Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1444 I've been waiting for you for a long time

Although Lin Yun has been crushing these killers in front of him, at the same time, Lin Yun is also waiting for the opportunity in his heart.

These people have only reached the realm of saints and are not at the same level as Lin Yun.

So if you really want to take action, you can imagine what the final result will be like.

Lin Yun was originally an invincible being in the same realm, but now when dealing with these guys, it goes without saying that he has completely controlled the initiative in the battle.

Although these people tried very hard to stop Lin Yun, as time passed, what they could feel was that the gap between them and Lin Yun was too big.

At this time, Feng Chengxiu finally understood why the Thousand-Handed Demon was willing to leave here at such a critical moment. If it were him in the future, he would probably have the same idea.

These are completely different concepts from their previous conjectures.

No one thought that Lin Yun could crush so many of them by himself, and even completely suppressed all their thoughts during this battle.

No matter how many ideas they had at this moment, they had no way to put them into practice. The cooperation they originally thought was completely shattered under Lin Yun's powerful offensive.

It's just that Feng Chengxiu didn't understand. Lin Yun obviously had such powerful means, why didn't he kill them all quickly, and even at this time, he was more or less cautious?

But this also gave Feng Chengxiu a good opportunity, and he was giving instructions loudly from the side.

The originally chaotic scene gradually stabilized under Feng Chengxiu's performance. Several other killers and Feng Chengxiu...

Cheng Xiu also cooperated perfectly and prepared to strangle Lin Yun together.

It seems that this is the only chance for them now, and no one wants to see unexpected changes in this matter.

The voice of Chongqingniao sounded in Lin Yun's mind.

"This guy has been waiting for so long and still hasn't taken action."

"It's better that we take the initiative. Anyway, with your strength in this realm, aren't you invincible?"

Lin Yun nodded.

"Although I am indeed invincible in the same realm, I still have to be more careful when facing these guys."

"This guy is much more powerful than these so-called killers. He can hold his breath, so we must be even more careful when fighting them."

Lin Yun was also a little surprised.

Among these killers, there was a strong man of the emperor level. This was the only information Lin Yun could get, but what was even more frightening was that he had completely unknown the identity of this guy until now.

So even Lin Yun couldn't decide how to deal with this matter at this time.

However, for Lin Yun, the overall situation is mostly within the scope that he can accept.

And Lin Yun couldn't wait any longer. If this guy continued to hide like this, he didn't know how long he would have to wait.

The most important thing is that Lin Yun does not want his identity to be exposed.

So he had to wait until this guy took the initiative to attack, and then take the opportunity to counterattack.

Only in this way can Lin Yun avoid exposing his identity and at the same time be able to deal with this opponent as quickly as possible.


However, it seems that the other party is not prepared to seize any opportunity at all.

It's no wonder that although Feng Chengxiu worked very hard, it was impossible to make up for the gap in strength.

However, at this critical moment, Lin Yun saw the opportunity and used what Feng Chengxiu said to immediately reveal a flaw for himself.

The battle has been going on for at least a quarter of an hour now, but the opponent has never made a move. It must be that he knows that he has not found a suitable opportunity.

And Lin Yun is also deliberately letting him know a loophole, hoping that he will seize this moment to deal with him.

If the other party didn't even take action against such a big flaw, then Lin Yun really had no choice.

But he believed that this person should be impatient.

Although under such a situation, it can be seen at a glance that this is most likely a trap arranged by Lin Yun in advance.

However, in such a battle, they themselves are at a disadvantage.

If you can't even seize such an opportunity, there's nothing much to say.

So Lin Yun was sure that this guy would seize the flaw he gave him and go all out.

So he also paid very close attention to the changes on his panel at this time. As long as this guy dared to take action, Lin Yun would be able to kill him instantly.

Lin Yun had already laid a trap for him, and he only needed to act according to his established position.

Then you can kill the opponent in a very short time, and even make others unable to see what method Lin Yun uses.

Since King Jin-winged Peng and King Peacock Ming both wanted to test his abilities.

Of course, Lin Yun must perform well now.

, making him feel that he is unfathomable, so that the subsequent situation will be more interesting.

In fact, the situation was exactly as Lin Yun thought.

Originally, in this battle, Feng Chengxiu and the others had no choice at all.

If this situation continues like this, all their previous efforts will be in vain, so even Feng Chengxiu himself is extremely nervous.

It was at this critical moment that a person suddenly appeared, giving all of them a glimmer of new hope.

The three-faced tiger had been hiding in secret. He also knew that Lin Yun was not as easy to deal with as he thought, and he had already made this plan when he accepted the mission this time.

King Jin-winged Peng and King Peacock Ming made it very clear that since Lin Yun had the courage to break through the encirclement, his own abilities were indeed not that easy to deal with.

Therefore, when the Three-faced Tiger faced Lin Yun, he always made careful arrangements.

He was waiting for a suitable opportunity that would allow him to seize this opportunity and deal with Lin Yun properly.

It's just that Lin Yun was too strong. Time passed little by little, but the three-faced tiger never found this suitable opportunity.

Unexpectedly, in a moment of chance, he saw Lin Yun's figure swaying, obviously unable to resist the siege.

For the three-faced tiger, this is a very rare flaw. If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to take action, I'm afraid there will be no hope next time.

So Sanmianhu immediately made up his mind to seize this opportunity and give Lin Yunlai a hard blow.

He didn't believe that Lin Yun was really capable of dealing with him now.


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