"I say, we guys can really pull this off."

"Since those guys were able to get the final treasure, it is very likely that their strength is far greater than ours."

At this time, in the outside world, a group of people had gathered on a hilltop somewhere.

What Lin Yun and others didn't know was that these people had already known the location where Lin Yun and others came out through special means, so they laid a dragnet here.

Now we just need to wait for Lin Yun to come out directly.

The man in charge then sneered.

"It's too late to regret now. Although these guys may be really tough, they are not a problem for us."

The man said with a contemptuous smile. He had not chosen to enter with him before. Besides, there were many people who had the same idea as him.

Although there are many treasures in this inheritance place, no one can be sure whether they can come out alive after entering.

But it's different now. They can use special treasures to locate the locations where these people come out.

But now they only need to wait here and snatch away all the treasures brought out by these people. This is enough.

So for them, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Brothers, please cheer up. These people have experienced a war before, and their current physical condition is definitely not at its peak, but this does not mean that we can relax our vigilance."

The man glanced at the men beside him, and then said calmly.

Since the entire Shenhua Realm fell into war, many practitioners have chosen to become bandits just like the bandits at the beginning.

And these practitioners spontaneously formed some gangs, and what they did was also harmful to Tianhe, and they were nothing more than robbing other people's treasures.

Lin Yun has always hated these people very much and is determined to eradicate them completely. However, even the current Shitian Alliance is difficult to completely eliminate this force.

What they had to admit was that these guys were far more cunning than they thought, and if they wanted to catch them, they would have to pay a huge price.

The group of people standing here now is the famous Tianluo Gang.

The Tianluo Gang has always been relatively low-key. Compared with other gangs, they are simply not too obedient.

But this does not mean that the Tianluo Gang is weak.

On the contrary, it is because they can remain rational in the face of anything.

Others may think that at this critical moment, one should go all out to let all opponents know how powerful they are.

But the behavioral logic of the Tianluo Gang is completely different from theirs.

It's really because the Tianluo Gang has almost crazy secrecy methods, so they are also particularly mysterious to the entire Shenhua World.

Even if Lin Yun wanted to deal with the Tianluo Gang, he would definitely not be able to get any information about them for a while.

In this way, Lin Yun would have no way to implement all his plans to deal with the Tianluo Gang.

This is also one of the real purposes of the Tianluo Gang. What they need now is time.

The Tianluo Gang has set up a dragnet here to wait for these practitioners who take the initiative to come out.

Once these people fall into harm's hands, everything they have gained before will be meaningless.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime big business. You have been following me for so many years and have enjoyed the hot business. There must be some benefits, but now all of you must cheer up for me. You must not make any mistakes this time."

Shen Donglin smiled and looked at the people in front of him and said calmly.

In his opinion, the plan should still be within his control at this moment.

At this moment, a ripple appeared in front of them.

There were still people who doubted whether Shen Donglin's plan could succeed. Can they really lock in the location of these people?

But when these people saw the ripples, the expressions on their faces became extremely happy for a moment.

"Come on, come on, those guys are actually ready to leave from here."

I thought this was just a fantasy before, how could it possibly be what they wanted?

But now when they actually saw the portal appearing here, they became extremely excited.

On the other side, Guan Yuanming glanced coldly at the people around him.

"What is the current situation of the matter that you were asked to investigate?"

"The master should have returned by now. No matter how difficult the situation is over there, it won't be difficult to get the master."

He only heard the subordinate next to him reply in a low voice.

"Mr. Guan shouldn't be so nervous."

"The alliance leader is very powerful. Even if he encounters trouble, he can always avert danger at critical moments, so we don't have to worry too much."

Just as he finished speaking, the information from his subordinates also reached his hands at this critical moment.

And this person was stunned for a moment after seeing the content.

"What happened, don't think too much, just tell me."

Guan Yuanming could tell at a glance that this was definitely causing trouble.

I saw this man continue to say: "Mr. Guan, we have just locked the exit of the tomb of the Emperor of Lies."

"What we didn't expect is that this place is really a gathering of heroes. Not only are people from the Tianluo Gang there, there are even people from other sects who are gathering there."

It is obvious that the purpose of these people is very simple, to rob the treasures of Lin Yun's people.

Although it is known that the probability of such a thing happening is very low, if Guan Yuanming does not take action at this time, what is the point?

"What a bunch of ignorant things, they actually want to rob the master's treasures. In this case, let me teach them a lesson in person."

Guan Yuanming's expression was also very cold at this moment.

"Activate the formation to directly teleport our army over. I want to see which ignorant bastard wants to fight us to the last moment."

After hearing Guan Yuanming's answer, everyone was a little surprised. They didn't expect Guan Yuanming to go there in person this time.

You know, there are still many troubles waiting for them on the front line. It is even more inseparable from Guan Yuanming's command.

But Guan Yuanming has just said this, and of course none of the people present dared to go up and touch his bad luck.

"I know what you are thinking in your heart. There is no need to worry about the front line. Since the director is back this time, the situation on the front line will not last long."

Guan Yuanming said quite confidently.

He knew that Lin Yun's return meant that things had a chance to come to an end.

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