Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1615: Still the same formula

If it were before, Lin Yun would definitely be curious about the identities of these young people, but now he has seen through everything.

There are many secrets in this world and not all of them need to be figured out by yourself.

He didn't know much about these young people, and he still had many doubts.

But as long as these young people didn't think of doing anything against him, Lin Yun would have no other stress reactions.

During the entire action, Li Renge also kept his previous promise and there was no other movement.

At the beginning, Lin Yun was very satisfied with the result.

But as time passed, he slowly discovered that something was not right. These young people did not take him to the secret realm where the treasure was sealed according to the original route.

Could it be that Zhang Wendao only agreed to his request on the surface, but actually wanted to target him?

This thought flashed through Lin Yun's mind. This possibility is not non-existent.

After all, with Zhang Wendao's character, it is very likely that he would actually do such a thing. In his opinion, this may even be normal.

"This is not the same as the route we marked before. Could it be that some other problem occurred during the process?"

After confirming that the route had indeed changed, Lin Yun had no other ideas and told Li Renge directly.

Li Renge answered with a smile.

"Senior, don't worry, we just found a safer road. Although the previous road was not too difficult, we encountered a lot of harassment on the way."

"In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, we can only choose to change

This way we can reach the secret realm faster. "

For some reason, Lin Yun always felt as if Li Renge couldn't wait to complete all of this. Although he was confused, he didn't say anything more.

As long as these guys do what they say they will do next, that's fine.

In the next few days, Lin Yun did not have much communication with other people.

During this period, many people wanted to hear about Lin Yun's heroic deeds, but for Lin Yun, this was really difficult to do.

After all, Lin Yun had encountered countless weird things along the way. How could these people understand them?

But seeing how excited they were, Lin Yun finally decided to talk to them.

So Lin Yun slowly told all the things that happened to him in the past. At first, these young people didn't believe it.

After all, this bizarre adventure was so crazy, but Lin Yun became more and more excited as he talked about it.

What happened as if it really happened made these young people admire Lin Yun even more.

So, in the next few days, they would always pester Lin Yun to ask about what happened in the past.

After seven full days like this, Lin Yun and others finally arrived at a mountain range.

When Lin Yun came here, he immediately felt a throbbing in his heart.

At the beginning, Lin Yun did not take the situation here seriously. He even thought that what Li Renge told him before was just nonsense. How could this matter be so easy?

Now, when Lin Yun felt this strange energy fluctuation, he immediately realized

I realized that this situation was a completely different concept from what I had thought before.

Unexpectedly, this little guy Li Renge was really not talking nonsense, because when Lin Yun stood on this land, he could clearly feel a powerful surge of energy.

And among this terrifying energy, there is actually a very fierce sword intent mixed in.

In this way, it can be concluded that there are indeed things related to swordsmanship among the treasures sealed here.

This is what Lin Yun needs now. He must collect all kinds of tricks in the world.

Then use this to create a method that can make ordinary people in the entire Shenhua World stronger.

"This is our destination."

Li Renge came to Lin Yun and pointed towards a high mountain in the distance.

But before that, many of us tried to climb the mountain.

However, many people are unable to go up or down when they are halfway up the mountain, and eventually starve to death on it.

This is the scary part of this mountain. Don’t even think about touching your unknown territory before you are fully prepared.

Otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for you.

"There are two entrances to the treasure here. One is to pass the test of the stairs and reach the top of the mountain, and you may be able to enter it."

"And the other one walked slowly into a pothole at the foot of the mountain."

In Li Renge's opinion, Lin Yun's current idea should be to choose to walk in through the pothole like them.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Yun shook his head and prepared to pass the test of this ladder.

"I didn't expect that there would be other places in Heaven's territory.

Such a special place, I naturally wanted to go up and have a good look. "

"But you can rest assured. Since I promised you, I will never break my promise. I will definitely find you in a short time. If there is really no way to get in from above, won't I still have to come in here in the end?"

Although Li Renge was a little worried, he didn't say anything in the end.

He also knew that when Lin Yun made this decision, there was actually no way to reverse it.

Next, let's see what surprises Lin Yun has waiting for them.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, separated from the team and came to the stairs.

He glanced at the backs of several people in the distance, and sure enough, their identities had changed.

"It seems that these guys are really evil, but they really put a lot of effort into catching this big fish like me this time."

"But it's a pity that they forgot one thing after all. They know too little about me."

Lin Yun sneered. He had thought that this might not be normal before, but now that he actually came here, he was even more certain of this.

Everything was arranged in advance. The purpose of these people was very simple, and ultimately they were to kill Lin Yun.

But before that, they were planning to use Lin Yun to seize the treasure here.

It's a pity that this idea is good, but can they really do it?

At least in Lin Yun's opinion, this was difficult.

Not to mention that Lin Yun's current strength is simply beyond what these people can handle.

After all, these guys are too naive, and they naively think that they can succeed with this method.

He also wanted to use Lin Yun to achieve his goals

, and wanted to kill him here.

Where are there so many good things in this world?

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