Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1658: Breaking the Restriction

It looks more like some kind of ancient altar, with extremely old items placed around it.

When Lin Yun stood here, he could feel that everything around him must be old.

It's just that it's still unclear who the owner of this place is, who was able to create such a special world.

Even though Lin Yun was standing here, he could still feel the vague pressure lingering in his heart. This feeling was still quite strong.

He didn't know exactly where his opponent came from, but he was able to bring such a strong impact to himself, so it was obvious that the opponent's ability was not simple.

But at this time, Lin Yun still maintained the same calmness as before.

"It's not difficult to tell from the various clues here. Now we should have successfully solved the mystery."

"The next thing to do is to put yourself in a proactive position in this process as much as possible."

The altar in front of me must have some kind of effect, maybe it suppresses the existence of that thing.

And this suppressed guy was able to release his powerful resentment through this altar. This alone shows how extraordinary he is.

You might actually be a little worried before doing this.

But now Lin Yun is of a completely different nature.

It can be seen from Lin Yun's eyes that he already has a general understanding of the situation here.

Naturally, you can be sure that these guys in front of you are even less likely to be your opponents.

"Since you can sense my existence and release your resentment, you will be considered to be quite spiritual in the future."

"In this case, there is no need for any more

Hidden thoughts. "

"It's better for us to speak openly and see how this matter can be resolved."

Lin Yun did not approach in a hurry, but directly enveloped the opponent with his powerful spiritual consciousness at this moment.

But it is a pity that even after some time passed, Lin Yun still could not get any response.

He now also began to doubt whether the news he had received before was true.

You can obviously feel the fluctuations of resentment, but at this time there is no way to get a response from the other party.

Even Qin Xiyan questioned what was happening in front of her.

Could it be that their previous judgment about this place was wrong? In fact, what they saw in front of them was not as simple as they thought.

Only Lin Yun remained calm at this moment. He looked around as if he wanted to find something unusual here.

From Lin Yun's point of view, this matter is naturally not as simple as he thought before.

"Since we can detect the other party's existence, it means that there is indeed a certain fluctuation of consciousness."

"But we tried several times but never got any response."

"Then there is only one possibility. This should be some kind of very spiritual object. After a long period of progress, a certain degree of spiritual intelligence was finally born."

"But it's just that Spiritual Intelligence has just been born, so there's no way to actively communicate with us. It's no wonder that it can't respond to our questions at this time."

This is also the only explanation in this situation.

But even so, Lin Yun still doesn't know what he should do next, just based on some of the information he currently has.

, these guys should be more difficult to deal with than I thought.

"It doesn't matter. Since we have made this preparation, we must deal with various changes that may occur at any time."

Qin Xiyan was still a little nervous, but Lin Yun slowly relaxed at this moment and slowly leaned forward.

As Lin Yun gradually approached the altar, he could feel a surge of resentment rushing directly towards him.

It was like a wave that almost crushed Lin Yun's consciousness.

At the same time, Lin Yun also felt an ancient aura here. Maybe things were exactly as he suspected. The person sealed here was definitely not a simple character.

There must be other reasons why he became like this.

"Maybe it's the same as I guessed before. This is just one of the entrance fragments. If this is how things are explained, then everything is very reasonable."

As the saying goes, it takes no effort to find something after breaking through iron shoes. I have tried many efforts before, but to no avail.

Unexpectedly, he had just arrived in the ancient city, and he actually found the fragments of the entrance to the God Realm.

In this way, the following things will naturally become simpler. Anyway, for Lin Yun, this is not a difficult task at the moment.

Qin Xiyan and Lin Yun approached the altar at the same time, and at the same time, the powerful power in their bodies was continuously released.

"Since we want to get this fragment, we must use our spiritual consciousness to forcibly suppress the other party. The divine consciousness combined with you and me can completely do it. The next step is to use our original power to weave a big net, and completely Trap the opponent."

Lin Yun had already made up his mind at this time to get this fragment in his hands no matter what.

As for whether others will stop Lin Yun at this time, it has nothing to do with him.

Anyway, with Lin Yun's current strength, it is difficult for ordinary opponents to catch his eye, and even if he does make a move, he can still deal with it with full confidence.

At least in the Yaoguang Ancient Territory, it is difficult to find anyone who can be Lin Yun's opponent. Even those who are powerful at the level of Tianzun are not even close to being successful.

At this moment, Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan took action together. Naturally, the altar could not withstand the effort in a short time.

The resentment released by this altar was forcibly suppressed.

At the same time, the surging energy was also forcibly dissipated.

After doing all this, Lin Yun breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the overall plan was still as expected, and there was no chance of anything unexpected happening.

The next step is to see what other troubles they will encounter in the future.

"The energy of this altar is probably just that, so you and I don't need to worry too much."

Lin Yun raised the corners of his mouth slightly and glanced at Qin Xiyan in front of him.

Although this altar has the power to resist, it is simply unable to do so in a short period of time.

On the other hand, Lin Yun also used more powerful force to directly break through these many defenses at this time.

Lin Yun is also observing the changes on his own panel. From the current point of view, all plans are going very smoothly, and there is no possibility of any unexpected situation happening.

But even so, he did not dare to take it lightly.

At this moment, there was no letup at all and a steady stream of energy was injected into it. The altar looked at

I can't hold on for much longer.

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