Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1350 Do you really treat me like a dog?

"I am just stating a fact. You want to act so high and mighty now, but I won't allow it."

Seeing the envoy so angry, Lin Yun just sneered. Others may not know how this matter will develop.

But for Lin Yun, everything is under his control.

And the envoy is in a very complicated mood now.

Before coming here, he didn't take these mortals in the lower world seriously.

In the eyes of the envoy, he represents the heaven, which means that he has a high status and is arrogant. What's wrong? After all, this is just a bunch of garbage.

Even if he kills all these garbage himself, I'm afraid no one dares to stop them.

"What a group of ants who don't know how to live or die."

"Maybe in your eyes, you don't need to take us seriously at this moment, but I will soon let you know how stupid your choice is."

After seeing that Lin Yun and others were unwilling to negotiate with them, the face of the previous envoy became more and more embarrassed at this time.

He waved his hand and said, "Come on, teach these ignorant guys a lesson."

At this time, several protectors appeared beside Lin Yun.

"Don't worry, let us do this."

"Since the messengers of Heaven are so ignorant, we have nothing to negotiate with Heaven. We will just beat them back today."

The attitudes of these protectors were the same as before.

If they can negotiate, it would be the best.

But if they still don't know how to live or die, there is nothing to say.

When the protectors appeared, the messenger's face changed.

But he still shouted loudly.

"You mortals in the lower world are so brave. Do you want to rebel? You should know that Heaven is willing to send this messenger down to give you face. It doesn't want to see you suffer in the lower world."

"But if you really dare to go against Heaven at this time, all the disasters that follow will be borne by you."

He looked excited and worried. He really fought.

After all, the purpose of his coming here this time was to negotiate smoothly.

If Lin Yun and others did not give him face, it would mean that today's negotiation would definitely not have any results.

And Lin Yun had already been a little impatient with this eunuch.

If this guy did not have that arrogant temper, Lin Yun might have said a few more words to him.

But now he really didn't want to say a word.

"I don't know what the Heavenly Court wants to do, but if the Heavenly Court has always been like this, I don't think there is any need for us to talk."

I saw Lin Yun waved his hand, and then directly pulled the envoy down from the air.

The soldiers around the envoy wanted to take action, but they found that they did not have the speed of Lin Yun at the moment of action.

Several people were also stunned for a moment.

Sword cultivator?

They were sure that the method Lin Yun just used was only for sword cultivators.

But didn't the Shenhua Realm completely cut off the sword cultivators? How could we still see the inheritance of sword cultivators here?

The messenger was also dragged to his feet by Lin Yun. After a closer look, he was just a waste of the Wanfa Realm.

But at this time, relying on the power of the Heavenly Court, he bullied them.

At this time, Lin Yun grabbed the messenger's neck and lifted him up from the ground.

"Don't you look at your own strength level and dare to be so arrogant in front of us? It seems that the Heavenly Court has really given you a lot of benefits, so you are so arrogant now?"

The messenger stared at Lin Yun with wide eyes, as if he couldn't believe it at this moment.

This kid is too arrogant, daring to say these words to himself.

"You... you... what do you want to do?"

The messenger's voice trembled as he spoke. He thought that after he appeared. These guys in front of him would be obedient.

But what he never expected was that these people didn't take him seriously at all.

"What do I want to do?"

"What is the purpose of the Heavenly Court sending you here this time? Now tell me clearly."

Lin Yun grabbed the messenger's collar and asked calmly. For him, what he did now was just as it should be.

"Attacking the messenger of Heaven means waging war against Heaven."

"You should think carefully about what kind of disaster you will face next."

Until now, the messenger still did not think that Lin Yun had the ability and courage to challenge Heaven.

But the moment he finished speaking, Lin Yun punched him in the face.

"Fuck, you are just a eunuch of Heaven. In my eyes, you are no different from garbage. Don't act arrogantly in front of me."

"If you don't tell me, I will destroy you today. I want to see how many eunuchs Heaven will send here."

After being hit hard by Lin Yun's punch, the messenger finally changed his attitude.

He probably didn't expect Lin Yun to be so bold and fearless in the face of the messenger of Heaven.

And several warriors of Heaven in the distance shouted at the same time.

"You dare to despise the power of heaven."

"Do you believe that we will destroy your mountain right now?"

After these people finished speaking, they saw the protectors around Lin Yun also stepped forward.

"Okay, we are standing here now, and we want to see how you destroy this mountain."

The two sides were on the verge of a fight, and the aura on their bodies was constantly rising. For Lin Yun, he absolutely could not retreat at this time.

Even if it costs some price, it doesn't matter.

The envoy finally saw the strength of their Shitian League.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I'll tell you."

"I am here to convey the will of the Emperor of Heaven. You must choose one person to go to the Heavenly Court to pay homage within three days. And our Heavenly Court will also protect you from the invasion of the demons."

Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly.

From this meaning, is this trying to recruit them?

It seems that the forces of the previous term are mostly the same as what he thought.

Whether it was the demons or the heavens, they didn't consider them as their own people at all.

These guys were high and mighty, and there was no way to erase the arrogance in their bones, so if they really agreed to this request, it would mean completely giving up all their freedom.

But was this really the result that Lin Yun wanted?

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