The identity of a hunter can help Lin Yun conceal his current embarrassing situation.

So many people in the Heavenly Court are searching for him.

Lin Yun's puppet can still deceive for a while, but it can never deceive forever. Once discovered, it is easy to expose his identity.

The identity of a fox hunter is in danger from time to time.

So it is also the most chaotic with a mixture of good and bad people.

If Lin Yun disguises himself as a hunter, he can give himself a proper environment.

But the key is that he must complete all the disguises in a very short time.

Soon Lin Yun began to move forward cautiously around.

If there were no treasures on his body to cover up his breath, Lin Yun was really worried that his identity would be exposed accidentally, but for now, all this is not as complicated as he thought before.

Although there are still many things that are unknown.

But for now, everything is still under their control.

In the next few days, Lin Yun traveled through this barren land, but wherever he looked, he mostly saw ferocious and ferocious wild beasts.

But Lin Yun didn't see a cultivator here, which made him start to doubt whether his previous decision was correct.

"It should be almost time for them to be exposed. We haven't found a soul hunter here. If they come to their senses, it will be troublesome."

Chong Qingniao said with some worry.

Lin Yun is still as calm as before, and the reason for this is only because he holds the system panel in his hand.

It is precisely because of the prompt of the system panel that he can remain calm in this situation.

If the same thing happens to others, they may not be able to pretend that nothing has happened like Lin Yun now.

Chong Qingniao doesn't know where Lin Yun's confidence comes from, but judging from the current trajectory of your actions, he should not encounter any trouble.

At this time, a wild beast like a worm appeared behind Lin Yun.

This kind of creature usually hides under the ground.

After sensing the traces of human actions nearby, it will suddenly attack.

Worms are huge in size, but they can move freely underground and are extremely fast. At the moment of launching a surprise attack, you only have a few seconds to react.

If you miss this opportunity, most of the hunters will be swallowed by the worms.

Then the horrible gastric juice will melt you in a few minutes.

Because of this, this creature is also called the death worm.

In this barren land, the death worm is the most common.

This creature is usually hidden very deep, and in order to hunt prey, they can even go without food or water for nearly a month without any movement.

Therefore, every hunter team will have a soul hunter with extremely powerful spiritual sense to detect these death worms.

Just when this death worm thought it would soon devour the human in front of it, it felt a nameless fire bursting instantly.

Under the night sky, this death worm didn't even have time to open its mouth full of barbs before it was burned to ashes by the flames.

Lin Yun slowly stood up and looked into the distance.

"It's alive."

In the past so many days, Lin Yun has not found any traces of human activities.

This is not a good thing for Lin Yun. If he wants to integrate into the hunter system, then first he needs to have a certain degree of understanding of the entire upper world.

At least he needs to know what the soul hunters are doing within the range controlled by the Heavenly Court, and what kind of terrain is around them.

Before these things are figured out, Lin Yun is very likely to be exposed by interrogation.

This is why he has been trying his best to figure this out recently, which may be the only important reason for Lin Yun at the moment.

It's a pity that after so many days, he still hasn't been able to find any target, even Lin Yun is a little melancholy.

Unexpectedly, just when he thought it was about to end, there was actually a prey that took the initiative to deliver it to his door.

In this case, Lin Yun certainly couldn't give up.

"What's the situation? Do you notice that there are other humans around?"

"Could it be the army sent by the Heavenly Court to search for you?"

"Are you sure these guys are soul hunters?"

Chong Qingniao asked several questions in a row, and just now his powerful consciousness was also spreading around.

With Chong Qingniao's current strength, he can detect any slight fluctuations in the surrounding area at the first time.

But what he didn't expect was that he hadn't found any clues yet.

But Lin Yun already knew what he was going to do next, and now even Chongqingniao felt incredible.

This guy was much more powerful than they thought.

"If the hunters really sent a large force to search for me at this time, they wouldn't make a fuss so quickly."

Lin Yun responded lightly.

His consciousness had spread all around a long time ago. The reason why Lin Yun could sense this was because he could clearly feel the murderous aura released by those wild beasts within the scope of his domain.

It was obvious that this group of wild beasts were hunting.

And with so many wild beasts moving, it is very likely that their prey is fleeing aimlessly, thus alarming more and more wild beasts.

Through these, Lin Yun can judge that it should be other wild beast hunters who broke into the wild beast's territory.

And the strength of this soul hunter is likely not very strong.

Such as the above conditions, so Lin Yun did not think about it and acted directly. No matter what the result is this time, he always has to go and see, so as to avoid regrets.

And with Lin Yun's speed, it is not difficult to catch up in time.

In just a moment, Lin Yun has crossed a distance of thousands of feet.

And at this distance, he can already faintly hear some beast roars.

"You really calculated it right, kid. It seems that some people who don't know much about the market here broke in here and aroused the anger of these wild beasts."

Chong Qingniao said unhappily. From the angry voice of the wild beast just now, it is not difficult to judge that their target this time should not know the situation here at all.

So if they rush in here rashly, you can imagine what will be waiting for them next.

Facing such a large number of wild beasts, without any experience, there is a high probability that you will die.

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