Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1446 You are just a pawn

Feng Chengxiu shook his head violently. At this moment, his will was still extremely firm.

When seeing Feng Chengxiu like this, Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly.

"You're already like this, and you still naively think you can resist?"

"Perhaps in your eyes, this lineup is indeed powerful, and hunting an emperor-level being is not a problem."

"In addition, it is very difficult for vitality to flow here in the Demon City."

Every time Lin Yun said something to Feng Chengxiu, his eyes would change slightly.

He thought that his arrangements were perfect, and even if there was an accident, there were so many strong people who could still solve it.

But what he didn't expect was that all the plans he arranged were within Lin Yun's expectations. Lin Yun had even known for a long time that there was a powerful person at the level of an emperor among them.

"You think I don't know that the people who arranged for you to come here this time are King Golden Winged Peng and King Peacock Ming."

"These two are at least prince-level existences among the demon clan. They must have made careful plans before taking action."

"In the final analysis, you are just chess pieces thrown out for testing."

When Lin Yun said this, he looked at Feng Chengxiu with very cold eyes. Feng Chengxiu was certainly not a fool. The moment he said these words, he immediately realized that Lin Yun was not joking.

He looked around blankly and saw Akto from before, unconscious on the ground at some point.

And there seemed to be a hazy barrier between him and Lin Yun.

"What do you want to do? Now that you have taken the initiative, you can take advantage of

This opportunity will kill me directly. No one can stop you now anyway. "

Feng Chengxiu looked at Lin Yun who actually raised his chest and raised his head with a proud expression on his face.

From the look of him, he seemed to be ready to die.

Lin Yun just smiled indifferently, with the flames of chaos bouncing on his fingertips.

"Actually, I have many methods to deal with you guys. You don't know what this is, right?"

"Let me tell you this is called the Flame of Chaos. We also call it the Demon-Destroying Divine Fire."

"I know you may be a tough guy, and it won't be easy to get some intelligence clues from you."

"So now when facing the flames of chaos, can you still withstand it for some time?"

Originally, Feng Chengxiu was still very determined. He knew that if he really told some information truthfully, he might not survive in the end, and he might even be resented by the two princes.

So in this case, it is certainly impossible for Fengchengxiu to cooperate.

But when he saw the flames of chaos bouncing on Lin Yun's fingertips, he felt at that moment as if he was at a complete disadvantage.

The Demon-Destroying Divine Fire is indeed well-deserved, and it doesn't even need to be used on him. It can bring extremely terrifying suppression to him just by burning in this void.

Feng Chengxiu was stunned for a moment.

"Stop talking nonsense here. I have never heard of the so-called demon-killing divine fire."

"Anyway, tell me or not, I will definitely die. You can't even expect to get any clues from me. I will only die a little earlier than you."

"Kill me and you will soon

You know what terrible means those two princes will use to deal with you. "

Lin Yun did not answer Feng Chengxiu, but slowly cast a trace of fire on Feng Chengxiu.

At that moment, a hole burned into Feng Chengxiu's clothes, but what was even more terrifying was that Feng Chengxiu could not feel any warmth, but he could feel the blood all over his body boiling.

The power of the Flame of Chaos is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. At this time, the Flame of Chaos under the control of Lin Yun has developed this terrifying ability to the extreme.

Lin Yun was not in a hurry to kill Feng Chengxiu. For him, the most critical issue at the moment was to break through the psychological defense of the guy in front of him bit by bit.

Only through this method could Lin Yun make him understand who was in control of all this.

Time passed bit by bit, and Feng Chengxiu was indeed very tolerant.

As a professional killer, he is indeed not something that ordinary people can handle.

But what Feng Chengxiu faced this time was definitely not as simple as he thought.

He originally thought that by stopping it on his own, this situation would not be a problem.

What he didn't expect was that the Demon-Destroying Divine Fire was far more terrifying than he imagined.

This feeling of burning the soul is something that no demon clan can resist.

Even the professionally trained Feng Chengxiu is the same.

You must know that this is just a flame the size of the belly of your finger.

It’s hard to imagine what this flame would look like if it spread.

The result was that Feng Chengxiu didn't last even a few minutes before giving in.

"Stop it."

"Here again

If it burns like this, I will really die. "

Feng Chengxiu's voice trembled as he watched Lin Yun put away the flames of chaos, then finally let out a long sigh, and then looked at his body again.

The strange thing is that even though he was burned so horribly just now, there is no trace of burning on his body now.

"I know that what you said is somewhat true or false, so I advise you not to joke with me. Of course, the questions I ask you actually don't have much impact on the overall situation."

Lin Yun looked at Feng Chengxiu and said calmly.

"Now tell me where those people who followed Akto were imprisoned by you?"

Lin Yun knew that these people were probably arrested by the two princes.

But now they must be rescued.

But Lin Yun is not sure enough about the overall situation now.

So when facing these guys, I don't know what to do.

In order to ensure that there will be no unexpected changes in the subsequent situation, Lin Yun can only hope to get clues about these people through Feng Chengxiu.

Feng Chengxiu originally thought that what Lin Yun wanted to ask might be some very critical information, but she didn't expect that the person in front of her just wanted to know the clues of those rubbish.

"They have indeed been arrested, but I don't know where they are currently being held. I can only tell you a rough idea."

"They have a secret base in the Eternal Ice Field."

"And these people are likely to be imprisoned in the eternal ice field."

Lin Yun saw that Feng Chengxiu was somewhat confident now, and knew that what Feng Chengxiu just said was indeed true.

It seems that these two

The prince also knows how many of these people there are, and they still have some value.

He even wanted to use this opportunity to criticize Dong Wenyuan as an ungrateful person.

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