Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1466 Accepting fate is also a kind of wisdom

Lin Yun already knew what these monsters were thinking, so Lin Yun also knew that these guys had no choice.

There was only one way before them, either to cooperate with Lin Yun obediently, or to die at Lin Yun's hands.

Perhaps there are indeed many powerful beings here in the Eternal Icefield.

But at least for now, these people mean nothing to them.

It's beyond our reach, and even if we want to help them, it's too late, so instead of pinning our hopes on these illusory others.

It is better to place hope on yourself, and maybe you can solve many troubles more decisively.

Lin Yun had a faint smile on his lips. For him, all this was a situation that could be reversed easily.

At least after seeing the cruel situation here, these monster clans can understand how to communicate with Lin Yun.

Of course, they can still bow and be as proud as before, but they have to admit that Lin Yun in front of them at this moment is not so easy to fool.

And if you are not careful during this process, you will be doomed.

After a while, Lin Yun saw a young demon clan being recommended by everyone.

At this time, Qin Tianchou was also very worried.

It wouldn't matter if it was just a normal exchange, but the problem was that there was a conflict between them and Lin Yun, and just now Lin Yun had killed many of their companions in an instant.

"Senior is very powerful. We are indeed no match for Senior. We hope that Senior will have a lot of them and can give us a chance to survive."

I saw him walking forward and arching his hands, and then

Then he said to Lin Yun with a smile.

"Of course, in exchange for this chance of survival, I will also tell many of the inside stories that seniors want to know. I just hope that seniors can keep their promises and let me live. That's all."

At this moment, Lin Yun looked down at the monsters in front of him.

"You can rest assured."

Lin Yun's eyes then swept over these people one by one, giving them an indescribable feeling in an instant.

"In the end, I still have to cooperate with the demon clan, and you should be able to see what will happen next."

"Of course you don't have to choose to take sides now, but at the same time you just need to remain neutral. As for the two princes you are afraid of, leave them to me."

Lin Yun looked at the people in front of him and said calmly, and his words should have successfully won the approval of several people.

These demon clans were originally cautious, and they did not know what they would face next.

But what is certain is that Lin Yun's strength is definitely not something they can easily deal with.

I originally thought that I had no actual ability at all in front of Lin Yun.

So he wasn't even sure whether he could really negotiate with Lin Yun.

If something unexpected happens, it will be a situation that he has no way to control now.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Yunyuan was surprisingly easier to talk to than they imagined.

Originally, they were all prepared to have a stalemate with Lin Yun, which could be regarded as gaining some benefits for themselves, but what they didn't expect was that Lin Yun was not as complicated as they thought.

"Your Majesty doesn't seem to care about us

How people will arrange things next. "

Qin Tianchou raised his head to look at Lin Yun. When he said this, there was a hint of surprise in his tone.

It has to be said that the overall situation now is still somewhat different from what Qin Tianchou thought before. Because of this, he even began to wonder if Lin Yun in front of him had other ideas.

In response, he just heard Lin Yun laugh casually.

"In your opinion, I can eliminate so many demon clans with just a raise of my hand. Now, I am naturally a fatal threat to you."

"If that's the idea, I don't think it's necessary. At least for now, I don't have any intention of putting you to death."

"I'm here this time to save people, and also to investigate some things. If you are willing to cooperate, of course it is good."

"Even if you don't want to, don't interfere. Just stand aside and watch quietly. The results will emerge naturally later."

Lin Yun said calmly, and in his tone he didn't seem to care about these people at all.

When Qin Tianchou looked at the man in front of him, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, even though their goal at the beginning was to kill Lin Yun.

But now that he knows how huge the gap between himself and Lin Yun is.

So naturally it is impossible to have unrealistic ideas about spring outing on this issue.

No wonder Lin Yun was so confident before this, because everything before him was so simple.

"Whether it is King Golden Winged Peng or King Peacock Ming, these two princes are very powerful.

, no one can underestimate their ability, even we must be honest and obedient. "

"But this time you ask us to betray these two princes, doesn't it mean that you are pushing us to a dead end?"

Qin Tianchou said cautiously, his meaning at this time was still hoping to get better rewards from Lin Yun.

Although he also knew that there might be some threats, getting some reward was the most important thing to them.

"Do you also know what those two princes were doing in the Eternal Ice Field?"

"Once this matter is found out, you will be beheaded, even you will be unavoidable."

"So by me taking the initiative today, I can more or less give you a way out. As long as you are willing, you can stay out of the matter."

"Of course you can choose to refuse, but the scene is just like those guys just now. Don't expect to get anything good from me anymore. For me, everything is over."

This time Lin Yun did not behave as kindly as before, but after saying these words, there was a chill in his eyes.

These monster clans did have ideas at the beginning.

But they didn't expect Lin Yun's attitude to be so firm. For a while, they really couldn't find any other way to deal with this matter.

Qin Dao: "In this case, we are willing to cooperate with seniors, but we also hope that seniors can give us a chance to choose."

"As for whether we will betray or not, we still don't know, but I can lead the seniors to find that realm."

Qin was also cautious when he said this.

, he understood that now he must do everything possible to cooperate with the man in front of him.

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