Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1456 Causing a Big Disaster

Until the last moment, Akto still didn't understand where he lost.

He was originally confident of winning, but he died inexplicably at the hands of a young man with the level of an emperor.

After doing all this, Lin Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief. It can be said that for Lin Yun, such a result was achieved with great difficulty.

During the entire process, Lin Yun had to be extremely careful to ensure that all plans were under his control.

If there is a mistake in one detail, it may lead to changes in many subsequent situations in this series.

But for now, everything Lin Yun is doing is pretty good.

After the last attack on Akto, Lin Yun immediately gave himself a hard blow.

Then he pretended to be fainted and arrived at the county seat.

As for the treasures on Akto's body, he had already taken them all away.

Even if Prince Shengyang arranges for people to come here in the future, he should not be suspicious of him.

After all, it is certainly unimaginable for the current Prince Shengyang that a young man at the level of an emperor wants to kill a strong man in the creation realm.

Lin Yun's cultivation is real, and his experience is also real.

The only difference is that no one knows that Lin Yun still has many methods that have not been used, let alone the flames of chaos and authority in Lin Yun's hands that make the demon clan crazy.

On the other side, after learning that Lin Yun had been forcibly taken away, Prince Shengyang became furious.

He knew that these guys would definitely not let Lin Yun go, so he arranged for people to protect Lin Yun early.

It's because he knows that this young man is now very concerned about

How important it is to the entire demon clan

No matter what considerations he had, he could not let Lin Yun lose his safety guarantee like this.

But what Prince Shengyang didn't expect was that even though he had made a complete plan, the final result was still very different from what he wanted.

This young man was not only attacked, he was even forcibly abducted at this juncture.

So when he learned that the person he arranged to go there had no effect, of course he was furious, so he immediately contacted King Golden Winged Peng and King Peacock Ming.

These two guys had better pray that Lin Yun doesn't encounter any other troubles during this process.

If he really died like this, Prince Shengyang would never let these two guys go. He would kill all these black sheep even if the energy of the entire demon clan was severely damaged.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful they are, the future demon clan will have no future at all.

At this time, the Golden Winged Peng King and Peacock King Ming who were on the other side were looking at the swaying candle lantern in front of them.

While the two were paying attention, the lamp suddenly seemed to be extinguished instantly by a strong wind.

The expression on King Peacock Ming's face immediately became quite ugly.

At this time, the Golden Winged Peng King did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

"What's going on now? This battle should be over by now. That guy is really annoying. It's been so long, but he still hasn't completed his mission."

"He doesn't really think that we are a bunch of idiots and will believe the nonsense he said before, does he?"

King Jin-winged Peng looked at King Peacock Ming and asked with a smile.

And facing now

It was the Golden-winged Peng King who didn't know anything, and the Peacock Ming King was also angry for the first time.

"You idiot, you've gotten to this point, and you still don't realize that things have changed?"

"All the killers we arranged to go over were killed by that guy. Even a strong man in the Creation Realm died in his hands."

"Now that the Dongchuang incident has occurred, Prince Shengyang will soon know that this incident is related to us."

The Golden Winged Peng King laughed at this time.

"It shouldn't be that easy. After all, we have set up some means for these guys. It is impossible for them to expose our information."

Facing the confident Golden Winged Peng King and Peacock King Ming, he just snorted, saying that he really had nothing to say to this idiot.

This has been explained for a long time, but the Golden Winged Peng King has no idea how serious this situation is.

Even at this time, I naively thought that all my initial ideas were right.

He has never thought about it. If all this changes unexpectedly, how should it be solved in the future?

"I don't care whether you believe it or not, we are on the cusp of this right now."

"It's just not clear whether this kid is alive or what."

After all, King Peacock Ming’s judgment was wrong this time.

At this moment, the news from Prince Shengyang had already reached Prince Peacock Ming. As you can imagine, the two princes were scolded bloody by Prince Shengyang.

Prince Shengyang’s meaning is also very simple. They had better pray to Lin

There's nothing wrong with the cloud.

If this human being really died on their territory, then the war between the demon clan and the Changting Army would heat up again.

And when that time comes, the entire demon clan will be in huge trouble.

Although it seems that the demon tribe has a slight chance of winning now, they must be clear about one thing, that is, during the course of this war, the Changting Army has not yet gone all out.

They only show an extremely subtle part.

But if they really take action, even if the Changting Army will suffer heavy losses, it will be enough to defeat the entire demon clan.

When Prince Peacock Ming got the news, the expression on his face was very complicated. It was the first time that he saw Prince Shengyang look so serious.

But it cannot be seen from this matter that Lin Yun's identity is indeed very special. Otherwise, how could Prince Shengyang handle these matters so carefully?

But until now, he still didn't understand why a small human being deserved so much attention from them.

Is there any other unknown secret that has not been revealed in this matter?

But unfortunately, there is no way to figure out everything now.

"Inform our people immediately. If there are others who have not taken action against Lin Yun, tell them to stop immediately. If you continue to target Lin Yun, I am afraid that both you and I will die."

"Prince Shengyang doesn't seem to be joking this time. He has done this for an outsider. Our plan is still a step too late after all."

Peacock Mingwang bites

He said through gritted teeth.

At this point, he can only continue to give in.

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