Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1397: Only a new route can be taken

This time it was Lin Yun's turn to be in trouble.

They also changed their route, and there were only a few people in this team. If someone was really doing something bad, they would always be able to find out.

But there were no other unexpected situations along the way.

So even Lin Yun is not sure what the situation is now.

Dong Wenyuan glanced at Lin Yun. You must know that you have seen a lot of things following Lin Yun along the way.

He respected this senior very much, but this was the first time he saw this senior make trouble in front of him.

I originally thought that Lin Yun would settle this matter as easily as before. After all, no matter how powerful these guys are, they are still a little behind.

But he didn't expect that until now, he didn't even know who was behind the scenes.

In this way, even here, Lin Yun had no way to deal with them.

The panel does not show the methods of these people, let alone where these people will come out.

This was quite disadvantageous for Lin Yun, but he couldn't say anything else at this time.

Akto also looked at Lin Yun cautiously at this time, hoping to get some news from Lin Yun, but as of now, he was somewhat disappointed.

"Although I don't know what these guys are going to do, it's not that there is no other way for our current situation."

"Fortunately, the purpose of these guys is nothing more than to disrupt our current layout. If that's the case, just let them come."

"With the combined efforts of you and me, we can always fight our way out of this damn place."

Lin Yun said it lightly, but the expressions on the faces of the people next to him at this moment

The situation became embarrassing. How can this matter be settled so easily?

I heard Akto bow slightly at this time: "I don't know, sir, since these guys dare to attack us at this time, they are obviously not so easy to deal with deliberately."

"Now that we brothers have taken this job, we will definitely not give up easily, but in this situation, we still have to act as a safe plan."

When they said this, their eyes also fell on Dong Wenyuan. Of course, the meaning was very simple.

Although their strength is here, it does not mean that the next situation will be solved smoothly.

Lin Yun's eyes were all focused on Akto at this time.

"Why don't you tell me what's going on?"

At this time, Akto also answered seriously: "The other party must have been very careful about us, so they will definitely set up various traps to deal with us after this. The only thing I am curious about now is how much you trust us. of."

Obviously Akto also understood that it would be inappropriate to try to shirk things under such circumstances.

Not to mention that the current situation is much more complicated than they thought before.

"Since I am asking you to come and act with us, I naturally trust everyone present. There is no doubt about this."

Seeing the questioning expressions on their faces, Lin Yun just smiled indifferently and said calmly.

Just like Lin Yun said just now, he naturally trusts these guys.

It's just that under the current situation, not everyone can easily solve this problem.

only saw

Lin Yun waved his hand, showing his heroism at this moment.

"Brother, you don't have to think so narrowly of me, although this situation is indeed a bit difficult now."

"But for us, mutual trust and cooperation are the most important thing, and I don't doubt whether everyone present has made any other efforts."

Lin Yun said calmly, as if you had prepared for the worst at this time.

Several people present may have been a little worried before, but now they slowly relaxed after seeing Lin Yun's attitude.

As they said before, some things can be solved easily, but there are also some problems that cannot be solved so easily.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun heard Akto continue speaking.

"The other party has been studying us for so long and has been watching our every move, just because they are afraid that they will fall behind in the process."

"But they don't know that because of this, we now have an excellent opportunity to fight back."

Lin Yun was also an old god looking at Akto in front of him.

"Fight back?"

"Until now, we still don't know who attacked us, or even which party this person comes from."

"So I'm curious about what you mean by this counterattack? Can everyone here still seize this opportunity?"

As Lin Yun spoke, he smiled and looked at the people around him. It could be seen from his eyes that Lin Yun somewhat understood the current situation.

During this time, Lin Yun was also looking for the black hand hiding behind him.

But it's a pity that he didn't find the right one

Fang, and the other party didn't seem to have any intention of showing off his flaws, so there were no clues on the panel at all.

When it comes to escaping the fatal crisis, Lin Yun has no problem.

With his current strength.

Even if a strong person with the strength of the Creation Realm comes in person, Lin Yun is not without the power to fight.

What's more, with Lin Yun's current methods, he can easily settle this matter.

But it wouldn't hurt if they were careful.

After all, the opponent they faced this time was too treacherous, and for them, this was not something they could settle in a short while.

But in Lin Yun's view, even if it was a big trouble, it was just a thought now.

Akto originally thought that Lin Yun and others would be suspicious of them.

This will cause trouble later on.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yun didn't say much at all, and it could be seen from his eyes that he really didn't take it to heart.

This situation is indeed not a problem for Lin Yun.

There will definitely be troubles next, but he has already prepared for the worst.

Anyway, that's all.

Since this person must be looking for trouble for them, it's better to accept it openly now.

"You don't need to take it too seriously."

"Since they are here, just respond. Anyway, with our methods, we may not be their opponents."

Lin Yun said it with full confidence, but he himself was also open and honest at this time.

Indeed, the big thing is just taking action.

If they had done it before, they might have been under some pressure, but under the current situation, they would have already

There is no way out.

So what was before Lin Yun was an uncontrollable situation.

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