Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1462 Who is the Beast Tamer?

When Lin Yun stood here, he immediately felt a powerful aura lingering on his head.

He immediately checked his panel, and sure enough, he was already being targeted by other creatures.

In the past, Lin Yun could always easily deal with the monsters, but the current situation was a little different from before.

The monster that appeared here this time seemed to be able to cooperate with certain people. It looked like there was nothing special about it, but in fact it looked more like it was being coerced and controlled by someone.

It seemed that the overall situation was not much different from what Lin Yun had guessed before.

Even if the place of Eternal Icefield is right next to the Demon Pavilion, it is still an existence that many people are looking forward to. It is easy for no one to be willing to get close to it.

But now something unexpected has happened, which is also unexpected.

Lin Yun had long known that the methods of the Golden-winged Peng King and the Peacock Ming King were definitely not simple, and the things they could do were definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

But Lin Yun didn't expect that they would now create such a huge scene in the Eternal Icefield.

It can be seen that these guys have been disobedient from the very beginning.

But Lin Yun didn't expect that they would move so quickly, and the next situation might be more difficult to deal with than he thought.

But now that he is here, Lin Yun has no reason to regret, and he is not worried about any actual threats these guys can pose to him.

These guys just look strong.

But in fact, since it can be reduced to a tool controlled by others, how powerful can it be? And here

In this battle, Lin Yun was the one who took the initiative.

"Now that we are here and we have received such a warm welcome, the next step must be to be more cautious."

Lin Yun had a faint smile on his face.

Even though he knew that he was now surrounded, he was still able to remain calm and confidently step into the eternal ice field.

The moment Lin Yun walked into this land, he immediately felt the strange movement around him. At the same time, he flashed and quickly reached the air.

The moment Lin Yun flew up, he saw countless threads suddenly popping out of the ground.

And they gathered towards him at an extremely fast speed.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, these monsters have already been controlled. Rather than being murderers, they have become sharp blades in the hands of others. The purpose of their existence is to kill all those who dare to resist them. Get rid of it.”

Lin Yun had a faint smile on his face. Others might still be worried about these things at this moment.

He even thought that it would be difficult to solve these problems with his own abilities, but this was not the case for Lin Yun.

The movements of these sorcery are very fast, and it can be seen that the methods of the people behind them must not be simple.

But he still underestimated Lin Yun's ability after all.

Moreover, as a sword cultivator, Lin Yun's strength was beyond the imagination of ordinary people from all aspects.

Lin Yun sneered, and at the same time, all the spiritual energy around him quickly condensed.

Just when these chains were about to completely control Lin Yun, countless sword energy was released around him.

Immediately afterwards, like an overwhelming force, everything that dared to stand in front of Lin Yun was destroyed by him in an instant.

After finishing all this, Lin Yun only showed a contemptuous smile at this moment.

"Just because you still want to trap me here, you are thinking too much."

"But thinking about it, since you dare to do this, you must have your own abilities, but unfortunately you have offended the wrong person this time, so I will keep it here today."

Lin Yun had no other ideas about these monster beasts that had been completely controlled.

However, this time he did not use the previous methods to deal with these monsters. On the contrary, Lin Yun used another ability of his.

As the saying goes, treat the person in his own way.

Lin Yun knew that these guys could control monsters, but Lin Yun also had his own way of controlling Yu Sheng.

Don't forget, he was originally a beast master.

"These guys are more interesting than I thought."

"Let me see what kind of abilities you have, how dare you act so wildly in front of me."

The moment Lin Yun finished speaking, he felt a powerful energy bursting out from his body. At the same time, everything around him seemed to be firmly grasped by him.

At this time, several practitioners hiding in the forest also looked up at Lin Yun, showing puzzled expressions.

"What is going on? Logically speaking, it would be difficult for this kid to find a way out under the siege of so many monsters."

"But the strange thing is that when he was attacked by so many monsters just now, he didn't panic at all.

You can even take out formations to counterattack. "

These two are very rare beast masters among the demon clan.

With their strength, they should now shine on the frontline battlefield.

However, when King Jin-winged Peng and King Peacock Ming left, they also realized that once they left, they would most likely be robbed directly because of the emptiness behind them.

So the two of them had arranged everything early.

They arranged some strong masters here, hoping to use the strength of these masters to help them maintain the current balance.

Everything in the original plan was achievable, but what they didn't expect was that the final result turned out to be like this.

However, the two beast masters were also stunned.

They knew that it was very likely that someone would come here, but they thought that with their strength, they didn't have to worry about it at all.

When they saw that Lin Yun could kill all these outstanding people so easily, they knew that they had encountered a strong enemy.

This made the other bald man sneer: "Although this kid has some means, he is ultimately destroyed by his own strength. Let's see how capable he is."

The most abundant thing in the Eternal Icefield is monsters. As long as they take action, there will be a steady stream of outstanding people attacking Lin Yun.

They all want to see if Lin Yun is really that powerful and can still survive in such a difficult situation.

At this moment, Lin Yun has already flown into the air, looking at the monsters that have been killed around him, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He knows that those beast masters should be ready to take action now, right?

"Don't take it lightly.

If they can really control some troublesome monsters, it will be a problem."

Chongqingniao was still so cautious.

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