time."

Although Lin Yun has solved Xu Changqing and others, no one can be sure that those guys before will be as honest and obedient as they thought before.

Nanshan Wentian still felt a little nervous, but Lin Yun acted very relaxed at this time.

"Whether they are willing to listen or not, it doesn't matter. For us, everything is under control. If we really have to fight, they will not have any advantage."

Just as Lin Yun said, he knew that these things were not so easy to solve.

If these people are willing to cooperate with them, it would be best if everyone can share some benefits.

But if they still naively think that they can handle many problems with their own abilities, then don't blame Lin Yun for using some cruel means in the process.

Lin Yun still has many means, but they have not used them at all. These people should not want to see this situation.

Hearing Lin Yun say this, even Nanshan Wentian broke out in cold sweat.

Although Lin Yun did not show a trace of murderous intent in the process of saying these words, the terrifying aura on his body still made people feel a little hairy.

"The leader of the alliance really has a very strong oppressive force. Just one sentence makes me feel a little uneasy."

Nanshan asked, and at this time they finally returned to their previous position, and now a large number of cultivators were trapped here.

Because there are still some formations in this sect, they dare not advance or retreat.

They can only wait for a suitable person to take them away from here, but they didn't expect that they would have to wait for several hours.

However, when they saw Lin Yun again, they all breathed a sigh of relief. They thought they were doomed before, but now it seems that there is still a little hope.

Lin Yun's cold eyes swept over everyone one by one.

"Everyone made the right choice before, so now I can take you away from here safely, but it is indeed difficult to get the final inheritance."

Lin Yun also opened the door to exercise right away, and he didn't need to say any more nonsense.

With the strength here, Lin Yun didn't believe that any of these guys in front of him dared to go against his will.

Since he said that there was no choice about inheritance, everyone present should understand that no matter how hard they tried, they could only reach the previous height.

Sure enough, after Lin Yun finished speaking, everyone present laughed loudly.

"Senior, you still think too highly of us. We certainly know how many people we have."

These people are now quite helpless. Lin Yun has already made it clear to the public, and obviously does not want them to continue to get involved.

If someone still chooses to be blind and continue to toss at this time, then the next result that awaits them may be the same as others.

Although it is still unclear what the situation of Xu Changqing's people is, it can be known from the previous series of changes that these people are likely to be dead.

Lin Yun is decisive and never shows mercy when facing the enemy. This was the case before, and it is probably the same now.

Xu Changqing and others naively thought that they could fight Lin Yun with their abilities, but they never thought that Lin Yun had enough power to easily suppress them.

The people present had already thought of the possible development direction of this matter, so after hearing Lin Yun's words at this time, instead of being angry, they followed their imagination.

The inheritance in this mausoleum is no longer very important to them. Being able to leave here alive is the most critical thing at the moment. Other things are not so problematic.

After seeing these people's performance, Lin Yun's mouth corners also slightly raised.

"Very good, it seems that everyone present is smart and should know what choice they should make. In this way, our next cooperation will definitely be very interesting."

Originally, Lin Yun was ready to continue fighting with these guys. Of course, he would not kill everyone here, but he would let them understand his strength.

Unexpectedly, perhaps because of the previous performance in various aspects, these guys in front of him respected Lin Yun.

When Lin Yun said that he wanted them to withdraw voluntarily, these guys did not object.

After the team reached an agreement, Champagne led them to move forward.

After a few days, they finally stood at the door of a floating hall.

At this time, they were still some distance away from the entrance of the hall.

But the steps in front of them had disappeared, and there was a deep abyss under their feet. Not even a feather could float here, let alone they were living people.

At this time, everyone did not dare to believe whether they could survive this difficulty.

Only Lin Yun acted very relaxed.

"It's very simple to pass here, just don't look at your feet."

After saying this, Lin Yun walked in front of them.

Although there was still no bridge under Lin Yun's feet, it was certain that Lin Yun had walked over.

Soon someone followed suit. They learned in a very realistic way.

Nanshan Wentian, who was beside Lin Yun, acted relatively relaxed.

Unlike others, although this situation here was indeed very dangerous, it was nothing in Nanshan Wentian's eyes.

Soon everyone crossed the abyss, and when they stood at the entrance of the hall, they felt like they were reborn.

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