Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1406 Sweeping the World

At this time, Xiaobai also made a hesitant voice, which sounded more like he was mocking Hao Zhudou in front of him.

Hao Zhu Douzi thinks that he has a strong body, coupled with his bloodline from the demon clan.

So I never thought about the threat that Xiaobai's stick could pose to him.

But when Xiaobai's stick came down, Hao Zhudou realized how stupid his previous idea was.

On Bu Qiyu's side, he was also busy arranging formations, preparing for a counterattack at this time.

Hao Zhudou was injured. If nothing else can be done on his side, I'm afraid the rest of them will really die here.

It was precisely because Bu Qiyu knew this that he did not dare to let down his guard.

And Akto also knew clearly that Bu Qiyu had many tricks at his disposal.

If this guy's plan succeeds, it will only make their situation more troublesome.

Therefore, Bu Qiyu must be stopped at this time no matter what, but in what way he will stop it, it is still unknown.

"Sir, be careful. If this guy succeeds, I'm afraid we will all suffer."

Akto looked at Lin Yun.

At this time, I could only yell loudly.

He also understood that the most critical issue now was to stop Bu Qiyu. It's just that with his ability, he definitely can't do this.

Their team has tried many times, but in the end there is no way to break through the defense around Bu Qiyu.

At this time, Bu Qiyu also raised his head and laughed loudly.

"You are trying to break through my formation with your rubbish methods."

"To tell you the truth, I used so many methods before, just to get rid of you.

Everything I want is planted in me. "

"Now there is no way you can defeat me."

The moment Bu Qiyu finished speaking, he took out the spell in his hand. Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun felt as if his body was filled with glue and his movements started to slow down.

Although they have faced some successful political and legal breakthroughs before, this does not mean that they are completely safe.

What I have to say is that Bu Qiyu's method is much more complicated than they imagined, and this guy is much more dangerous than they thought.

At this moment, even Lin Yun couldn't help but frown. It seemed that this situation was much different from what he had guessed before. This guy in front of him could not be settled so easily.

After discovering the changes in Lin Yun and others, Bu Qiyu smiled proudly, and the men around him also attacked more arrogantly.

Akto's mood was quite heavy at the moment. Of course he knew that the current situation was completely different from what he thought.

But I never thought it would evolve into what it is today.

"It's over now. Although that lord is very powerful, I'm afraid there is nothing he can do in face of such a situation."

"Am I really going to lose my life here today?"

Naturally, people are not convinced, even though this guy in front of them is indeed difficult to deal with.

But they haven't encountered any dangers along the way. Do they have to accept their fate willingly here?

He was even ready for a fight to the death with Bu Qiyu in front of him, but then he heard a sigh.

He looked at Lin Yun with some surprise. He didn't know what was in Lin Yun's heart at this moment.

What are you thinking about?

Even Dong Wenyuan looked at Lin Yun with concern, so many people were trying to kill him.

Dong Wenyuan was more or less panicked.

I thought there would definitely be trouble this time, but I didn't expect that such a situation would still look calm in Lin Yun's eyes.

"You all have really worked hard. It seems that you have used many methods to deal with us along the way."

"It's a pity that although your method is good, it is used in the wrong place."

"There are still some chances to deal with other people, but if it's me, it's a little short of a shot."

Seeing that Lin Yun was still acting so relaxed in front of him, even Bu Qiyu was a little unhappy at this moment.

"You brat, stop pretending in front of me."

"Don't think that I don't know that you are just a human race. It is not easy to bring them here with these methods."

"I see that your body is already dead, and you are still controlling such a strange beast."

"I really want to see how long you can hold on?"

After Bu Qiyu finished speaking, he waved his hand, and several of his subordinates rushed towards Lin Yun like crazy, but Lin Yun did not make any move at all.

It seems that his identity has been completely exposed. These guys know him very well, and they have already prepared for the worst.

However, Lin Yun just smiled contemptuously.

"Well done."

"Since you think I am powerless to stop you now, let me show you what means are today."

The puppet Lin Yun lost in the previous battle is not there

A few, now have a chance to make up for it.

These guys in front of me all look like they are not very strong, but they are all monsters anyway.

Having their strong bodies is a good thing for Lin Yun, at least they can delay the battle for a while.

The moment these monsters rushed over, Lin Yun snorted and then landed on the ground.

Fang Xiuji yawned and then appeared here.

After a while, a large number of puppets also appeared in everyone's sight.

The people of Akto thought that they were going to be in danger this time. After all, facing such a difficult opponent, they really couldn't think of any other means.

But no one thought that it was such a situation that they had to solve it.

When they saw the puppets appearing around Lin Yun, they opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe what they saw.

You know, Bu Qiyu and others are definitely not so easy to deal with, but now they are forcibly suppressed by Lin Yun alone.

"Incredible, this adult's identity is definitely not simple. It is hard for us to imagine that he can achieve this level with his own ability."

The tiger demon said tremblingly.

They all thought that they would definitely die here this time, but they didn't expect Lin Yun to bring them a glimmer of hope.

Even though the opponent in front of them was indeed difficult to deal with, they didn't take it too seriously.

After all, with a master like Lin Yun present, could there be any unexpected situation?

Bu Qiyu was like seeing a ghost.

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