Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1402 Ancient Battlefield

At this time, at the other end of the old forest, a man wearing a white robe slowly stood up.

Next to him was a rugged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a black beard like a steel needle.

He asked angrily: "Military advisor, is this possible?"

The man was stunned for a moment and curled his lips.

"Hao Zhudou, you are still as reckless as before."

Then he just glanced at the man next to him and said lightly: "You also know the strength of these people, and their identities are not simple."

"If it's bad and weakens their power, how can we deal with these guys?"

"Fortunately, we still have some manpower on the Changting Army side so that we can know what happened."

The man said calmly, and it could be seen from his eyes that he seemed determined to win this matter.

At this moment, Hao Zhudou, who was following the man, laughed awkwardly.

"Sure enough, everything was planned by the military advisor. On the contrary, I seemed a bit redundant."

Hao Zhudou laughed awkwardly, feeling a little ashamed at this moment. Of course, this is not to blame, the person next to him is indeed very powerful.

He has become a strategist at a young age, and his methods are so insidious that you can't even imagine.

It is precisely because of this that this person arranged to act with him.

The two thought that this matter could be solved easily, but even Hao Zhudou did not expect that so many people would be involved this time.

Under the current situation, Hao Zhudou does not know what will happen next.

What awaits them.

But I also understand in my heart that there seems to be no other choice now.

"These guys will use all means to break the formation, and what we have to do is wait quietly for them to reveal their flaws."

Bu Qiyu said calmly, waiting for a suitable opportunity at this moment.

This formation in the forest is not simple. If those people really fall into his trap, it will be too late to leave later.

At this time, Lin Yun finally discovered the difference in the formation.

"This formation is completely integrated with the surroundings, and the money moves all over the body. Now that we are trapped here, it is difficult to change."

Lin Yun said lightly. At this moment, even he was more surprised than ever in his life.

It is impossible to imagine how big this forest is.

This man was actually able to link up all the surrounding woods and exert pressure on himself. This alone showed that his methods were superb.

At this time, everyone still has a chance to choose.

However, although Lin Yun had the same idea as Akto said, several people present did not choose to leave easily.

Of course they understand in their hearts.

If you leave now, you may still have a good chance of surviving.

But if you stay in this formation, it is very likely that you will escape death.

This formation is quite different from what they thought before, and there should be no benefit in being trapped in the formation.

No matter how powerful they are, it will probably be difficult for them to escape from here in the next period of time.

But even under this situation, several people present were still very

The decision was made quickly.

Under the current situation, it is of course better for them not to get involved in this troublesome matter as much as possible.

But several people also have their own ideas.


"We have been following you around for so long. It would be ridiculous to leave you now."

"Although I don't know what is in this old forest, but since the other party dares to use this method to deal with us, then we will fight them to the end."

The tiger demon patted his chest and said with a smile.

Most of the others had the same idea. It was too late for them now, so they might as well choose to stay and fight with each other until the last minute.

Originally, I wanted to give them a choice, but now I heard that several people were preparing to stay.

Akto was also slightly moved.

"Since everyone has the same attitude on this matter now, I won't say any more nonsense."

"Although we all know that our opponents' methods are not simple, I believe that as long as we unite with each other, there is nothing we can't do."

Akto also took this opportunity to cheer everyone up, although the trouble he saw now was indeed difficult to deal with.

But it doesn't mean that they are really on a dead end now.

Of course, it is necessary to admit that the opponent's methods are indeed very powerful, but it is not that the situation is uncontrollable.

Lin Yun was also standing next to him at this time, with a faint smile on his face.

He also knew that the trouble he faced this time was definitely not as simple as he imagined, but at this moment he did not take these situations too lightly.

In his heart, if that time really comes, even if he takes action, he will probably have the advantage.

Then the group continued to move forward, and at this moment Lin Yun also heard the sound of fighting and iron horses nearby.

The power of this formation is to gather all the power in the entire forest here.

And Lin Yun's people are now part of the group that forcibly breaks the rules here. Naturally, there will be backlash from this forest.

Those with strong strength are naturally qualified to suppress the backlash, but if they are slightly weaker, they may be trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves.

This feeling was not strong at first, but as they continued to move forward, various strange scenes gradually appeared in front of them.

The expressions of the people around Akto also became more serious, even though they had promised to continue moving forward.

But I didn't expect to encounter such a scene.

They looked at the battlefield that appeared in front of them, and for a moment they felt like they were on the scene.

It was as if the long knife that was slashed at them would look at them the next moment.

Only Lin Yun could remain calm at this moment. If it were others, their mood would have changed to some extent.

The voice of the Chongqing Bird floated out.

"If you continue to rely on your own eyes, you will most likely be completely trapped in this formation."

"This formation doesn't have much power. On the contrary, it just relied on the right time and place to trap you in it."

Lin Yun and Chong Qingniao had the same view.

If they cannot find the right way out, they will continue to suffer from the troubles on the battlefield.

The other party also knows that this may not be enough

Killing them, but weakening their spirit to a certain extent is enough.

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