Everyone was cautious at the beginning. After all, they had fought against monsters before and knew how cunning these guys were. When Lin Yun said this, everyone believed it.

If the demon clan really attacks and they don't make any movement now, then they will be in trouble next time.

But who would have thought that a quarter of an hour had passed and they still didn't feel any movement.

As a result, several people present began to have doubts. Could it be that what Lin Yun just said was nonsense?

Moreover, they had smelled the smell here just now and did not detect any smell of demon clan.

Everyone's attention was focused on the squad leader.

At this time, the team leader also lifted his guard.

"I know that you have just carried out a mission, so it is inevitable that you will be a little nervous. This is normal."

"But you can rest assured. With everyone here, nothing unexpected will happen."

The squad leader also looked confident when he said this. In his opinion, they had already patrolled here, so how could there still be problems?

Just as this thought flashed across his mind, the ground suddenly cracked, and then a tentacle penetrated the squad leader's body.


Blood sprayed out, and everyone in the team was dumbfounded.

Lin Yun roared angrily: "Enemy attack!"

Then he held his weapon and rushed forward immediately.

Although Lin Yun cut off the tentacles very quickly, the captain's internal organs had been stirred into pieces at that moment.

So what is already dead cannot die again.

But now it was too late for them to grieve. They saw all around them and suddenly appeared.

Various cracks were discovered, and then a large number of monsters emerged from the ground.

When he saw this scene, the expression on Lin Yun's face could be said to be quite serious. From the beginning, he never thought that one day he would become like this.

Lin Yun took a deep breath and firmly held the Chaoyang Sword in his hand.

There are a lot of monsters, and from the looks of it, they are preparing to launch a large-scale sneak attack.

"Everyone, be prepared. The demon clan is not joking with us this time, but is really going to kill us."

Everything is as the mysterious man said before. The purpose of the demon clan this time is to completely damage the heaven.

They also know that they may not be able to do anything to Heaven in a short period of time.

But after all this trouble, it was possible to make Tianting unable to walk around.

So for the current demon clan, this is an excellent opportunity, and of course they cannot miss it.

Lin Yun was now very curious about the identity of the mysterious man and how he could know so much.

It seems that there is still a pool of muddy water in Heaven. If they want to figure things out, the price they need to pay is much heavier than they thought.

Soon Lin Yun saw a sheep-headed man appearing in his sight, and behind him were many demon generals.

"Boy, your boss is dead. Now put down your weapons and go up. I can spare your lives."

"If anyone dares to resist at this time, he will be killed without mercy."

As he spoke, he walked towards Lin Yun.

Dong Wenyuan was also approaching Lin Yun at this time.

"Senior, what should I do now? These guys should be aiming at me.

Let's come. "

While everyone was nervous, Lin Yun acted calmly and calmly. He took out the prepared signal flare and fired it directly into the air.

When the sheep-headed man saw this scene, he thought of taking action against Lin Yun first.

But the moment he got close to Lin Yun, he was kicked away by Lin Yun.

At the same time, the flare successfully took off and exploded.

Immediately, the sheep-headed man stood up unsteadily, holding his chest.

"Grandma's. When did the soldiers in heaven become so powerful?"

He also didn't expect Lin Yun, a soldier who seemed to be just an intern, to have such strength.

After Lin Yun's torment, the others finally came to their senses. Now was the opportunity to fight to the death with these monsters, and they could not give up easily.

So everyone rushed forward at once.

The whole scene became quite chaotic at this time.

Lin Yun took advantage of the chaos and came to the front of the sheep-headed man. Without anyone noticing, he directly grabbed the sheep-headed man's neck with one hand, and the two disappeared in an instant.

When the sheep-headed man came to his senses, he found that he had arrived in the jungle.

And his body was tied tightly to the big tree, unable to move.

"You brat, you...who are you?"

When the sheep-headed man saw Lin Yun clearly in front of him, his voice couldn't help but tremble.

He originally thought that he had met a few rookies this time and could kill them easily, but he didn't expect that Lin Yun was still hiding.

When they first played against each other, they felt that something was not right about Lin Yun.

I didn't expect him to be in Lin Yun

He was easily manipulated in front of him.

“Does it matter who I am?”

Lin Yun looked at the sheep-headed man coldly, and then said: "Tell me, what exactly do the demon clan want to do this time?"

The sheep-headed man raised his head.

"You brat, you want to get information from me. That's just wishful thinking. Even if I die here, I will never say a word to you."

But as soon as he finished speaking, the dagger in Lin Yun's hand was already placed on his neck.

"Really? I have many methods of interrogating people. Do you want to try them one by one?"

After Lin Yun finished speaking, a ball of flame popped up between his fingers.

But the sheep-headed man didn't know what the flame in Lin Yun's hand was.

But out of the instinct of life, he could only feel extremely strong fear at this moment, as if the flames contaminating his body meant certain death.

He saw Lin Yun breathing rapidly.

"Kill me and there's nothing you can do."

"The Changting Army has been stationed at the border for so many years. They are indeed powerful, but what if we have disintegrated them from within?"

"Soon the territory here will be back in our hands."

Heavenly Court snatched this area from their hands, and now they are just treating others in their own way.

And Lin Yun never expected that the demon clan would still be able to sneak into the heaven.

"So this is your serious declaration of war on Heaven."

"The demon clan has been fighting the Changting Army for so long. You should understand that just this is not enough to defeat the Changting Army, right?"

Lin Yun is also very curious. The current demon clan does seem a bit too crazy.


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