Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1604: Greedy snake swallows elephant

This time, the war launched between the Monster Race, Heavenly Court and the Demon Race was too hasty.

No one has even seriously thought about what the war between these three tribes is about?

Is it really just to plunder the resources of the Shenhua Realm?

But judging from the current situation, it doesn't seem to be the case. After all, in the process of their internal fighting, the Shenhua Realm has become stronger.

Now it is no longer the small world where they can be slaughtered at will.

Now even if they want to deal with the Shenhua Realm, they must carefully consider what method they will use.

So who can know what exactly happens in this process?

At the beginning, Lin Yun didn't know much about these things.

However, when his strength increased and he came into contact with the mysterious realm, he finally understood why so many strong people were keen on starting wars.

A world's resources are limited.

Therefore, when a strong man wants to cultivate to a higher level, the consumption of this resource is also quite huge.

The only difference between All Worlds and Blue Star is that Blue Star's resources are non-renewable, and there is no way to maintain balance.

But here it's completely different.

Although the spiritual energy of the entire world has been absorbed by some powerful men, only killing them can feed back more spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

So when some strong people want to break through to a higher level in a very short period of time, their best choice at this time is to kill their opponents.

Of course, there may be no way to achieve this step, so we can only continue to provoke war conflicts. Only in this way can we ensure that we

He is constantly at an advantage.

Lin Yun also didn't expect that the dispute in the upper world could be so simple. No wonder the Celestial Clan had already united the top leaders of the entire Demon Clan to prepare for cooperation.

It looks like the fight between heaven and the demons is at loggerheads. The two sides are already sworn enemies of each other.

Their top management doesn't care about these things at all.

Even the death of those little people could not cause any waves in the eyes of these high-level officials. This is the fact and truth before them.

It would be difficult for anyone to accept it after knowing these things, even Lin Yun.

He originally thought that these wars were just because of different interests and values.

Even though their strength has reached the lofty realm of Heavenly Lord, they are still looking for ways to get closer.

"In these long years, there have been many powerful beings, but there are no people who can truly compete with heaven and earth."

At this time, even Chongqingniao couldn't help but lament that practitioners like them could only make themselves stronger at most.

But it is simply impossible to live forever and live as long as heaven and earth.

Most practitioners are extremely fragile in front of the way of heaven. They may only shine for a moment, and then quickly dissipate.

But now it's all as simple as they thought.

"So these powerful people who have reached the realm of Tianzun still have not thought about retreating. At this moment, the only thought in their hearts is to try every means to reach a higher level."

Lin Yunzai learned the news

When this happened, he was naturally extremely angry. He couldn't imagine how crazy all this was to him.

But even so, Lin Yun can only do his best now. He knows better than anyone else that this seemingly simple problem actually hides too many other possibilities.

"We don't know what these people are trying to do, but now we can stop them from continuing to disrupt the balance of the world."

Changtinghou glanced at it and Lin Yun said lightly.

Even though he has reached the realm of Tianzun, he has never thought of using this method to improve his strength.

Although this method can indeed allow them to improve faster, the negative consequences caused during this period are definitely numerous.

On the other side, in Heaven, Zhang Wendao also received news that Chang Tinghou and Lin Yunjin were planning to join forces to visit Heaven.

If Zhang Wendao could not take this matter seriously before, then it is a different feeling now.

Especially after Lin Yun successfully came out of the Palace of Heavenly Dao, many practitioners were lucky enough to follow him and came out of the Palace of Heavenly Dao alive, but it was very scary that they had no way of leaving the vicinity of the Palace of Heavenly Dao alive.

After all, the Marquis Chang Ting has already set up a dragnet here, and no one can escape from the Marquis Chang Ting.

The final result can be imagined. The spies and various methods arranged by various forces here all failed.

When facing Changting Hou, this group of practitioners had no advantage at all. They couldn't even put up a normal resistance and were directly killed by Changting Hou.

Visible pavilion

How powerful Hou is.

But now Changtinghou and Lin Yun are preparing to unite to see him together.

It seemed like this was nothing, but Zhang Wendao knew this in his heart, and Lin Yun had been hiding from him.

But now I dare to appear in front of him so arrogantly. I'm afraid there is only one reason for this.

"You should understand what will happen next. I called you here just to let you give me an idea on how we should choose next and whether we should really cooperate with these guys. "

Zhang Wendao looked at the strong man in front of him and said calmly.

For Zhang Wendao, a correct choice must be made in this matter, otherwise his life will be in danger. Neither Changting Hou nor Lin Yun seem to be easy to deal with.

At this time, everyone present also fell into silence for a period of time, probably because they were quite curious about the upcoming challenge.

"Is there really nothing you can do? He said that he was really looked down upon by others, but it was a bit funny."

Zhang Wendao looked a little impatient when talking to the people in front of him. He originally thought he could get some clues from these people.

But now it doesn't seem like this, and they don't even have other ideas.

After Zhang Wendao finished speaking, everyone looked at each other. If they really could find some clues or methods, how could they choose to remain silent at this time.

The reason for the silence is because no one knows what to do now. What is Lin Yun's strength? Not to mention that he is just a Changting Marquis.

It's enough of a headache.

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