"In these days, the Shitian Alliance has been retreating continuously."

"We estimate that the Shitian Alliance's combat effectiveness has already reached its extreme, and there is no way to continue fighting with us. But what do you mean by the information you gave me now?"

"According to your statement, Shitian League has been hiding its strength and has never fought us head-on?"

When Genji looked at his men and said this, his tone was very unpleasant, and at the same time, there was a murderous look in his eyes.

In just a few months, they had given back all the advantages they had previously gained.

Not only that, it also caused them huge losses.

This is the biggest defeat that Genji has suffered since he took control of the entire Wanjie Alliance's army.

"General, we have resisted very hard, but we never thought that the fighting power of the Shitian Alliance would be so strong now."

"The combined strength of these people is beyond our imagination, and it seems that other forces were also involved in the process."

This time Lin Yun wanted to give everyone a chance to leave, so he had already prepared for the worst before taking action. Of course he knew how powerful the power of the universe was.

And Lin Yun had already given a huge surprise to all the armies in the world.

The outcome of the war was as expected by Lin Yun, but now Genji couldn't accept this outcome.

"These damn guys actually dare to attack us. It seems they don't know what they are doing."

"I don't care what the situation was before, but next time

I don't want to hear any more about our failures. If it happens, I will personally lead the army to make these guys suffer. "

Genji is a very proud man. After all, he has conquered several worlds before, and it can be said that he destroyed them effortlessly.

Therefore, even when facing the Yaoguang Ancient Territory, Genji Ming did not think that this world could resist for long, and no world was qualified to fall at his feet in front of him.

The previous worlds were like this, and the current Yaoguang Ancient Territory can only be like this.

Hearing Genji say this, several of his subordinates finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If they continue to rule the army, they really don't know how to fight this battle.

The opponents are more mysterious than they imagined, and the abilities of these opponents are beyond their understanding.

Now that Minamoto is taking charge of the war personally, they only need to act according to Minamoto's ideas, and they don't have to take the blame anymore.

The famous Genji general saw the thoughts of these people, but did not say much. In his opinion, only he could control the situation of the war, so winning the war was inevitable.

"What a bunch of trash. Facing a small Yaoguang Ancient Realm, they can't even mention it. It's really going to make people laugh."

"This time, let me take action personally and let you see what the art of war is."

Genji Ming is very confident in himself. He even believes that he can severely damage Shitian League's offensive with very simple means.

But when the war really started, Genji realized why they had done it before

Lose the war.

Because during the battle, they and Lin Yun were not on the same level at all.

I originally thought that all of my ideas were beyond ordinary people's imagination, but in fact they were not.

Lin Yun had been able to calculate these thoughts in Ming Genji's mind a long time ago and change them. Now, Ming Genji had no means to face these problems.

When Genji Ming made various ambushes in advance, Lin Yun was always able to see through his thoughts and solve the problem.

Lin Yun was simply a god in using his troops.

In this war, all of Genji Ming's schemes were completely seen through.

In just one month, Genji Ming was still like everyone else, losing again and again.

In this incident, it can be said that Genji Ming was completely desperate. He never thought that one day he would end up like this.

The morale of the Shitian League is high.

Not to mention, nearly one-third of the population has moved to the Dantian Star Sea recently, and they also praise the living environment of the Dantian Star Sea.

Just the benefits they bring on the battlefield are already very exciting.

Now they have not only taken back their original homeland, but have even advanced into the areas controlled by all the worlds. If they continue at this rate, it won't be long before they can completely recover it.

How can this make them not excited? After all, they were losers before this, and they never thought that they would be able to reverse the situation one day.

Only Lin Yun acted very calmly during this process. After all,

He had already seen through it a long time ago. The function of this panel was still too perfect.

Faced with the problem that Lin Yun can see through everyone's fate, no matter how powerful Genji is, it will not help at all.

"My master is worthy of being an absolute top warrior. The army led by you is invincible. Now it has completely crushed the resistance of all the worlds."

Guan Yuanming stood next to Lin Yun and said from the bottom of his heart.

But Lin Yun shook his head: "Although we have the initiative in the current war situation, there is still no way to defeat the myriad worlds."

After seeing the result of such a victory, some people will naively think that they will continue to be so smooth.

But Lin Yun knows that this situation is impossible. The power of the myriad worlds is very huge. Even if he kills all the living forces in the Yaoguang Ancient Domain, it is probably difficult to win the final victory in this war.

Not to mention that those top worlds have not appeared here yet, which is one of the reasons why Lin Yun chose another path.

So many ancient strongmen can only think of splitting the entire Yaoguang Ancient Domain to cut off the connection with the myriad worlds.

And what other good ideas does Lin Yun have? The only idea is to transfer all the people to his Dantian Star Sea World.

And now it seems that this idea is very wise. This not only makes Lin Yun's strength stronger, but also makes the myriad worlds have no benefits to seek.

"There will be a massive head-on decisive battle next."

"We should be prepared for the decisive battle in advance, and after that I will also talk to the top leaders of these guys."

Lin Yun said calmly, still making up his mind.

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