Based on the current situation of Demon Court, although it seems that they are not involved in any incident.

But it is precisely for this reason that their current broken situation has been exposed.

It is true that they were not involved in any of the things, but this also just showed that the entire Demon Court was not as glamorous as they imagined.

For Lin Yun, now is indeed the best opportunity to negotiate prices with them.

There is still no way for Demon Court to take the initiative in this matter.

Lin Yun could take this opportunity to hold everything firmly in his hands.

"Although these guys look strong, they are actually controlled by others."

"When we get to their territory, we just need to be a little careful. Other than that, there are no taboos."

Dong Wenyuan still doesn't know what he will face next.

But when he heard what Lin Yun said, he nodded with a confused face. Anyway, he just followed Lin Yun to do things now.

With the abilities Lin Yun had shown before, he could at least be kept safe.

As for what will happen after arriving at the Demon Court, it depends on whether Dong Wenyuan's bloodline is really as magical as Huo Changting said.

But during the rest of the journey, Dong Wenyuan seemed a little silent.

After all, he had to worry about someone coming to take his life during the first part of the journey, but now he was getting closer and closer to the demon clan's territory.

In this uncertain situation, even Dong Wenyuan would be nervous. Although Lin Yun was very strong, he could not stand up to the demon. More in clan territory

There are countless strong people.

Dong Wenyuan also knows that he is now a target, and there are many people who want to kill him.

But there are not many people who can really save his life.

Looking at Dong Wenyuan's distracted look on the road, Lin Yun also knew what he was thinking.

He stepped forward and patted his shoulder gently.

"Don't think so much. Now that you're here, just face it calmly."

"Now the demon clan is fighting in front, and countless elites have already invested in the frontal battlefield. This is the best time for us to sneak in."

Under the current circumstances, Lin Yun still hopes that Dong Wenyuan can cheer up.

After all, there are still many things waiting for them to solve. If Lin Yun only relies on Lin Yun, everything may not go smoothly. Dong Wenyuan's cooperation is still needed.

Fortunately, Dong Wenyuan was not so pretentious, and he just laughed when he heard what Lin Yun said.

"Senior, don't blame me."

"It's just that these things are still a bit unbearable for me after all."

Thinking about it, Dong Wenyuan was a veritable top dog licker before, but once he woke up, he found that even his gimmicks were so different from ordinary people.

It can be said that it is indeed a bit difficult for Dong Wenyuan to accept now, but at this moment, he is also secretly preparing for the worst in his heart.

Lin Yun saw Dong Wenyuan like this and just patted him on the shoulder.

"Just don't worry."

"The current situation of the demon clan is exactly when they need you, so as long as they can get you to your location, someone will naturally keep you safe."

For Lin Yun, disguise is the least they need to worry about


Dong Wenyuan nodded in understanding.

He didn't know what Lin Yun meant by what he just said, but he had a certain amount of trust in Lin Yun through all the things that had happened before.

If it was an ordinary thing, naturally it wouldn't have reached this stage.

But now that Lin Yun is taking this issue so seriously, those people must ask them to deal with it more carefully.

Dong Wenyuan now also knows that with his own ability, he cannot resist at all.

If others want him to live, he can live. If others want him to die, he can only be obedient at this moment.

But what really made Dong Wenyuan relax was because Lin Yun was by his side. In any case, it was Lin Yun who pulled him back from that critical moment of life and death.

He has successfully crossed the boundary of the demon clan.

The Monster Clan is different from Heavenly Court, although they also have an extremely strong awareness of their own territory.

However, they do not have very clear boundaries.

So even Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan don't have to worry too much, because there are no monsters guarding the border at all, but it is not easy to enter the city of the monsters.

Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan could only use less disguise to make them look like monsters. After all, the Miao people are very powerful and can transform into human beings after reaching a certain level.

So even if two people keep the appearance of human race, there is nothing to worry about.

And Dong Wenyuan is slowly cheering up now. There is nothing he can do to resist anyway. Since he has been assigned to write a letter, he might as well accept it calmly.

After all, no matter how you look at it, this situation will not last long.

Two people came

After the Ten Thousand Beasts City, I was also shocked by this majestic and majestic city.

It is not that there are no border fortresses in Heaven.

But no city can be built as rough and powerful as the Monster Clan.

Looking from a distance, Ten Thousand Beasts City looked like a huge beast as big as a mountain, blocking their way.

And those demon clans that come in and out are like ants in front of this huge city.

Towering walls, thick rock walls.

Coupled with the indestructible formation, it can be seen from this point that although these monsters have not set up borders.

But this big city is guarding here, even if the Changting Army comes here, it may not be easy to deal with it.

"Is this the City of Ten Thousand Beasts? It is a little different from what I imagined."

Dong Wenyuan has only heard some things about the monsters from others, but it is obviously still a little different from seeing it with his own eyes.

It's like who would not easily believe the city in front of him.

"This is also the first time I have come to such a place. I have to say that this city looks a little rough."

"But it is very consistent with the style of these monsters."

Lin Yun chatted with Dong Wenyuan, and the two of them did not slow down.

Soon they had arrived at the foot of the City of Ten Thousand Beasts.

At this time, there were many monsters queuing up like dust around.

Obviously, the City of Ten Thousand Beasts is the most famous city on the border of the Monster Court, and there are also many ordinary people of the monsters nearby.

The prey they hunted on weekdays would be brought here for exchange, and even some intelligence would be exchanged here.

That is why, although this place is a borderland,

while the front line is fighting.

But when Lin Yun saw the monsters here, there was no panic on their faces.

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