Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1650 Who leads the way?

Changtinghou knew that there was only one opportunity before him. If he couldn't grasp it this time, it would be too late for anything else to come.

So no matter what the final result is, at least it is absolutely impossible for Chang Tinghou to give up just like that now.

He didn't know who would be sent over next time.

But what Changtinghou can be sure of is that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him. If these problems can be solved smoothly, he may not have to worry as much as before for a long time to come.

"That's right. If they change their generals at this juncture, it will be an excellent opportunity for us to give them a head-on blow before all this starts."

At this time, everyone stood up and expressed their optimism about this matter.

Only Lin Yun still acted extremely calm at this time.

Indeed, such a situation may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them. As long as they grasp it properly, there will be great benefits waiting for them in the future.

"It stands to reason that we can indeed take advantage of the victory now."

"But right now there is no way to divert attention to this matter."

Lin Yun's attitude was also quite firm at this time.

Even if it’s not clear that this will fit the scene later, at least at this moment, I still don’t want to act rashly.

"Even if they change the team, we still need to focus on our own affairs now."

Only the corners of Lin Yun's mouth were slightly raised, and then his eyes shifted to the people in front of him.

"The coalition forces from the upper realm will arrive here soon."

"Although we are here

We gradually gain the upper hand in war after war, but this does not mean that we can sit back and relax. On the contrary, this time it makes us more careful. "

"Rather than attacking them sneakily at this time, I want to know what kind of existence the Alliance of All Realms is?"

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. This was Lin Yun's decision after careful consideration. First, they must understand many things about the heavens and the world.

And this requires investigating where the source of the universe is, and then finding a way to intercept the source, which can save a lot of trouble.

It is also one of Lin Yun's wisest choices now.

After saying this, several people nearby looked at Lin Yun dumbfounded, not knowing what to say at this moment.

"I actually want to directly know the entrance to all the worlds. Doesn't it mean that I can directly block this intersection and I can sit back and relax."

"If we can really achieve this step, it would be a good thing, saving us the need to continue fighting."

Everyone looked at each other in shock, but in their hearts they still somewhat agreed with Lin Yun's current decision.

I have to say that this may be the best choice before them. Once successful, there will be many benefits in the future.

But as long as you think about it carefully, you will know that this matter is definitely not as easy as it sounds. At least now they should be able to realize how terrible the problem is.

Changtinghou said at this time: "It's good to know our opponents."

"But for such a long time, we have learned about various clues about the universe

There are never many, so it can be seen that the other party deliberately prevents us from accessing these messages. "

"So now you are trying to capture clues about the world through other means, which itself is somewhat difficult."

He looked at Lin Yun, and at this moment his opinions were somewhat different from Lin Yun's.

Changting Hou certainly knew what Lin Yun wanted to do next, but he knew very well that it was definitely not that simple.

And even if you are involved in this problem, it is the same. You must deal with it carefully and never be careless.

"I also know exactly what I am doing, so my views on this issue are different from everyone else's."

Lin Yun looked at Marquis Changting, and then continued unhurriedly.

"The heavens and the world are indeed mysterious, but as long as we can send some powerful people here, we can still investigate clearly."

"If it doesn't work, you can leave the matter here to Guan Yuanming and let me finish it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked shocked.

Guan Yuanming also hurriedly stood up to stop Lin Yun at this critical moment. He could not let Lin Yun continue to mess around like this, lest he get into big trouble.

"Master, this matter must not be arranged like this. If we really want you to carry out this task, I'm afraid there will be even greater trouble waiting for us."

The current war situation is anxious, and the pressure on them is already extremely huge.

Now we must shorten the time span of this war as much as possible.

At the same time, the Yaoguang Ancient Territory must also become stronger, but no matter what, these are inseparable.

Lin Yun's contribution to this.

If he really wants to go and investigate the world as Lin Yun said, he doesn't know how long it will take.

By the time Lin Yun comes back, I'm afraid the world will have already been destroyed.

"No matter what the situation was before, at least now we can never let you take this risk."

Guan Yuanming's attitude was also very firm. He knew that Lin Yun liked to do this kind of thing, but no matter what, he had to stop him today.

"Unless there are some uncontrollable situations, we will never let things get so out of control under any situation we can choose."

"Master, you can completely give up your previous boring thoughts. Now in this battle, you must follow us. No matter what, you must not have any thoughts of leaving this place."

Lin Yun looked at Guan Yuanming. Until now, Guan Yuanming was not joking with him, although he did not think about the consequences of what he just said.

But for Lin Yun, he is more willing to find his own solutions to this series of problems.

"Having said so much, I just want to know ourselves and the other side so that we can win every battle. After all, it is not easy for us to win this war."

"But since everyone here has such a firm attitude, it's obviously hard for me to say anything more on this issue. In that case, let's act according to everyone's ideas."

Lin Yun was not a fool. After learning the cause and effect of the incident, he certainly understood what the people here were thinking.

For Lin Yun at this moment, these are

, it is no longer so important.

Among so many people, who should be sent to investigate clues about the universe?

The moment this thought flashed through Lin Yun's mind, he heard footsteps coming from outside.

Then the four heavenly kings walked in slowly, and the moment they appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

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