Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1353 Only after reading this can you feel at ease

When Lin Yun saw the envoy's arrogant look, a nameless fire rose in his heart.

That's why the series of things that happened later happened. In the end, it was just to teach these ignorant guys a lesson.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no need. These guys are just some insignificant ants.

Even if they feel scared in their hearts, it will not have any impact on the decision of the Heavenly Court.

"I think what my brother said before is right. No matter how powerful those Heavenly Courts are, they are their power after all, and they will not work on us."

"If we really put all our hopes on these Heavenly Court guys now, I'm afraid they will eat us up and leave nothing."

"That's right. These Heavenly Court guys have the same goal from the beginning. They just want to get more benefits from us. How can we let them succeed?"

Everyone also gave their answers at this time.

At this point, they certainly can't just sit there and watch things develop in an uncontrollable direction, and now they naturally have to go all out.

"I thought everyone would agree that the decision I made before was very reckless."

"I didn't expect everyone to think we should reject the Heavenly Court."

It can be said that this situation was beyond Lin Yun's expectations. He certainly knew what these people were thinking.

But before that, he didn't think that they would unanimously agree that the Heavenly Court was not worth their attention at all.

"These guys in the Heavenly Court have been arrogant for so many years, and it's time for them to realize what kind of position they are in."

Fu Bo Tianwang said lightly on the side: "All the tribes in the Shenhua Realm have the same idea, that is, to ensure that the Shenhua Realm will not be invaded by any external forces."

"Whether it is the Heavenly Court or the Demon Clan, their goal is the same, that is, to enslave us."

"It's just that the two use different means. One looks more violent, and the other is relatively calm."

"But no matter what means are used, the ultimate goal is the same, so we absolutely cannot tolerate these guys' conspiracy succeeding."

Lin Yun looked at everyone present, and at this moment he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's just that my views on this matter are more or less different from yours."

"After the battle between many powerful people in Shenhua Realm, no one knew where they went. So I want to find out what the connection between the upper realm and the lower realm is."

"At the same time, I also want to know what the nature of the Heavenly Court is."

Lin Yun wanted to go to the upper realm to investigate the truth of this matter.

But at the same time, he also understood that once he left, it would most likely cause the current Shenhua Realm to encounter greater trouble.

So before Lin Yun was ready to act, he had to make sure that everything in the lower realm was under his control.

When everyone heard Lin Yun's words, they were all stunned.

"Brother, now people are the knife and I am the fish."

"If you go to the upper realm now, it is equivalent to being restricted by the Heavenly Court. At that time, the entire Shitian League will probably be restricted by these guys."

Just when they were all puzzled by this matter, Erzu appeared.

"This kid always has his own ideas when doing things. If he is not sure, do you think he will make this decision?"

Erzu smiled and sat down beside everyone.

Finally, his eyes focused on Lin Yun.

"Many things in the past, even I can't explain clearly, so it's not a bad thing for you to have such an idea, but you should be prepared to bear the consequences before making this decision."

When Erzu said this, he looked at Lin Yun in front of him very seriously, and the meaning of his words was very simple.

Since this matter has already happened, they may not be able to think about it as easily as before.

Lin Yun can go to the upper realm, and there is no need to worry about whether he will be held hostage by those guys.

But he must understand what impact this matter can bring to the entire lower realm.

After hearing this answer, Lin Yun looked serious.

"I know those guys will not let me go easily, but he should still be a little short of the fire to deal with me in a short time."

Because he has the Eight Realms Tower in his hand, Lin Yun is now quite confident.

At that time, even if he is not the opponent of those guys, he is also very sure that he can slip away from these guys.

So Lin Yun can say these words proudly at this time, because he is really sure in his heart.

Everyone looked at each other and was worried about Lin Yun's decision.

However, since even the big boss Erzu took the initiative to say that Lin Yun's idea was correct, shouldn't they also think about other possibilities?

Everyone looked at each other and had to admit that it was not an easy task in front of them.

"Since the senior has said this, I think everyone doesn't need to continue to struggle on this issue."

"Let me see for myself what those guys are going to do. No matter what conspiracy they have, I will break it with my own strength."

At this time, Erzu looked at Lin Yun.

"What's the situation over there? I can't give you an accurate answer now. But they are very powerful, so don't underestimate them. If you can't handle them, just try your best to retreat."

"As long as you can come back here, you don't have to worry about those guys coming to your door during that period."

Although the connection between Shangjie and the lower world has been opened, no matter what, the number of strong people that the lower world can accommodate is still limited.

Before the rules are perfected, these guys from the upper world still have no way to come.

So, this can be regarded as giving Lin Yun enough time to grow.

At the same time, it also makes it more difficult for the heaven to deal with them.

In this way, Lin Yun also entrusted all the affairs of the Shitian League to Erzu.

"Later, he said that if something really happens, it depends on you to help me solve it."

"I don't know what will happen when I go there, and I don't know how long I will be gone."

Lin Yun looked at Erzu and said with emotion.

Erzu responded calmly

"You have basically settled the affairs in Shenhua Realm, so there is no need to worry too much, but it is not a good place."

"It would be best if you can come back sooner."

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