Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1647 Take the initiative!

After several months of development, the Monster Clan finally stabilized its overall situation, and the Monster Clan and Heaven also signed a non-aggression treaty.

At least until the battle in the lower realm ends, they will definitely not be able to fight again.

Unless the Celestials are completely crazy.

After all, if they really want to fight the demon clan at this time, they will most likely encounter the demon clan and fight for their lives. Even if the gods can finally defeat the demon clan, their vitality will be severely damaged.

But don't forget that there is a demon next to them who has been watching them eagerly.

Two days later, Lin Yun and Guan Yuanming soon arrived at the entrance to the two realms.

Here he saw a large number of demon soldiers slowly entering the Yaoguang Ancient Territory.

This was the first time for these demon soldiers to come to the Yaoguang Ancient Territory, so when they arrived here, the expressions on each of their faces were quite surprising.

Obviously, today's Yaoguang Ancient Territory has some unexpected surprises than they thought.

The leader was a young man. He quickly saw Lin Yun and followed him with three steps at a time.

"I didn't expect to see senior here. I said hello to senior."

Looking at this young man, Lin Yun frowned, as if he was not familiar with this young man.

"A lot of people from the demon tribe came this time."

Lin Yun glanced at the young man's back, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile.

The young man also nodded at this time.

"Originally, the prince was asked to take the order in person this time, but now there are some other matters within the demon clan. There is no way for the prince to arrive in person for the time being, so we can only let the young general

Be the first to lead troops to help the Lord. "

"But don't worry, sir, the prince will arrive at Yaoguang Ancient Territory soon."

Li Baidao looked at Lin Yun carefully. He didn't know if his statement would be recognized by Lin Yun. If Lin Yun doesn't agree, it will be troublesome.

Lin Yun also saw what Li Baidao was thinking, and gently patted him on the shoulder.

"I probably know what the situation is over there with the demon clan, so there's no need to worry. If it takes some time, we can wait."

Now that such a large army has arrived, it is already quite good.

Besides Li Baidao, there were other powerful people following him, but their status was not as high as that of the prince.

But for Lin Yun, this was enough to at least give them a few more moments to breathe when facing the attacks from all over the world.

But now, although the overall situation is turning towards their side.

But Lin Yun still felt in his heart that there would be greater troubles in the future, and he didn't know what kind of opponent was waiting for them.

The others finally breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

"In this way, our combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. Now maybe we can choose to take the initiative to teach these lunatics from all over the world a lesson."

With the addition of such an army, Guan Yuanming is now full of confidence. Maybe they can really reverse the entire situation with this battle.

At this time, Lin Yun also raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"You're right, we have been playing very depressed during this period, but this time

Finally, we can successfully let these guys see how powerful we are. "

The addition of the demon army gave them a glimmer of hope, but no one knew what the final result would be.

At the same time, the world also learned the news that the demon army had joined the Shitian Alliance.

The Titan knows that there is not much time left for him now. If he does not seize the time to resolve this situation, I am afraid that the next thing will become more difficult. For him, this is a completely uncontrollable situation.

"I believe everyone already knows about the situation on the Shitian League's side. Now that they have received the help of an elite force, the overall war situation is now different."

"We may not have much chance of winning in a head-on battle, so I plan to use other methods to contain the power of these guys. If we can break them into pieces in the process, then we will have an absolute chance of winning."

It has to be said that the Titan's attitude at this moment has already explained everything. He will never allow any unexpected changes in the overall form.

Although there was nothing they could do against Lin Yun before, it didn't mean that they could just sit back and wait for death.

Now the Titan Giant has also decisively come up with new methods. He really wants to see if Lin Yun can still resolve all their advantages in this state as usual.

Everyone also showed fanatical eyes. For them, this meant that the following war would become even crazier, and these mortals would pay a heavy price for it.


We can play some tactics with these guys. This way is enough to make these guys understand that we are not so easy to mess with. "

After the Titan finished speaking, he immediately received extremely excited roars from his subordinates.

"Go down and prepare. The war will begin soon, and we want them to know that our tactics are invincible."

The biggest advantage of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races now is that their individual strength is very strong.

If they can cooperate with each other and fight together, they can completely crush the Shitian League to a certain extent.

But what the Titan Giant didn't know was that Lin Yun had already seen through the other party's purpose through the panel at this time.


"Next, I believe that the other party should want to divide all our troops and defeat them one by one."

"So according to my idea, of course it is impossible to follow the other party's purpose. I plan to launch a general attack at this time to let them know that we are not so easy to mess with."

If it were before, Lin Yun would definitely not have such a bold idea, but now he can try it. As long as he launches a general attack, he can make these guys suffer.

After hearing this answer, everyone present was stunned for a while, after all, they had never thought that such a situation would happen before.

The Ten Thousand Worlds Alliance is so powerful that it is still a bit crazy to launch an attack on them directly now, but most people are a little excited behind this madness.

After all, this is a great opportunity to become famous.

If the Ten Thousand Worlds Alliance can be severely damaged this time.

That means that they can win a great opportunity,

so that they can breathe a sigh of relief for a long time afterwards.

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