Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1452 Life goes on, fighting never ends

Akto didn't know much about Lin Yun.

However, based on some of the comments made by Peacock King and Golden-winged Peng King about Lin Yun, we can probably confirm that this kid is indeed a difficult opponent.

It's just that others may be worried about Lin Yun, but Akto is not like that.

Although Lin Yun's performance is different from ordinary people, for Akto, the current situation should still be within the scope of his understanding.

He didn't believe that this kid was really as powerful as he said, and could he turn the entire battle situation around in a short period of time?

At least for now, Akto still has the absolute initiative.

And Lin Yun really didn't see any chance of winning when facing Akto at this time.

After all, the opponent was in the realm of creation. If Lin Yun had not taken action, it would have been impossible to win.

But for now, Lin Yun obviously does not have the ability to use special means.

Otherwise, this method had been used long before, why would he be forcibly brought to this place by Akto?

It's just that everything is unknown now, and even they have no way of determining what the next situation will be like.

Lin Yun looked at Akto with a faint smile on his face.

"In the end, it's just the idea of ​​two princes. I really can't understand what they want to do."

"But one thing I'm sure of is that you and I are not rivals, so you don't have to be so hostile to me."

Lin Yun looked at Akto, still hoping to stop things from developing like this at this moment.

Although he didn't know what Akto was thinking,

But one thing that is certain is that they still have room for negotiation.

Lin Yun didn't know what the outcome would be if this matter continued like this.

"If it were the old me, maybe I would really give you a chance."

"But it's a pity that you have no use value to me now, so there is only one result waiting for you."

As Akto spoke, he held the knife in both hands.

The aura of this guy also became particularly fierce. At the same time, Lin Yun was forcibly pulled into Akto's domain.

"In our current position, you don't have to think about anyone coming to help you. Even if Prince Shengyang knows about it, I'm afraid there won't be enough time to deal with it."

"Everything has been arranged, sir."

"So you don't have to struggle. It's best to accept your fate obediently. As long as it's the best choice for you and me."

Now that he is in his own field, Akto can be said to be full of confidence.

After all, it is a frightening and invincible existence in this field, and it is impossible to imagine how Lin Yun should escape from his hands.

At least based on the current situation, Lin Yun should not have such ability.

And there is much more that he can do in this battle.

Lin Yun looked at Akto, with that suspenseful smile still on his face.

"Everyone wants to kill me, but there are only a few who can actually do such a thing. Why do you think you are the luckiest one?"

Maybe he was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that in this situation, Lin Yun

You may beg for mercy from yourself.

But what he didn't expect was that he could actually see Lin Yunzhen's calm expression.

From Lin Yun's eyes, he could see that he had a winning chance.

The guy in front of him is not joking, he has really prepared for the worst. Even if he really wants to take action, I am afraid that Akto seems to have no chance of winning now.

"Is this kid crazy? There is obviously such a huge gap in strength between me, but at this moment he is still so relaxed."

"Does he really think that the means at his disposal can really pose a threat to me?"

Many thoughts flashed through Akto's mind. What he had to admit was that even Akto was very surprised by Lin Yun's composure.

But now that he has made the decision to deal with Lin Yun.

No matter what state Lin Yun is in now, Akto will definitely not let him go.

What's more, how could Akto, who was completely crushed in terms of strength, really give up?

At this time, Lin Yun just shook his head helplessly.

Observing from the panel, I really can't wait for help from others.

Then now he can only rely on his method to deal with the strong man in the Creation Realm in front of him.

"That's such a shame."

"If someone else were to fight you, there would still be a way for you to survive, but now you can only let me kill you personally, and then you may be dead."

Akto's eyes widened and he looked at Lin Yun in disbelief, as if he thought this guy was joking with him.

"I admit that you are indeed quite capable of escorting Dong Wenyuan all the way to the demon capital."

"But you won't

Do you think this attack can make you so arrogant? "

Akto clenched his fists tightly and looked at Lin Yun's expression, which became quite complicated at this moment.

In the original plan, he had the absolute initiative, and Lin Yun should beg for mercy in front of him.

But for some reason the young man in front of him didn't take him to heart at all.

Even after talking about it today, Lin Yun still had the same attitude as before.

Akto didn't know what exactly happened in this process, but he was certain that he no longer needed to give Lin Yun another chance.

"Well, I originally wanted to give you a pleasure. Since you insist on doing it yourself, don't blame me for being rude. Just let me see what abilities you have yet to display."

Akto thought that the reason why Lin Yun dared to say this must be because he had some means to suppress the situation. It was no wonder that this guy was so confident before.

I just didn't expect that a mere human race could have such an ability. It seems that this kid may have some special background behind him.

But for them, the demon clan, these are meaningless.

Then Akto saw Lin Yun holding the Chaoyang Sword in one hand and walking towards him step by step.

He was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the boy in front of him was actually the rumored sword cultivator. This was a very rare existence.

"Human sword cultivator?"

"I haven't fought against such an opponent for many years, but it's a pity that the number of swordsmen who have died under my hands has been eight hundred if not one thousand."

Akto was quite proud when he said this.

Sword cultivation is suitable for any practitioner

It's all a problem.

But Akto is not afraid of Lin Yun, the so-called sword cultivator.

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