Feng Chengxiu thought what he said was very domineering, and it was indeed the case.

Whether it is the Golden Winged Peng King or the Peacock King.

The purpose of both of them is very simple, to gain greater benefits.

Think about it now they are just insignificant little monsters.

But if they can have a good relationship with these two princes, just a promotion from the other side will be enough for them to change their destiny.

So no matter what the considerations are, they really have no reason to give up now.

The moment Feng Chengxiu finished speaking, he saw the Thousand-Handed Demon take a few steps forward.

"Your strength is indeed the most unique among the many practitioners I have seen."

"I hope you can let me go. I will not participate in today's battle. I will leave here as quickly as possible."

The Thousand-Hand Demon was really going to leave like this. Everyone looked at the Thousand-Hand Demon with a little surprise, but Lin Yun didn't change much.

After all, he could see the panels of these guys, so when Lin Yun saw the Thousand-Handed Demon, he knew that this guy would definitely not be able to last long in this battle.

It is precisely because of his super perception that the Thousand-Hand Demon can always predict the coming danger in advance, so he can save the day from danger time and time again, and finally stand at the height he is today.

But now when facing Lin Yun, Thousand-Handed Demon also felt how fragile his power was.

They also understood that during the battle with Lin Yun, the methods they displayed were simply insignificant.

The Thousand-Handed Demon has seen too many desperate scenes, and he knows

With their little strength, they have no ability to resist when facing an absolutely powerful person.

So if you want to live a better life, the best way is to leave as quickly as possible when facing challenges.

And for such a long time, Thousand-Handed Demon has been implementing this idea of ​​his.

This time, Thousand-Hand Demon also sensed the gap between himself and Lin Yun, and also understood that although the young man in front of him seemed inconspicuous.

But if they really take action, they will definitely not be this person's opponent.

So the Thousand-Hand Demon didn't even think about it and just chose to retreat. For him, it was good to be alive. As for whether he could offend the Golden Winged Peng King and the Peacock King in the future.

That's not an issue he can consider.

Anyway, if you stay here today, you will definitely die. It is better to simply make up your mind and leave first. Maybe you can find a glimmer of hope in this complicated situation.

Lin Yun looked at the Thousand-Handed Demon at this time, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Of course, everyone here can leave here at any time as long as they are willing, but if you take action, it will not be that easy for you to leave."

"In the final analysis, I am just an outsider. I have just arrived in Demon City and I really don't know much about the situation here. Of course, if there is anything that offends those present, please just chat and let it go."

"But if you still want to be so stubborn, don't blame me for being rude. I'm not that easy to bully."

Akto looked at Lin Yun next to him in surprise. If Lin Yun had given him the feeling before, he was a very powerful being.

, so at this moment he couldn't even see through Lin Yun in front of him.

You must know that the demon capital here has set up many formations, which are very beneficial to the demon clan.

As a human being, Lin Yun found it almost difficult to fully utilize his advantages in this state.

This is why Akto had some worries after what happened, even though he had seen Lin Yun's powerful strength.

But in this case, who can guarantee that the next situation will be what they think?

If Lin Yun capsizes in the gutter, I really don't dare to think about the subsequent impact. After all, for Akto, Lin Yun seems to be his life-saving straw now.

But what Akto didn't expect was that Lin Yun could still chat and laugh with him at this time, and there was no trace of panic on his face.

"Is it true that this master is so powerful that he can still be so confident in dealing with these monsters in front of him?"

When this thought flashed through Akto's mind, he was also incredulous about it all.

If this is true, then Lin Yun Weiming is too powerful. Such a person is not easy to provoke anywhere.

Feng Chengxiu looked at the Thousand-Handed Demon beside him with a puzzled expression. He really didn't expect that what this guy just said was serious.

"We finally got such a good opportunity. As long as we complete it, we will be prosperous in the future."

"But now you are telling me at this juncture that you are going to leave like this. Have you forgotten what our previous goals were?

Yet? "

Feng Chengxiu was very disappointed. After all, he and Thousand-Handed Demon were old friends.

In the past, he had accomplished many things through cooperation, so now he couldn't understand what the Thousand-Handed Demon was thinking, and he would choose to leave at this juncture.

Faced with what Feng Chengxiu said now, Thousand-Hand Demon only replied seriously: "If you really regard me as a good friend, then listen to my advice now. You should also know that I have always been a good friend." They are all quite sensitive.”

"Today's incident is very abnormal. Although the two adults may not have intended to harm us, we cannot take it lightly."

The Thousand Hands Demon was very sincere when he said this. After all, this was his companion and his friend. No matter what he considered, he did not want Feng Chengxiu to die on the scene.

But unfortunately, Feng Chengxiu has now completely fallen into the trap of himself and will not listen to what the Thousand Hands Demon said at all.

"Since you are afraid of death, we have nothing to say."

"In our line of work, we are licking blood on the tip of a knife. How can we bring ourselves a glimmer of hope if we are afraid of this and that?"

After Feng Chengxiu finished speaking, he waved his hand: "Everyone, since there are only a few of us, please go all out and show all your strength. Let us see what kind of ability this guy has."

As Feng Chengxiu's voice fell, the expressions on the faces of several people around him also changed slightly.

It seems that they are ready for a fight to the death.

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