When Akto saw the smile on Lin Yun's face, he felt eerie and terrifying.

He has seen too many strong human beings with various methods, but this is the first time he has seen someone like Lin Yun.

This guy's physical strength has already surpassed that of ordinary monsters, and is even worse than those of adults with ancient bloodlines.

Akto watched as Lin Yun opened a distance of nearly 100 meters from Lin Yun at the fastest speed.

Because at that moment, Lin Yun's eyes made him feel horrified.

That fierce murderous aura was like a needle piercing Akto's mind.

He gasped for breath, obviously he completely suppressed Lin Yun in terms of cultivation level, but he couldn't have the slightest advantage in front of this young man.

"Are you kidding? A human being has such terrifying physical fitness and can block all my attacks."

"And the terrifying murderous aura in him is even more unbelievable, like a demon coming out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood."

Akto's heart was filled with fear. Even though he was well-informed, he still had no choice when facing such a unique young man.

Even now, I have begun to doubt whether what King Peacock Ming said at the beginning was serious.

Can he kill this kid in front of him with his current strength? Don't look at it, he has reached the realm of creation.

But the scary thing is that in front of Lin Yun, his so-called realm is nothing at all.

"It's possible. This is definitely a lie. How did you confuse my eyes?"

Akto looked at Lin Yunda

He roared and said, he really couldn't accept the fact before him. The young man in front of him really completely suppressed him with such a simple method.

Looking at Akto's crazy look, Lin Yun just smiled and shook his head.

"For you, this is of course a completely unacceptable fact, but for me, this is just a trivial matter."

"As I said before, I originally didn't want to deal with you, but you are aggressive, so now I can only use some means to deal with you."

Seeing that Akto still didn't believe it at all, Lin Yun just explained it casually.

For him, there is no other possibility for Akto now. If he wants to defeat Lin Yun, he must use all his strength in this battle.

But it was obvious that Akto had already tried it just now, and Lin Yun's physical fitness had completely crushed Akto.

Therefore, if he wants to continue fighting, he must also take advantage of his own realm.

But no one knows whether he can defeat Lin Yun. After all, Lin Yun had already started fighting across the border a long time ago.

The realm of creation seems to be unattainable in the eyes of many people, but to Lin Yun, this may be nothing at all.

This is because when dealing with Akto, we still need to pay attention to some methods and methods, at least we can't let others see our true trump card.

But Akto's view of Lin Yun was completely different.

He could feel that the young man standing in front of him had not seen him before.

He took the threat to heart, and even the words he said at this moment were with the slightest disdain.

Akto had thought a long time ago that one day he might also encounter a quite formidable opponent.

But he never thought that the enemy he encountered would be such a shocking existence as Lin Yun.

"In that case, let me show you my true ability."

"You are already worthy of being happy for being able to put me in such a situation."

I saw Akto raising the knife in his hand high. At this moment, all his strength was concentrated on this knife.

The reason why I distanced myself just now is to have such an opportunity to completely release all the power that has been accumulated in my body for a long time.

At this moment, Lin Yun only saw Akto suddenly inserting a hand into his back.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun saw Akto pull out a bone knife in such a strange posture.

When seeing this scene, Chongqingniao also hurriedly reminded.

"Be careful, this guy is a lunatic."

"I have seen this kind of scene before. Guys like them use this method to cultivate their sword power."

"Generally speaking, they will not use this kind of trick to deal with others easily. After all, the longer they cultivate it, the faster they can break through their realm."

"Unless it's absolutely necessary, like now."

It was also the first time for Lin Yun to see such a terrifying scene.

So I couldn't help but ask more: "So how powerful is this guy? Am I unable to block this sword at all?"

Chongqingniao really wanted to tell Lin Yun that under normal circumstances any practitioner would

Unable to block this blow.

But following Lin Yun all the way here, he had to admit that although this move was indeed very powerful, it really was nothing in front of Lin Yun.

Even more terrifying moves than this were blocked by Lin Yun.

Moreover, Lin Yun has withstood countless challenges over the years, but he is still able to live well.

So Akto's tricks are really nothing.

Thinking about it, even if Akto can survive this battle, the various things that happened here today are enough to break Akto's heart.

There may be no way to rise again in the rest of your life.

"You can rest assured, with your current physical condition, I'm afraid you can easily block this move."

"Although this guy has worked very hard, he has to admit that the gap between him and you is still huge, and you don't need to take this so-called opponent to your heart at all."

The moment Chongqingniao finished speaking, they heard Akto in the distance looking up to the sky and laughing loudly.

"What an idiot. I think you are already dumbfounded, right?"

"I guess it's you bastard practitioners who have no idea what I'm doing."

"I have accumulated hundreds of years of skill with this sword. If I use it on you today, you are very lucky."

Lin Yun could feel that all the spiritual energy around him seemed to have been absorbed by Akto in an instant.

Sure enough, this sword is indeed hundreds of years old, and its skill is indeed very strong.

Lin Yun also believed what Chong Qingniao said. At this moment, he stood there and just watched coldly, without making any other moves.

Lin Yun also wanted to feel it.

This sword is stronger or his physical fitness is more terrifying.

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