This was the first time Lin Yun had seen such a weird thing.

It stands to reason that if there is resentment in a city, there must be traces of it, but this is the first time he has seen this situation, and he can't help but feel curious.

At this time, Lin Yun took a look at the panel and found nothing unusual.

"Since you can't see anything special on the ground, why not go to the sky and have a look."

Lin Yun muttered, and then took off into the air. The moment he took off, he immediately felt a surge of power.

At that moment, Lin Yun felt as if someone had grabbed his legs and feet, unable to move at all and his body began to sink uncontrollably.

What's even more frightening is that the opponent's strength is very strong, and ordinary people will not be his opponent at all.

Lin Yun waved his hand, and the energy in his body surged out quickly.

After a while, this feeling of being constrained disappeared.

But unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Before Lin Yun could breathe a sigh of relief, he immediately felt that the surrounding air began to become thicker, and he felt more like he had fallen into a swamp.

Is the other party really worried that he will find something from high altitude?

So at this time, they would try every means to prevent them from discussing. If this was the case, it would be impossible for their plan to succeed now.

Lin Yun thought this in his heart, and then without any hesitation, he took off again at an extremely fast speed.

No matter what is controlling him.

Anyway, the current situation is not a bad thing for him, and his own strength is strong enough, no one can stop him.

Qin Xiyan could also notice it

There was always a mysterious force targeting Lin Yun, but unfortunately, his own abilities were still inferior, so in the end, Lin Yun easily broke through.

At this moment, Lin Yun stood in the air, overlooking the ancient city below.

"I think there must have been other practitioners who had the same idea as me before. This is because not everyone can get rid of such a heavy siege."

Lin Yun murmured in a low voice. At that moment, even he couldn't help feeling that this ancient city seemed to have some kind of will.

This weird feeling made him even more convinced that this place was probably related to the entrance to the God Realm.

But now they still can't investigate all the information about this place.

"What did you find? I can feel that there seems to be some force that has been paying attention to us."

"This weird feeling is very scary."

Qin Xiyan shouted loudly at Lin Yun's feet, but Lin Yun did not answer her at this time, but looked at the ancient city at his feet.

But when he looked down from here, Lin Yun still didn't think there was anything special about this ancient city.

"It's really strange. No matter from which angle you look at it, this ancient city seems very ordinary."

"So what's going on with the legends that have been going on for so many years? Do I really think things are too complicated?"

Lin Yun murmured quietly, feeling even more incredible about this situation.

At this moment, Chong Qingniao reminded him.

"What we see with the naked eye may not be real. Maybe it's just something others want us to see."

After Chong Qingniao's reminder, Lin Yun instantly woke up.

Did you say that?

Wrong, although his own strength is strong enough, ordinary people cannot deal with his terrifying consciousness.

But this does not mean that everything Lin Yun saw was real.

Lin Yun quickly closed his eyes, and then quickly attacked with his spiritual consciousness.

Sure enough, just as he had guessed, when his spiritual consciousness touched the vicinity of the ancient city, he immediately felt the existence of a mysterious barrier.

It is precisely because of the existence of this mysterious barrier that Lin Yun cannot detect anything going on here.

But at this time, Lin Yun naturally couldn't let all this continue to be buried.

I only heard Lin Yun snort coldly: "You are a small skill, but you dare to do everything in front of me."

"Break it for me."

At that moment, a crisp sound sounded, and then the scene of the ancient city in front of him seemed to have undergone a huge deflection.

At this time, Lin Yun finally understood why the mysterious force prevented him from taking off, because only here could he figure out what was going on here.

The entire ancient city is like a huge formation.

The location in the southwest corner of the ancient city is the core of this formation's suppression.

The terrifying resentment is also released from this place.

When Lin Yun fell from the sky, Qin Xiyan immediately gathered around him.

"Looking at the way you looked just now, you must have found something. Tell me what it is."

Lin Yun glanced at Qin Xiyan, and then said calmly.

"This is a huge cage, but now I'm not sure what is trapped here."

"Maybe it will be a clue about the entrance to the divine world, or it may not have any connection, but in any case, both

However, when you come, you always have to investigate the matter clearly before talking about anything else. "

The corners of Lin Yun's mouth raised slightly, and then he strode forward without thinking.

Qin Xiyan followed behind him.

"If this is the case, it can be explained clearly. This is because something is suppressed here, so he will release the overwhelming resentment, which is enough to cause a terrifying curse effect."

"It's just that this suppressing thing can actually have such a powerful ability, which is enough to show that his ability should be very extraordinary. We should be more cautious in the process of communicating with him."

Now Qin Xiyan is also a person who has seen the storms, so she didn't feel scared at this time, but she was more and more looking forward to what kind of surprises would be waiting for them next.

And Lin Yun nodded calmly, with a solemn look in his eyes.

"No matter what these guys are capable of, it is certain that they can't escape from my hands now. Since I found them, they should be prepared to be caught."

Lin Yun's strength is here. When he fell to the ground, the magic circle was already opened around him.

Now let alone others can't get in here, the things here can't escape from here at all. Lin Yun really wants to see who is secretly spying on him.

A tall building in the southwest corner is Lin Yun's target this time.

He and Qin Xiyan came here soon.

When standing at the foot of this tall building, Lin Yun couldn't help but sigh that this place looked ordinary, as if it was completely different from what he had imagined.

But even such an ordinary-looking tall building was actually constantly releasing overwhelming resentment.

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