Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1448 It's really wrong

Now there are various voices even within the Changting Army.

Some people even feel very confused about Huo Changting's previous decision. Obviously they have a good opportunity to change everything.

But because of Huo Changting, he was let go so easily.

Therefore, some of the people present have different opinions, and some hope to find a solution as soon as possible in this short period of time.

But Huo Changting still had the same attitude as before. He also understood the impact of these things and knew his own situation on this issue.

But even so, Huo Changting still held on to the same idea as before.

"I know everyone here is a little dissatisfied with this matter, but this is the only way we can do now."

"Give him some time. I believe that as long as the time is up, we can easily prevent this war."

"The war between the Heavenly Court and the Demon Clan is really going on, and it is very likely that their vitality will be severely damaged in the future. We must also stabilize the situation, and we must not push the Demon Clan into a hurry."

Since the last time Lin Yun was attacked, even Akto was a little worried, telling Lin Yun to be careful and not to be attacked by others.

But although Akto was very worried, Lin Yun didn't seem to take it to heart at all.

He still goes his own way and wanders around the streets every day.

But the strange thing is that since the last incident, it seems that the other party has felt fear, and has not felt any threat for such a long time.

This even surprised Akto.

As time passed, Lin Yun finally got the news from Prince Shengyang.

It seems that Dong Wenyuan successfully gained the recognition of the ancestral hall.

And this also means that all Lin Yun's efforts so far have finally come to fruition. It can be said that this is not an easy thing. Think about it, everything Lin Yun has done in the whole process is better than ordinary people. Thinking about it is much more difficult.

And now that such a result can be achieved, it can be regarded as the best reward Lin Yun has received after his hard work.

"Although I had known for a long time that this matter might be the same as what I had thought before, I never thought that after going through so many things, it would finally succeed."

Lin Yun breathed a sigh of relief and then sat down on the chair next to him.

Akto looked at Lin Yun: "Congratulations, sir."

"It looks like we really succeeded this time."

Lin Yun looked at Akto at this moment and snapped his fingers with his right hand.

At that moment, a barrier opened, covering the two people.

"It's better to say it directly if you have anything to say. I don't want to wait any longer. After all, my patience is running out these days."

"Tell me, when are you going to take action against me? Or are you really going to wait until I'm very vulnerable?"

Lin Yun squinted his eyes and looked at Akto, but when he said these words, Akto was still confused.

The next moment, Akto stood up immediately and knelt down in front of Lin Yun with a look of fear on his face.

"Sir, I don't know what's wrong with you, but I really don't know what you said. If you have any dissatisfaction with me, just say it."


When Ketuo said this, even his voice was trembling.

When Lin Yun heard Akto's answer, he just sneered.

"You are not Akto at all, so you don't have to pretend in front of me now."

"I've really wronged you for taking so long."

Akto knelt on the ground, his body trembling. Until now, he was still unwilling to answer Lin Yun's question directly.

And when Lin Yun faced Akto who was so cautious, he had no intention of changing his mind at all.

The two sides were facing each other like this. Anyway, Lin Yun had plenty of time now, and the guy in front of him had already exposed his flaws a long time ago.

Slowly, Akto raised his head and looked at Lin Yun. It seemed that at this moment he understood that Lin Yun had really confirmed his identity, so no matter how cunning the disguise was, it was meaningless.

"You are smarter than I thought, but I don't understand that I have been cautious all the way."

"How on earth did you find out that there was something wrong with my identity?"

Lin Yun looked at Akto and said calmly.

"The reason is very simple, it's because you superiors don't care about the life and death of your companions from the very beginning."

"And the most fatal weakness of your disguise this time is precisely here."

At the beginning, Lin Yun didn't notice anything wrong with Akto at all, but when he couldn't see this guy's panel, Lin Yun was a little surprised.

But at that time, Lin Yun had not begun to doubt Akto. It was not until the various things that happened in the end that Lin Yun finally realized what the problem was.

On the surface Acker

Although Tuo is still exactly the same as before, he actually seems to be completely indifferent to his original companions.

After all, after reuniting with Lin Yun, he didn't say a word about his companions for several days.

Lin Yun only confirmed this after getting clues from Feng Chengxiu.

There is definitely something wrong with Akto, and it is even possible that he was transferred.

After all, even the other people have been arrested, so how could Aqto be let off easily?

Although Prince Shengyang said that he would pardon all these semi-acquaintances at that time, they were just insignificant little characters to Prince Shengyang.

He would not spare any extra thoughts to care about the life and death of these people.

If the Peacock King and the Golden Winged Peng King wanted to stabilize their reputations, they would definitely arrest all these people to avoid spreading clues that were quite unfavorable to them.

And the subsequent situation was no different from what Lin Yun had guessed.

These guys wanted to lurk around Lin Yun in such a disguised way from the very beginning.

Originally, Aqto also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to find a suitable way to kill Lin Yun.

But he didn't expect that Lin Yun was so easy to kill all Feng Chengxiu's people last time, which made Aqto a little worried. If his plan failed this time, it would be troublesome, so for a while he was a little afraid to act rashly.

And this also led to the series of events that happened later.

But Aqto didn't expect that it was precisely because of his indecision that Lin Yun quickly discovered the flaw.

Now that Aqto's identity was confirmed, Lin Yun also revealed his cards directly without any hesitation.

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