Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1612: Coercion and Inducement

Marquis Changting knew that Zhang Wendao must still have many doubts in his mind, so there was no way to give an answer in such a short period of time.

But these things can be said to be quite important to them, so they must not allow such a thing to happen no matter what.

"Of course we know what the Emperor of Heaven is thinking in his heart."

"But the situation now is different from before. Now that the situation has reached this point, adults should make changes as soon as possible."

"If we remain unchanged as before, I'm afraid we will be eliminated by this world in a short time."

After Changtinghou finished speaking, he heard Zhang Wendao snort coldly.

"If you make a change, do you know what the consequences will be if you get involved in huge trouble?"

"Aren't all the things that happened in the ancient times enough to warn us that we have to be careful no matter what? These things are all huge disasters for us."

Zhang Wendao was very angry. He knew that he might have no way to control the future course of this matter, but in any case, he did not want this matter to take an unexpected turn.

Everyone looked at Zhang Wendao and fell into silence.

Lin Yun turned around and prepared to leave.

"I have given you a good opportunity. As long as you are willing, you can still cooperate with us and maybe find a way to become stronger. But now that you have made this choice, don't blame me. You are welcome."

"I will cooperate with the demon clan and eliminate all the opposition forces in the upper world. No matter who stands in front of me, I will not hesitate."

For Lin Yun

For me, what I want to conquer will be a wider world. Of course, he also knew that he would have to suffer a lot in the process.

But for now, all the efforts are worth it.

Zhang Wendao watched Lin Yun turn away very calmly, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind. He even wanted to kill Lin Yun at this time. This might be the only chance.

But the remaining reason still told Zhang Wendao not to do this. He knew that since Lin Yun dared to come here, he must have other trump cards.

Otherwise, with the character of this boy, how could he appear here so arrogantly, let alone the Marquis of Changting who is also here.

If he really takes action, Changting Hou is likely to make the Changting Army completely rebel.

The war between the demons and heaven is not over yet.

If any unexpected changes occur at this juncture, everything will be in trouble.

Changtinghou gave it one last try.

"The Emperor of Heaven should seriously think about the feasibility of this matter. As long as we cooperate with each other, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for both of us."

"Of course, it's up to you to decide how to arrange this matter. We just gave you a suggestion."

He also knew that Lin Yun's arrangement this time was very wise, and he had arranged many means in advance during the process.

It can be said that this cooperation is a very good opportunity for them, and seizing it means that they can truly change their own destiny.

But also under the current situation, they may not really be so lucky.

The reason why Lin Yun always behaves so relaxed and calm is because he knows

Now Zhang Wendao can't avoid it.

Although Zhang Wendao had always given Lin Yun a very enigmatic look, in fact, even he himself was very panicked inside.

Zhang Wendao never thought that Lin Yun could join forces with Chang Tinghou and fight all the way here.

There were so many strong men on the road who wanted to stop Lin Yun, but there was no doubt that they were no match for Lin Yun.

Zhang Wendao also thought about taking action personally. After all, it shouldn't be a problem to kill Lin Yun with his Tianzun-level strength, but this would also mean that their reputation in heaven would be dealt an extremely heavy blow.

Not to mention whether Lin Yun would die with him.

Moreover, Zhang Wendao also had some worries. If Lin Yun had other trump cards that were not exposed, it would be very bad for him to lose this battle.

After all, Heavenly Court had no preparations at all. They originally thought that Lin Yun was not very strong. By then, they only needed to separate Lin Yun and Changting Hou, and they could control their every move at will.

But who would have thought that they would do this, but Lin Yun didn't want to take this trick at all. The opponent was too powerful and he fought all the way in.

And now what Lin Yun said has left a considerable impact on Zhang Wendao's heart.

He watched Lin Yun leave, but finally took the initiative to keep Lin Yun.

"You just said that there are some things that cannot be changed."

"I want to know what you are going to do next if we cooperate with you. Just looking at you in this current situation, the current situation between us is not much better."

Anyway, Shenhua Realm

Cooperation with the demon clan is a big trouble for them.

As for the demons, although there is no conflict at the top, the war at the bottom cannot stop.

Under this situation of internal and external troubles, Zhang Wendao really couldn't come up with any better solution.

If these mortals in the Shenhua Realm really dare to attack their heaven, the consequences will be disastrous.

So after some careful consideration, Zhang Wendao decided to adopt Lin Yun's meaning.

What if this cooperation can really bring better returns to both parties, this would be perfect for them.

Lin Yun looked at his serious look, laughed first, and then replied calmly.

"I don't know what the situation in the Shenhua Realm will be like, so if the cooperation can be achieved this time, I will go back to the Shenhua Realm to see the situation there."

Lin Yun is not yet completely sure about the various things happening in the Shenhua Realm. He can only say that he is doing his best during this process and suppressing everything before it happens.

During the time he left, the Shenhua world also underwent earth-shaking changes. If those people hadn't been keeping an eye on it for him, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Zhang Wendao thought for a while and finally nodded.

"We can cooperate with you, as long as the Shenhua Realm can come up with something that is enough to interest us, and I can guarantee that from now on, Heaven will reject anything they do against the Shenhua Realm."

From the initial desire to enslave to the current change of stance and ideas, this proves that the strength of the Shenhua world has become stronger.

Shang Lin Yun's terrifying fighting power.

Even Heavenly Court can only retreat and find other ways to get along with such a neighbor.

Changtinghou finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhang Wendao's words.

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