Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1400: Head-on confrontation

"These guys are still very cunning. Although they haven't shown up, they have used methods to make us make a choice."

"Even if we can make the right choice this time, there will still be countless troubles waiting for us in the future."

After Akto saw this scene, he was also secretly surprised.

I originally thought that this time was just a simple task. After all, escorting people to the Demon City was not a difficult task.

There won't be so many complicated situations on their demon clan's territory.

But I didn't expect that there would be all kinds of troubles along the way, and I didn't know who Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan were, so they were worthy of being watched for so long.

Even with the various methods they used several times, they still couldn't escape from the hands of these guys.

Even Lin Yun's expression turned gloomy at this moment.

This is the first time Lin Yun has encountered such a weird opponent. No matter what happened in the past, he has always been able to detect the opponent's every move immediately because this panel is so advantageous.

But under the current situation, even Lin Yun has no particularly good solution.

What he had to admit was that his opponents were much smarter than they thought, and now they had completely grasped the entire situation.

"Almost all your advantages have been cut off by others. For you, the current situation is not very optimistic."

The voice of Chongqingniao also sounded in Lin Yun's mind at this time.

No matter how they viewed this situation before, the situation before them at this moment was different from that of

It was not the same before.

"These guys are very cautious. It seems that they are also worried that if they deal with it alone, they will not only cause more trouble. After all, Dong Wenyuan's identity is not simple. If other people in the demon clan know about it, they will definitely try their best to protect it."

Lin Yun also murmured in a low voice. Of course he knew what these guys were thinking, but he was still not sure about the identity of the people who had been following them.

If they were from Heaven, there wouldn't be much to say. Lin Yun certainly had a way to kill these guys easily.

But judging from what they have experienced now, it seems that they are not from the Heavenly Court, but more like people from the Demon Clan, who are already aware of the situation here.

As the saying goes, enemies are easy to break up but not easy to make, so Lin Yun now hopes to have some head-on contact with them.

It would be best if both parties could reach a consensus on this matter.

But if there was no way to cooperate with each other, Lin Yun wouldn't mind having a good fight with each other at that time.

Now the attention of several people was all on Lin Yun. Of course, they didn't know what the man standing in front of them was thinking, but they were already prepared for the worst.

Even Lin Yun clenched the weapon in his hand tightly. If there was really no way to negotiate properly by then, I'm afraid he would have no choice but to fight to the death with these guys.

Soon, Lin Yun saw Akto coming to his side.

"Sir, we have found a trap ahead. It seems that someone is forcing us to make choices again and again, but no matter how many times we do it, it is very likely that we will only

It will continue to weaken our power. "

Akto glanced at the companions around him. They could withstand the pressure when they first stepped forward.

But it always becomes a little more fragile over time.

This decision-making power must still be left to Lin Yun, but Akto also said casually at this time: "Since we have agreed to you, we must complete this task."

"But at the end of the day, we still need to earn some living expenses. If we really encounter something like losing our heads, we will make a decision based on the situation."

When Akto said this, he also looked at Lin Yun with a smile.

I thought it was just a simple mission, but I didn't expect to encounter so many troubles one after another.

This also confirms that the opponent they face this time is definitely not simple.

So even Akto didn't dare to say anything harsh at this time.

Let's explain the matter clearly to Lin Yun first, so that they can make a choice that is beneficial to them.

Lin Yun looked at Akto's serious look, and then he also laughed.

"Your Excellency, you don't need to think about this matter so complicatedly, although the current situation is different from what we had imagined before."

"But these guys still dare not choose to take action at this time, and they are obviously not confident enough in their own strength."

"Didn't you say you were going to fight back before? If that's the case, no matter what happens with the formation in front, we just have to break through."

Speaking of formations, I'm afraid there are not many people in this world who can achieve Lin Yun's level.

So he also wanted to take this opportunity to see what the other party was capable of.


After hearing what Lin Yun said, Akto felt relieved. He had also been worried that this formation might lead them to a very dangerous direction.

That's why they didn't rush to a conclusion, but now that Lin Yun had said it, they naturally had nothing to worry about.

The group of people soon arrived at the formation, but the moment they stepped in, the surrounding temperature suddenly increased.

When they first entered the forest, it was windy and bitingly cold.

Those who didn't know thought they were being haunted by countless innocent souls.

But the situation now is completely different. It feels like they have jumped into a huge furnace. The blazing fire will almost burn their bodies.

Even Dong Wenyuan was dripping with sweat at this time.

"Senior, what on earth is this place? Why do I feel like we have chosen the wrong path?"

Lin Yun glanced at Dong Wenyuan.

"There are people on the Heavenly Court who want to deal with the Changting Army. It seems that the Demon Court is probably not much better. They don't hope that the current invitation can unite them."

Lin Yun also had a calm face when he said this. For the demon clan, unity may not actually mean that much.

It is true that Dong Wenyuan can increase the cohesion of the entire demon clan after returning, making them stronger.

But at the same time, for some people, it means losing their freedom in a real sense. How can these guys just watch and ignore it?

So he took the initiative and set up this formation to intercept.

It’s just that now it seems that the person who took action is not that powerful.

Hands, otherwise there would be no way to use the formation method.

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