Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1384: Looking for a fight again

On the other side, Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan had already taken action.

It stands to reason that the two people should be very safe now. So far, they are at the forefront of the battlefield.

The demon tribe and the Changting Army were fighting fiercely, and it was impossible to allocate part of their energy to capture Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan.

But it didn't take long when Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan left.

Lin Yun immediately discovered that someone had been following them, and now Lin Yun probably knew who was secretly controlling all this.

"Senior, have you discovered anything?"

Dong Wenyuan is so smart, Lin Yun just made a little movement, and he immediately realized that something was not right about the current situation.

And Lin Yun just nodded lightly.

"I didn't expect that these young people would actually dare to come to our door."

"It seems that they are quite confident in their own strength."

Lin Yun's eyes flashed with disdain at this time.

Of course, he also understood that the people who were against him this time were probably Huangfu Longdou and others, but he didn't expect that he had no intention of arguing with them before, and now they dared to catch up again.

"Don't be nervous. If it's these guys, I'm afraid they won't be able to leave here alive."

In the territory of Changting Army, Lin Yun would not directly kill Huangfu Longdou's people.

After all, so many people saw that beating the Celestials and killing the Celestials were two completely different concepts.

Lin Yun also didn't want to cause trouble to Huo Changting.

But if it is at the border, the situation is different. Who can be sure that these people died by their own hands?

Just like that, Lin Yun acted as if nothing had happened.


After walking for a whole day, Lin Yun finally sensed that more and more strong men were approaching from the surrounding area. It seemed that these guys were also preparing to take action at the critical moment.

Lin Yun came to a place and stopped among the mountains.

"You have been following me for so long, and you probably have other ideas about me. In that case, you might as well show up."

Lin Yun looked behind him, holding a sword in one hand, standing quietly without any emotion on his face.

What no one noticed was that the moment Lin Yun finished speaking, the appearance of his face also changed.

Lin Yun didn't know if Huangfu Longdou had any other means. If he really wanted to record everything that happened here today, it would be troublesome.

So he changed his appearance early, so that even if he had the means later, he could send what happened here to the Huangfu family.

Lin Yun didn't need to worry about threatening himself.

Soon he saw a gray-haired old man appear in his sight.

The old man looked at Lin Yunlie with a cane in one hand, and opened his mouth to reveal his big yellow teeth.

"Young man, I'm standing here today. I'm afraid you won't be able to pass through this road."

Lin Yun looked at the other party and then the panel appeared.

Sure enough, these are all disciples from the Huangfu family.

But what Lin Yun didn't know was that Huangfu Longdou came to the Changting Army for gold plating, and he never wanted to participate in the war, so why did he bring so many masters here.

The strength of the old man in front of me should also be in the realm of the Great Emperor.

"These guys should have calculated accurately. In their eyes, your strength and behavior

They are still not strong, so they are arranging for these people to come forward now just to use their power to overwhelm others. "

"And the Changting Army is also very special. I think these guys should not dare to send some strong masters here, otherwise they will not give face to the Changting Marquis."

Chongqingniao was also analyzing and talking at this time.

The whole situation is not much different from what Chongqingniao said.

The reason why such changes have occurred is because they are worried that these things will become too big and there will be no way to end them.

Lin Yun looked at the old man in front of him and just smiled indifferently: "I don't know what the old man is going to do today, but now I would like to ask the old man to do it for your convenience and not to block my way."

"Otherwise, I will really take action later, but the sword has no eyes."

With Lin Yun's current strength, there is no need to take what the old man just said to heart.

In his opinion, if the old man doesn't want to cause trouble for himself, it would be best for him to leave honestly.

And the moment Lin Yun finished speaking, many powerful people appeared around him.

At some point, Lin Yun was surrounded by these powerful men, and then he saw Huangfu Longdou and Huangfu Yuehong appear in his sight.

These two people still looked triumphant, as if they had seen the situation where Lin Yun would definitely die.

Huangfu Longdou quickly came to Lin Yun and looked at him proudly.

"When I was in the Changting Army camp, I couldn't take action against you, but here, don't think that the guys from the Changting Army can still protect you."

"You bastard, you didn't expect that I deliberately asked them to

Although I don't know the time for arranging you to leave the city, I have already laid a dragnet around the area. If you dare to come, you will definitely die. "

Huangfu Longdou said this with great pride, as if he had already seen the hope of victory.

At this moment, Lin Yun looked at Huangfu Longdou with a calm expression, and there was no trace of fear in his eyes.

"In order to deal with me, Master Huangfu really took great pains to arrange so many masters to wait for me here. I don't know how to describe my excitement at this moment."

Lin Yun looked at Huangfu Longdou with a smile and said. At this time, Huangfu Longdou was even more angry with Lin Yun and beat him up.

Huangfu Longdou didn't know what Lin Yun meant, but he knew that he had to stay calm in this situation.

Otherwise, this boy will really take the initiative.

"You brat, if you offend the Celestial Clan, you will be wiped out of this world."

"I'm here today just to do justice for heaven. No matter how capable you were before, you should kneel down in front of me here today."

Now that things have happened, Huangfu Longdou has a large number of people around him, and it can be said that he is very powerful. In this state, Lin Yun will not be an opponent of these guys at all.

So what can be done is to beg for mercy as much as possible and not make things more embarrassing.

After hearing what Huangfu Longdou said, Lin Yun raised his head and laughed loudly.

"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength, but unfortunately I am not prepared to do what you ask for today."

"No matter what means you have, just use them."

"I'm standing right here,

I also want to see what abilities your Huangfu family has yet to display. "

Seeing Lin Yun's proud look, Huangfu Longdou became even more angry at this moment.

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